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Somewhere Over the Rainbow

Beachy 1989 - 1997

Although Beachy had been gone for a couple of months before we arrived on the scene, she still needs to be included. Beachy was very special to Mimi.

Poor little Beachy. As a young kitten she had accidentally been locked in a motel room for an entire week. What a surprise it was when Mimi checked in and there was a hungry, sick kitten on the bed. Mimi tried to find the kitten's owner, but to no avail. So Beachy left the white sandy beaches of Florida's Emerald Coast and came to Montgomery.

Beachy was always quick to give sugar, you know, the typical cat sandpaper licks. But when Mimi would return from working all day, Beachy had her own special way of showing how much she missed Mimi. Nose nudging. She loved to rub noses.

Beachy was very unique in many ways, but she did have one trait that Mimi had never witnessed before. Beachy loved to fetch and retrieve. Anything that was small enough and light enough to fit in her mouth, like a ball of aluminum foil or yarn or even candy wrappers, would become an endless source of entertainment. Beachy would fetch the tossed object and return it, drop it at Mimi's feet, and anxiously await the next toss. Amazing!

Beachy was an unusually affectionate cat. Although she was a housecat, she was allowed to go outside when Mimi was at home to watch her. Beachy would never wander off -- home was always in clear view. When Mimi called her, she would come running. If Mimi was outside in the yard, Beachy would follow her around like a little puppy dog. Beachy was truly one of a kind. May you rest in peace, Beachy.

Rainbow Bridge
The Story

		Beachy was a Florida cat
		I brought her home and that was that.
		She was so tiny, weak and frail
		She needed loving care to make her well.

		The vet could not find what was wrong
		He said her days would not be long
		Three nights of labored breathing passed
		I was afraid each breath would be her last.

		I held her gently to my chest
		And whispered "Beachy, you're the best.
		My sweet precious angel sent from above
		Stay with me and I will give you love."

		As time went on Beachy grew stronger
		And finally I knew she would be here longer.
		The vet was shocked and quite amazed
		He said TLC can go a long way.

		Eight years we shared, living together
		Beachy was a cat like no other.
		Her color was called tortoiseshell
		She could capture your heart like a magic spell.

		Just like a dog she would come when called.
		When it came to playing fetch she was totally enthralled.
		Some said she thought she had gone to heaven
		What with all the attention she was given.

		Beachy gave me love, without measure
		For that her memory I will always treasure.
		In my heart there's still a place
		For my sweet Beachy's kitty face.

		Thinking fond memories I can't resist
		Her comforting presence I still miss.
		A faithful, close and loving companion
		Beachy is gone, but not forgotten.

                poem written by Mimi 7/25/1999

A loved one is not gone until they are forgotten, And to live on in the hearts of those left behind is to live forever.

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