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   O     P


Hahn, Emily, 1905-1997.

Halberstam, David
Pulitzer Prize-winner

Hale, Kenneth C., 1934-2001.
MIT linguist

Haley, Alex, 1921-1992.
author of "Roots"

Hall, John L.
B.A., Johns Hopkins University
J. D., U. of San Diego School of Law
Asst. D.A., Chester Co., 1984-88
spouse: Lisa
partner, Unruh, Turner, Burke & Frees, PC
West Chester, PA

Hall, Robert A., Jr.
Cornell linguist

Hamilton, Virginia, 1936-2002.
Afro-American children's author

Hamp, Eric
Eric Pratt Hamp is Robert Maynard Hutchins Distinguished Service Professor Emeritus of Linguistics, Psychology, Slavic Languages, and the Ancient Mediterranean World at the University of Chicago; Research Associate in the School of Celtic Studies, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies; in the Department of Albanian Language, University of Shkoder; member of the Committee for the Scottish Gaelic Linguistic Atlas, of the International Committees for Study of Celtic Cultures, for the Atlas Linguarum Europe, and for English Braille Linguistics; project linguist, Braille Research Center; advisory editor Journal of Indo-European Studies, Etudes celtiques, and Random House Unabridged Dictionary; He was also a research grantee in Breton dialects and a recipient of the Derek Allen Prize for publications in Celtic Studies, British Academy.

Han, Carolyn
children's literature

Han, Qing
math, U. of Notre Dame

Han, Suyin, 1917-    (Rosalie Chou)
Born Chou Kuanghu (the Moon Guest) vel Elisabeth Rosalie Matthilde Clare Chou
also known as Dr. Elisabeth Comber.

Han, Yong-Sheng
math, Auburn University

Hanner, Robert Mitchell, d. 2003.  (age: 67)

Hao, Yen-Ping, 1934-
Academician, Academica Sinica

Hartshorne, Charles, 1897-2000

Hatch, George C., Jr.
B.A.,Yale, 1959
PhD, U of Washington, 1972
Washington U. in St. Louis
Box 1062, One Brookings Dr.,
St. Louis, MO 63130
ACLU grant, Taiwan, 1974-75

Hau, Lene
Harvard physicist
MacArthur Fellow, 2001
Harvard Crimson
Harvard Gazette

Haus, Hermann Anton, d. 2003.
MIT researcher
U.S. Medal of Science, 1995


Hawking, Stephen William, 1942-
Lucasian Prof. of Mathematics, Cambridge University
Fellow, The Royal Society
Member, US National Academy of Sciences

Hayek, Friedrich, 1899-1992.
1974 Nobel Prize for Economics

Hayworth, Rita, 1918-1987.
Hollywood legend
died of Alzheimer's Disease

Hearn, Lafcadio
    x  Koizumi, Yakumo

Hennessy, John.
computer scientist, Stanford president

Henry, Joseph, 1797-1878.
widely considered the foremost American scientist of the 19th century
from Smithsonian Institution: Joseph Henry Papers Project

Herr, Robert Woodmansee

Herriot, James, 1916-1995.
Scottish-born James Alfred Wight was a veterinarian-turned bestselling author

Herriot, John G. "Jack," 1916-2003.
professor emeritus of computer science, Stanford University

Herrnstein, Richard J.
author of The Bell Curve with Charles Murray

Herskowitz, Ira, 1946 or 1947-2003.  (age 56)
top geneticist

Heyerdahl, Thor, 1914-2002.
world-renowned Norwegian explorer

Hilgard, Ernest R., 1904-2001
Stanford psychologist

Hill, Christopher, 1912-2003.
Marxist historian of English Civil War

Hirschfeld, Al, 1903-2003.
king of caricature; Albert Hirschfeld

Hitchcock, Alfred, 1899-1980.
a master of suspense

Ho, Minfong, 1951-

Ho, Ping-ti, 1917-
professor, U. of Chicago
Academician, Academica Sinica

Hobsbawm, Eric.

