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Expressions of Poetry

Merry meet to all who travel this path. My name is Talia and here you will find my personal poetic expressions. Please realize these works come from my heart and are my original works.They are the words by which I soar and the keys to my heart. If you would like to use them please e-mail me using the link at the bottom of this page. I hope you enjoy your stay and come back to visit soon.

Love and Light


Crumbled Walls

In times of space yet suffocation
of growing though you are dying
With quiet contemplation
idly you watch
as doors close within your life
Solitude will follow
as you sort through pain filled memories
glad the hurtful times are over
yet scared of the unknown
Prolonging that which has ended
remembering how long it has been gone
Faded with words and actions
which are never taken back
but caused the walls to crumble
where once a stately castle
The prince has now become the toad
the princess cold and lonely
As you push away the rubble
to rediscover all that you once gave
from deep within your heart
for a love that is no more

Copyright 2000

Old Ways

With kinship to the mother earth
and hunger felt as darkness falls
I sit and stare upon the moon
with all its wondrous strength
A stirring deep inside my soul
an ember I have always known
emerges from its sleep
With earth, air, fire, and water
the spirit hence comes forth
I move through a portal
which has long awaited me
I wake beneath the suns bright light
from lying with the earth
and feel the air upon my skin
I warm myself beside the fire
after a swim in the replenishing waters
Walking alone as a solitaire
yet knowing my brethren are there
I choose to live the old ways making them new again

Copyright 2000

Moon Beams

Beneath the moon I lay
surrounded by her energies
soaking up her sacred thoughts
a small step on my path
She talks with quiet whispers
of the wonders she does hold
protecting me along the way
as each new thought unfolds
I find within her mysteries
infinite things of old
the smallest gift she gives to me
I lovingly partake
for I know I have been blessed
by my Goddess the Silver Crone
immersed within her moon beams
the steps I do behold
I walk amongst the stars to her
to once again be whole

Copyright 2000

Darkened Moon

by the darkened moon I walk
a path grown stark and lone
A solitary single path
that leads through the unknown
Visions float about me
of the realms which I pass through
and night winds whisper to me
'ere the many things to come
The trees begin to talk
as I walk amongst their branches
Aged with wisdom and the knowledge
of which I seek so many nights
Too long I must not ponder here
for the path moves steadily on
just as it seems to overake me
My mind and body lust for more
The knowing of the Lord and Lady
from four directions come
with guidance and pure light
I move within this timeless space
knowing I am once again at home

Copyright 2000


Within his fires I walk
purified by the flames
Cernunnos he has been called
though he has many names
My God within is life and death
from birth unto the end
everlasting to the souls
who dance for him within
He guides unto the dark forest
with his armour he stands bold
amongst the trees he calls to me
tis you I have come to know
I welcome him with open mind
a free and willing spirit
I ask him deep into my soul
He is there by daylight also
the great and golden sun
aware as my path grows
Keeper of the firelight
master of the flames
my God is ever present
to aide me should I call
in the wind I feel him touch me
in the air I breath him in
in the trees I walk amongst him
he has patiently awaited me
from the days of old
my God from the beginning of time
he shall be unto summer land

Copyright 2000

Links to my other pages

Dragon Magick
A Little About Me
Talia's Wiccan Realm
Awards and Web Rings
Angels Among Us
Expressions of Poetry 2
Expressions of Poetry 3
Expressions of Poetry 4
Expressions of Poetry 5