Henry Coe Park: Redfern Pond

Email: sixmhz@yahoo.com

Link back to my camping and remote fishing Homepage
Trip Mileage: approximately 10 miles

I started out from Hunting Hollow entrance on an sunny January morning. Not too far down the main road I came across a large pack of wild turkeys, must have be 40 of them. Kept on going down the flat road until Wagon Road starts to head up the hill, craming all the elevation gain into one steep lunge. I saw a few deer along this road and came to crisp Redfern Pond that is set on the top of a ridge. I saw fish about the edges of the pond, but no luck pitching lures at them. I caught a few grasshoppers and was able to quickly catch several bluegills and a few bass on them. On the way back to the car, I stopped by Fish Pond which doesn't seem to have a fish in it. I found the track of a mountain lion (I think) imprinted in the mud up on the damn. It was a nice trip, going to bring the fly-rod next time.

Last updated: 04/01/05
Copyright 2005, Greg Miller