Hochachka, Peter William, 1937-2002.
Canadian zoologist
obituary, Nature, 14 November 2002, p.140

Hockett, Charles F., 1916-2000
Cornell linguist

Hoff, Ted, 1937-
Marcian Edward "Ted" Hoff, Jr.
developer of microprocessor
B. S. (EE), Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, 1958
M.S. (EE), Stanford, 1959
Ph.D.(EE), Stanford, 1962

Hofstadter, Robert, 1915-1990.
Stanford physicist; 1961 Nobel Prize winner

Holmes, Frederic Lawrence, 1932-2003.
science historian, Yale School of Medicine

Hongyi, Buddhist Master,   see
      Li, Shutong, 1880-1942.

Hopson, James .
University of Chicago

Horgan, Paul, 1903-1995.
Novelist; biographer; historian; recipient, Pulitzer Prize

Horn, Robert, 1916-2002.
constitutional law scholar at Stanford

Howard, H. Taylor, 1932-2002.
Henry Taylor Howard, professor emeritus at Stanford
father of the home satellite dish

Howe, Irving, 1920-1993.
social and literary critic
author of World of Our Fathers
City College '40; founding editor of Dissent Magazine, Distinguished Professor of Literature, City University of New York

Hrabal, Bohumil, 1914-1997.
Czech novelist
fell to his death while feeding pigeons from a hospital window

Hsia, Chih Tsing, 1921-
younger brother of Tsi-an Hsia (1916-1965)
C. T. Hsia
Professor Emeritus of Chinese, Columbia

Hsia, Po-Chia, 1955-
Academician, Academica Sinica

Hsia, Tsi-an, 1916-1965.
older brother of Chih-Tsing Hsia

Hsiang, Wu-Chung, 1935-
Academician, Academica Sinica (Taiwan)

Hsiang, Wu-Yi

Hsiao, Cheng, 1943-
Academician, Academica Sinica

Hsieh, Winston Wen-Sung
PhD, Harvard
U. of Missouri-St. Louis

Hsu, Cho-Yun, 1930-     twin brother of Yih-Yun Hsu
professor emeritus of history, U. of Pittsburgh
member, Academica Sinica

Hsu, Francis L. K.

Hsu, Frank H.
see Shu, Frank H.
son of Shien-Siu Shu
(pronounced Hsu Hsia-shen)

Hsu, Fu-kuan, 1903-1980.
granddaughter: Madeline Hsu, Professor of Asian American Studies, San Francisco State University
A Chronology of Hsu Fu-kuan's Works (II) .............Li Han-chi

Hsu, Kai-yu, 1922-

Hsu, Madeline
    granddaughter of Hsu Fu-kuan
    Professor of Asian American Studies, San Francisco State University

Hsu, Shien-Siu, 1912-2001
see Shu, Shien-Siu, 1912-2001.
father of Frank H. Shu

Hsu, Yih-Yun, 1930-     twin brother of Cho-Yun Hsu
Transport Processes in Boiling and Two-Phase Systems Including Near-Critical Fluids by Yih-Yun Hsu and Robert W. Graham
McGraw-Hill Companies, 1976.

Hu, Sheng-Cheng, 1940-
Academician, Academica Sinica

Hu, Sze-Tsen, 1914-1999.
     Academician, Academia Sinica

Hua, Loo-keng, 1910-1985.
China's father of modern mathematics

Huang, Chun-chieh, 1946-
professor of history, NTU

Huang, Hsiang-Ping
(female) mathematician

Huang, Kerson, 1928-2001.
PhD student: Eisenberg, Judah Moshe, 1938-1998.
with wife Rosemary (Verducci) Huang, I Ching (1987)
interview with C. N. Yang on statistical mechanics (July 29, 2000)
Taida colloquium poster

Huang, Ray, 1918-2000.
Huang Ren

Huang, Shuan-fan
Shuanfan Huang, linguist

Huang, Yunte
professor of English, Harvard

Hughes, Langston, 1902-1967.
noted writer about Negro life
the "O. Henry of Harlem"
Lincoln University graduate

Hughes, Vernon Willard, 1921-2003.
Yale physicist (a subatomic specialist)

Huntley, George H., 1905-2001.

Huo, T. C.

