Camping and Remote Fishing Trip Reports


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Henry Coe State Park

Henry Coe Park: 29Feb04 Frog Pond and Upper Camp
Henry Coe Park: 12Mar04 Coit Lake
Henry Coe Park: 26Apr04 Mustang Pond, Paradise Lake and Jackrabbit Lake
Henry Coe Park: 01Oct04 Mississippi Lake
Henry Coe Park: 09Oct04 Frog Pond
Henry Coe Park: 29Jan05 Redfern Pond
Henry Coe Park: 12Feb05 Rodeo Pond, Tule Pond and Wasno Pond
Henry Coe Park: 27Feb05 Redfern Pond
Henry Coe Park: 12Mar05 Coit Lake
Henry Coe Park: 17Jun06 Redfern Pond

Desolation Wilderness

Desolation Wilderness: 20Jun04 Barret Lake, Lawrence Lake and Top Lake
Desolation Wilderness: 12Sep04 Cup Lake

Last updated: 04/03/05
Copyright 2005, Greg Miller