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Tux, Mimi's Boston Terrier


Welcome to the Tux Shop - black tie not required. I'm so glad you came to visit. Just in case you were wondering, I am Mimi's star attraction.

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Since I am a Boston Terrier, I am always dressed in formal attire. I live in Montgomery, Alabama with Mimi and two kitty sisters, Oreo and Smudge. I was born on May 29, 1997 and came to live with Mimi on June 27, 1997 when I was only four weeks old. My AKC registered name is "Sherrill's Girl Tuxedo" but please just call me Tux. Mimi says that if she had known how much I would mean to her she would have called me Joy.

I am a real people puppy. I just love people -- big ones, little ones, I don't care. I use my paws like they were people hands to hold my toys or treats. I'm a little bit embarrassed to admit it, but I'm a blanket sucker. Mimi thinks I'm so cute when I get sleepy and go get my blankie.

I'm very smart. You just wouldn't believe how well I have trained Mimi. She can open doors, take me places in the car, and reach the food. As just a little puppy I caught on to what my kitty sisters were using that box for and I litter box trained myself, although I do prefer to go outside.

You should see me run through the house. I go so fast - when I'm on the carpet. But when I get to the kitchen floor I have to slow way down since there is no traction. I look like I'm tiptoeing across the floor. Mimi finds this very funny to watch.

I love to go to the parks for long walks. I especially like the park where the ducks and geese live. When we walk out on the piers, I become very apprehensive though. If I look down between the cracks in the boards and see the water moving I don't understand why there is motion under my feet. I quickly retreat to the solid ground.

I am a very friendly dog. I have never met a person I didn't like. It amazes me and Mimi how many people act as if they are afraid of me - I'm such a little love bug. I just don't get it.

I am a VERY big Boston Terrier -- 38 pounds. Weighing that much it is no secret that I love to eat. Dog food, cat food, people food -- I'm not picky. I even like bugs, dirt and lizards. Maybe Mimi should have called me Kirby, Hoover, or Eureka. I'm very sensitive about my weight, just like many girls are. But I don't smoke, drink, gamble, or cuss. I don't even have a boyfriend. So, please, give me a break.

Toys, toys, toys. I have so many toys. My kitty sisters have a lot of toys, too, but somehow their toys end up being mine. Any toy that hits the floor magically becomes a puppy toy even if it has catnip. If Mimi is spending too much time on the 'puter I just go sit and bark at the stash of new toys until she comes to get me one. She says I am such a mess.

I've learned a lot about Mimi. I know that the alarm clock and certain shoes mean that she will be leaving soon and I will be napping a lot. But if there is no annoying alarm and Mimi is barefoot or wearing sneakers this will be a fun day with only a few naps - I wouldn't want to miss out on anything.

If Smudge, AKA Bad Cat, is up to something she shouldn't be I will tattle on her. I know which toys are inside toys which ones are outside toys. I have learned many names of people, my kitty sisters, toys and treats. I know all the right things to do to get a treat. Mimi thinks I am too smart.

Wait! Don't go! There's more!
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BowWow Meeow!

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Tux, Mimi's Boston TerrierTux, page 2Tux, page3
Mimi's Calendar Girl TUX Miss March 2000Happy 4th Birthday, Tux! (2001)Happy 5th Birthday, Tux! (2002)
Tux's Kitty SistersOreoSmudgeBeachy
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