Hurst, G. Cameron, III
Professor of Japanese and Korean Studies, Penn

Hwang, David Henry, 1957-

Ing, Nancy Chang

Inoue, Yasushi, 1907-1991.

Irving, John, 1942-
an unofficial homepage
The World According to Garp (1978)
The Cider House Rules (1985)

Ishii, Maki, 1936-2003.
Japanese composer

Jakobson, Roman

Jamison, Kay Redfield
MacArthur Fellow, 2001
Professor of psychiatrist at Johns Hopkins

Jamison, Philip, 1925-
painter from West Chester, PA

Jan, Lily Yeh, 1947-
(Yeh Kung-su)
NAS, 1996
Academica Sinica (Taiwan, 1998)
husband-wife team, UC San Francisco

Jan, Yuh Nung, 1946-
(Jan: Zhang Tien-you; Yuh: fu-yuh; Nung; agriculture)
NAS, 1996
Academica Sinica (Taiwan, 1998)
husband-wife team, UC San Francisco

Janeway, Charles Alderson, Jr., 1943-2003.
Yale professor of immunobiology

Jansen, Marius Berthus, 1922-2000.
prof. Japanese history at Princeton

Jaques, Elliott, 1917-2003.
scientist who coined the phrase 'midlife crisis'

Jen, Gish, 1956-
A Chinese-American writer from Harvard
Strauss Living Award

Jespersen, Otto.

Jiang, Zehan, 1902-1994.

Jiang, Zemin, 1926-
President of PRC from 1997-2002.
His father-in-law, Li Xiannian, who served as president from 1983 to 1988.

Jin, Deborah S.
physicist at NIST and U. of Colorado
Deborah Shiu-Lan Jin
PhD, Princeton, 1990; PhD, Chicago, 1995

Jin, Ha

Jin, Yong.
see Cha, Louis

Johnson, D. Gale (David Gale), 1916-2003.
expert in farm economics

Johnson, Philip

Jones, Norah, 1979-
jazz singer; won eight Grammy Awards in 2003
daughter of Ravi Shankar and Sue Jones

Jung, Carl Gustav, 1875-1961.
founder of analytic psychology

Jung, Felix

Kahlo, Frida, 1907-1954.

Kane, Joseph Nathan, 1899-2002.
author of Famous First Facts

Kanter, Rosabeth Moss.

Karlgren, Bernhard, 1889-1978.

Karsh, Yousuf, 1908-2002.
Canadian photographer

Katz, Sir Bernard, 1911-2003.
Nobel laureate in physiology or medicine, 1970

Kawabata, Yasunari
Japanese novelist; Nobel Prize winner

Kawashima Watkins, Yoko

Kazazis, Kostas, 1934-2002.
linguist at U. of Chicago

Kazin, Alfred, 1915-1998.
literary critic

Keene, Donald.
'42 Columbia College; '50 GSAS Columbia

Keillor, Garrison
writer of  Lake Wobegan

Kemeny, John G., 1926-1993.
John George Kemeny
co-deveoper of BASIC language with Thomas E. Kurtz
at Dartmouth College in 1964

Kempton, Murray, 1917-1997.
New York journalist
born in Philadelphia, grew up in Baltimore
Pulitzer Prize, 1985

Kennedy, George Alexander, 1901-1960.
George A. Kennedy
Yale sinologist responsible for Yale romanization system
John DeFrancis' teacher at Yale

Kidder, Tracy, 1945-
Pulitzer Prize-winning author of The Soul of a New Machine

Kildall, Gary, 1942-1994
CP/M (Control Program for Microcomputers)

King, Ambrose Y. C., 1935-
(Chin Yao-chi)
Academica Sinica (Taiwan)

King, B. B., 1925-
Blues Boy King; King of the Blues
born Riley B. King

Kinsley, Michael
Rhodes Scholar (?)

Klein, Richard Barry, 1938-2003.
Professor of Spanish; Rotarian
Managing the high school foreign language department : a handbook for teachers and administrators / Richard B. Klein, Sam L. Slick, [editors].
Lincolnwood, Ill. : National Textbook Company, c1996.
xxvi, 258 p. ; 23 cm

Klein, Richard G., 1941-
the Anne T. and Robert M. Bass Professor in the School of Humanities and Sciences, Stanford University
NAS, 2003

Kloppenberg, James
   professor of history, Harvard

Knowles, Jeremy R., 1935-
biochemist; former Dean, Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Harvard University

Knudsen, Eric I.

Knuth, Donald E., 1938-
Stanford, computer programming pioneer
no email address

Koizumi, Yakumo
   see Hearn, Lafcadio

Konner, Melvin J.
Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Anthropology and Associate Professor of Psychiatry and Neurology at Emory University.

Koo, Anthony Y. C., 1918-
Academician, Academica Sinica

Kosinski, Jerzy, 1933-1991.
Polish-American novelist; committed suicide

Krauskopf, Konrad B., 1910-2003.
a pioneer in geochemistry at Stanford

Krupnick, Mark, 1939-2003.
scholar of Jewish intellectual life
U of Chicago

Ku, Yu-hsiu, 1902-2002.
professor emeritus, Penn, EE

Kuh, Ernet S., 1928-
(Ker so-jen) Academica Sinica

Kuhn, Thomas (Samuel), 1922-1996.
influential history of science professor at MIT
The Structure of Scientific RevoIutions (scientific advancement was
revolutionary -- not evolutionary --- and occurred when one scientific
paradigm displaced another)
winner of the George Sarton Medal in the History of Science
cf.  Sarton, George, 1884-1956.

Kunitz, Stanley, 1905-2003.
Stanley Jasspon Kunitz
poet laureate of the U.S.

Kuo, Sung-fen, 1938-
see Guo, Songfen, 1938-

Kurosawa, Akira, 1910-1998.
Japanese movie director, Rashomon

Kurtz, Thomas E., 1928-
co-deveoper of BASIC language with John G. Kemeny
at Dartmouth College in 1964

Kurutz, Denis Lawrence.   -2003.  (age 61)
landscape architect of "Getty" fame

Kwan, Michelle, 1980-
figure skater

Kwan, Nancy, 1939-
The World of Suzie Wong (1960)
The Flower Drum Song (1961)

Labov, William, 1927-
NAS; AAAS; linguist at Penn
B.A Harvard 1948;  Ph.D. Columbia 1964.

LaFleur, William R.
Professor of Japanese Studies, Penn

Lai, Larissa, 1967-
activist and writer

Lai, Edward M. C.

Lai, Michael M. C.
father of coronavirus research

Lai, Yung-Hsiang
library science; John Yung-Hsiang Lai

Lam, Bun-Ching, 1954-
(female; born in Macao) composer
Guggenheim Fellow, 2002

L'Amour, Louis, 1908-1988.
chronicler of the West

Landahl, Karen, 1951-2003.
linguist, U. of Chicago

Landers, Ann, 1918-2002.
columnist;  a Jewish mother
Esther "Eppie" Friedman Lederer
twin sister Pauline "Dear Abby" Friedman

Lane, Frederick S.

Lang, Shi-Ning, 1688-1766.
Giuseppe Castiglione,
Italian Jesuit missionary and Chinese horse painter

Lao, Kan, 1907-
Academician, Academica Sinica

Lardner, Ring, 1885-1933.
baseball writer and short-story writer
a bibliography

Lardner, Ring, 1915-2000.
Ring Lardner, Jr.
from Lardnermania

LaRusso, Louis, II,  d. 2003. (at 67)

Lash, Jennifer, 1938-1993.
called Jini Lash
died of breast cancer
mother of actor Ralph Fiennes

Latham, Aaron
Texas-born writer
wife: Lesley Stahl, CBS correspondent

Lattimore, David
missionary in China
professor at Dartmouth College

Lattimore, David, 1931-
Professor of Chinese Language and Literature and of Comparative Literature, Department of East Asian Studies, Brown University. Translator of The Harmony of the World: Chinese Poems.

David Lattimore, retired Professor of East Asian Studies and Comparative Literature at Brown University, has devoted himself over many years to translations of and commentaries on the works of the Chinese lyric poet Du Fu (712-770). He is the author of Harmony of the World, an anthology of Chinese verse from the beginning to Mao Tse-tung. He and Rodney Dennis were classmates at the Putney School from 1945-1948.

Lattimore, Deborah Nourse
author and illustrator of children's literature

Lattimore, Eleanor Frances, 1904-1986.
daughter of David and Margaret Lattimore, who educated their five children at home in China
author and illustrator of children's literature

Lattimore, Owen, 1900-1989.
son of David and Margaret Lattimore, missionaries in China;
brother of poet Richmond Lattimore;
American sinologist; diplomat, scholar and traveler in Mongolia
director of Hopkins's Walter Hines Page School of International Relations;  "Seeing Red";
Freedom of Information Act file
victim of Joe McCarthy

Lattimore, Richmond (Alexander), 1906-1984.
born in China; poet; brother of Owen Lattimore
professor of Greek Literature at Bryn Mawr College

Lau, Cheryl, 1944-
Nevada's secretary of state's first Asian American
to hold elected office at the executive level, and the
woman who made an unsuccessful bid to become the
first Asian American woman to be elected a state governor

Lau, Joseph S. M.

Lau, Lawrence J., 1944-
Academician, Academica Sinica

Lavender, David Sievert, 1910-2003.
chronicler of the American West

Lawrence, Jacob, 1917-2000.
Afro-American artist

Laxalt, Robert, 1923-2001.
Nevada writer

Laxness, Halldor, 1902-1998.
Iceland's most famous man of letter; Nobel Prize for Literature, 1955

Leakey, Louis, 1903-1972.
     Louis Seymour Bazett Leakey

Leakey, Louise N., 1972-
     first-born daughter of Richard and Meave Leakey

Leakey, Mary, 1913-1996.
     wife of Louis Leakey

Leakey, Meave E., 1942-
      mother of Louise Leakey

Leakey, Richard, 1944-
     second son of Mary and Louis Leakey

Lee, Ang, 1954-
film director from Taiwan

Lee, Bill Lann

Lee, Cherylene
fourth-generation Chinese-American writer

Lee, Chin-An Arnold

Lee, Henry C., 1938-
forensic scientist

Lee, Hwa-Wei
Director emeritus, Ohio University
personal webpage

Lee, Johann S.

Lee, Leo Ou-fan, 1939-
Academician, Academica Sinica
  (gives date as 1941- )

Lee, Lillian

Lee, Ming-Liang
Johns Hopkins University

Lee, Patrick A., 1946-
pronounced in Chinese Lee Ya-Dah
Member, National Academy of Sciences
Member, American Academy of Arts and Sciences
Member, Academia Sinica (Taiwan)

Lee, Ru-Ying.
Full algebras of operator fields trivial except at one point.
[Philadelphia], 1972.
xi, 136 l. 29 cm.
PhD, Penn

Lee, Yuan-Chuan.
a biochemist
Professor of Biology,  Johns Hopkins University
elder brother of Yuan Tseh Lee

Lee, Yuan Tseh,  1936-
Nobel (chemistry), 1986
President, Academica Sinica (Taiwan)

Leng, Shao Chuan, 1921-2000.
Professor emeritus, U. of Virginia
son-in-law of Chen Cheng (former Vice-President of ROC)
Leng (cold), Shao (Shao-hsin wine), Chuan (Chuan hsu pu)

Leong, Russell (Charles)

Leontief, Wassily, 1906-1999.
Nobel Prize winner in economics
Wassily W. Leontief

Leung, Nai-Chung
math, U. of Minnesota

Levitt, Michael

Lew, Walter K.

Lewalski, Barbara Kiefer

Li, Chin-An Arnold

Li, Choh Hao, 1913-1987.  brother of Choh-Ming Li
Chinese-American biochemist noted for hormone research

Li, Choh-Ming, 1912-1991. brother of Choh Hao Li
distinguished economist
UC Berkeley professor emeritus
Chancellor, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Li, Jun.
math, Stanford

Li, Ma-Dou 1552-1610.
    x Ricci, Matteo  (S.J.)

Li, Paul Jen-Kuei

Li, Peng, 1928-
Premier of PRC, 1988-1998.
adopted son of Zhou Enlai
born in Chengdu, Sichuan

Li, Shutong, 1880-1942.
Buddhist Master Hongyi

Li, Siguang.
China's founder of geomechanics

Li, Tien-yi, 1915-2000.
professor emeritus, Ohio State University

Li, Tze-chung, 1927-
Richard Tze-chung Li
Tze-chung Li, Ph.D.
Professor and Dean Emeritus, Dominican University
President, LLD Group, Inc.
P.O. Box 444, Oak Park, IL 60303, USA
Tel.: 708-848-2235
Fax: 708-848-2537

Li, Wen-Ching Winnie
math, Penn State

Li, Wen-Hsiung, 1942-
molecular evolution
George Beadle Professor, University of Chicago
Academia Sinica (Taiwan)

Li, Yu-ning
(pronounced Li Yo-ning)
St. John's University

Liang, Heng, 1954-
with Judith Shapiro
Sons of the Revolution
Cold Winds, Warm Winds
After the Nightmare

Liang, Qichao, 1873-1929.

Liao, Chi-Chun, 1902-1976.
Taiwanese artist

Liao, Shiou-ping, 1936-
Taiwanese artist

Lightfoot, David

Lilley, James.
Yale '51
Former US Ambassador to China
former diplomatic representative to Taiwan

Lim, Shirley Geok-Lin, 1944-
Lin Yu-Ling
UC, Santa Barbara

Lim-Hing, Sharon

Lin, Carol.
tv journalist (at CNN)

Lin, Chia-Chiao
     MIT math
     Academician, Academia Sinica

Lin, Douglas N. C.
UC Santa Cruz

Lin, Fang-Hua
(sometimes Fanghua or FangHua Lin)
math, NYU

Lin, Hai-yin, 1918-2001.
husband: Her Fan (Hsia Chen-ying) or Xia Chengying (He Fan)
born in Osaka, Japan to Taiwanese parents
Lin Haiyin
the 12-volume Collected Works of Lin Hai-yin.
From Out of Old Beijing -- A Biography of Lin Hai-yin, penned by Lin's daughter and author Hsia Tsu-li, is the most complete source of information on Lin's life and works

Lin, Julia C.

Lin, Maya, 1959-
Maya Ying Lin
architect, Vietnam Memorial
B.A., Yale, 1981
M.A., Yale, 1986
grandfather: Lin Chang-min
aunt: Lin Huiyin, wife of Liang Sicheng (Liang Qichao's son)

Lin, Nan, 1938-
(Nan: Tainan)
Professor of Sociology, Duke
Member, Academica Sinica (Taiwan)

Lin, Phyllis Lan
PhD, sociology

Lin, Shu, 1852-1924.
Lin Ch'in-nan; translator
Lin Shu's Story-retelling as shown in his Chinese Translation of La Dame aux camelias
whose Chinese renderings of such classic English authors as Dickens, Rider Haggard, and Conan Doyle, were very influential. Later, commercial pressures led this fiction away from its original serious and didactic concerns to the more popular, escapist world of the so-called ¡¥Mandarin Duck and Butterfly¡¦ school, which, though soon stigmatized as low class, retained a wide readership up to the Japanese war.

Lin, Tung-Yen, 1912-
structural engineer

Lin, Yao-fu

Lin, Yu-sheng, 1934-
Academician, Academica Sinica

Lin, Yutang, 1895-1976.

Linde, Andrei, 1948-
Stanford professor (theoretical physics), cosmologist

Lindgren, Astrid, 1907-2002.
Swedish children's writer
creator of Pipi Longstocking

Ling, Trevor Oswald, 1920-1995.
Buddhism scholar

Link, Arthur Stanley, 1920 or 1921-1998.
age 77
preeminent Princeton scholar on Woodrow Wilson
spent 35 years editing his papers (69 volumes)

Linney, Laura, 1964-

Linney, Romulus, 1930-

Liu, Ben-Chieh, 1938-

Liu, Catherine

Liu, Chiwei, 1911-2002.
known as Max Liu

Liu, Eric, 1968-
author of The Accidental Asian (1998)
Yale College; Harvard Law School
cousin of Dr. Robert Liu (Stanford, physics)

Liu, Haisu, 1896-1994.

Liu, James J. Y.
The Art of Chinese Poetry
Chinese Theories of Literature

Liu, James T. C.

Liu, Kefeng, 1965-
math, UCLA
PhD, Harvard, 1993 (under Shing-Tung Yau)
Guggenheim Fellow, 2002

Liu, Kwang-Ching, 1921-
Harvard historian

Liu, Lydia H.
Lydia He Liu, associate prof., UC Berkeley

Liu, Max Chiwei, 1911-2002.
Taiwan's explorer and artist

Liu, Timothy

Liu, Ts'ui-Jung, 1941-
Academician, Academica Sinica

Liu, Ts'un-yan
Australian National University

Liu, Zai-fu, 1941-

Lomax, Alan, 1915-2002.
preserver of folk music

Long, Franklin A. (Asbury), 1910-1999.
Cornell University emeritus professor of chemistry

Long, Russell Billiu, 1918-2003.
senator who influenced tax laws
son of Huey P. Long, the legendary populist known as
Kingfish and subject of Robert Penn Warren's Pulitzer Prize-winning
novel, All the King's Men

Loo, Jay
of Lansdale, Pennyslvania
nom de guerre: Thian-hok Li

Lowell, Amy

Lowell, Percival, 1855-1916.
American astronomer

Lowell, Robert
poet; Kenyon Collge

Lu, Shuxiang, 1904-1998.
linguist at Tsinghua

Lu, Xun, 1881-1936.
Chinese novelist

Lubetzky, Seymour, 1898-2003.
cataloging theorist

Lukas, J. Anthony, 1933-1997.
two-time Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist

Lurie, Alison, 1926-
Cornell professor; writer

Lwoff, Andre,  1902-1994.
Nobel Prize-winner in Medicine and Physiology, 1965

Lyall, Gavin, 1932-2003.
British journalist and novelist

Ma, Tso-Ping
Yale Professor of Electrical Engineering

Mailer, Norman, 1923-

Mair, Victor H., 1943-

Malamud, Bernard, 1914-1986.
Jewish-American novelist; Pulitzer Prize

Malmqvist, Goran, 1924-
(Ma Yue-ran)

Mansbridge, Jane J.
Harvard Kennedy School political scientist

Mansfield, Edwin, 1930-1997.
scholar of economics and technological changes
University of Pennsylvania

Manuel, Frank, 1910-2003.
student of Utopian ideas

Mao, Dun, 1896-1981.

Mao, Ho-Kwang, 1941-

Mao, Nathan K.
Shippensburg Univ. of PA

Mao, Yisheng, 1896-1989.
founder of Modern Bridge Engineering

Mao, Zedong.

Marshall, Thurgood, 1908-1993.
US Supreme Court Justice

Masako, Crown Princess, 1963-
Masako Owada

Maslow, William H., 1908-1970.

Mauldin, Bill, 1921-2003.
WWII's greatest cartoonist;  Willie & Joe

Maxwell, William, 1908-2000.

May, Elaine, 1932-
screen writer

May, Elaine Tyler.

May, Georges, 1920-2003.
Yale scholar of French liteature

Maynard, Joyce
Yale coed who had a fling with J. D. Salinger

Mazur, Barry Charles, 1937-
Harvard mathematician

McAllister, Wayne, 1907-2000.
West-Coast architect of low-slung hotels, drive-in theaters, and fast-food restaurants that catered to America's car culture.  Las Vegas Strip

McCawley, James D., 1938-1999.

McCrone, Walter C., 1916-2002.
father of modern microscopy

McCullough, David, 1933-
Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer
John Adams
B.A., Yale, 1955

McCunn, Ruthanne Lum, 1946-
Eurasian (Chinese) journalist

McGregor, Douglas, 1906-1964.

McGuire, William
Yale ?

McKellen, Sir Ian, 1939-
as Gandalf in the Lord of the Ring

McLaughlin, David W.
NAS 2002 (math)
the Courant Institute

McNally, Raymond T., 1931-2002.
a scholar; Dracula researcher

McPherson, James Alan, 1943-
African-American short-story writer
Pulitzer Prize winner

McPherson, James M., 1936-
George Henry Davis '86 Professor of American History
Princeton University
Pulitzer Prize winner

Mei, Chiang Chung, 1935-
Academician, Academica Sinica

Mei, Kuang.

Mei, Tsu-Lin, 1933-
Academician, Academica Sinica
Hu Shih Professor of Chinese Philosophy and Philology, Cornell University

Meier, August, 1923-2003.
expert on African-American history

Meier, Richard, 1934-      architect
      Cornell '57
      Pritzker Prize winner

Melville, Herman, 1819-1891.
American novelist; Moby Dick

Mendeleev, Dmitri Ivanovich, 1834-1907.
periodic table
Dmitry Mendeleyev

Merton, Robert C., 1944-
Nobel Prize in Economics winner, 1997

Merton, Robert King, 1910-2003.
sociologist; father of  the focus group
born in Philadelphia

Michaels, Leonard, 1933-2003.
novelist who wrote "The Men's Club."

Mifune, Toshiro, 1920-1997.
charismatic, rugged actor in Japanese epic films
official website
Oscar-winning Rashomon, The Seven Samurai,and Yojimbo.
16-film collaboration with director Akira Kurosawa

Miller, Arthur

Miller, Henry

Miller, Merton H., 1923-2000.
Nobel Prize winner in economics

Min, Anchee, 1957-
Chinese writer
Red Azalea

Minford, John

Mink, Patsy, 1927-2002.
first Asian-American woman elected to Congress
first Asian-American elected to Congress:
        Dalip Singh Saund (from India)
Patsy Takemoto Mink  (obit)

Munoz, Juan, 1953-2001.
Spanish sculptor

Mitchner, Morton, 1926-2002.
Stanford professor emeritus of mechanical engineering

Mitford, Jessica

Mitford, Nancy

Mockbee, Samuel "Sambo", 1944-2001.
architect, professor at Auburn University
MacArthur Fellow
Bryant homes (Alberta Bryant)
ceates home for the poor that are cheap, practical -- and
unconventionally beautiful
Time, Oct. 2, 2000

Moffat, Tracey, 1960-
Australian photographer

Mohammad, Elijah, 1897-1975.
Black Muslim Leader

Momaday, Natachee Scott, 1913-
American Indian writer; mother of N. (Navaree) Scott Momaday

Momaday, N. Scott, 1934-
Pulitzer Prize-winning novelist  (American Indian writer)
M.A., PhD, Stanford
Regents Professor of English at the U. of Arizona

Monro, John Usher, 1912-2002.
Harvard dean and champion of the disadvantaged

Moore, Brian, 1921-1999.
Belfast-born author
special collections at U. of Calgary

Moore, Henry

Moore, Julianne, 1960-
real name: Julie Smith
movie actress

Morgan, Julia, 1872-1957.
architect, The Hearst Castle

Morgan, William, d. 1994.  age 88

Mori, Ogai, 1862-1922.
Japanese novelist and army physician

Morris, Willie, 1934-1999.
writer from Mississippi
Phi Beta Kappa
Rhodes Scholar

Mou, Zongsan, 1909-1995.
  x Mou Tsung-san
   Chinese philosopher

Moulton, William G., 1907-2000.

Moyers, Bill, 1934-
PBS journalist

Moynihan, Daniel Patrick, 1927-2003.
former US Senator from New York
Harvard sociologist who wrote "Beyond the
Melting Pot" with Nathan Glaser

Murdoch, Iris, 1919-1999.
Novelist and philosopher

Murrow, Edward (Egburt) Roscoe, 1908-1965.
CBS broadcaster

Myrdal, Alva, 1902-1986.

Myrdal, Gunnar, 1898-1987.
shared the 1974 Nobel Prize for Economics
with F. A. Hayek

Myrdal Bok, Sissela
daughter of Alva and Gunnar Myrdal
wife of Dr. Derek Bok, Harvard President

Naipaul, V. S.
Nobel Prize for literature, 2001

Natsume, Soseki, 1867-1916.
the Charles Dickens of Japan

Nee, Victor G.
Cornell professor of sociology
married to Brett de Bary, daughter of W. Theodore de Bary

Needham, Joseph

Neisser, Ulrich.
cognitive psychologist (IQ), Cornell

Nelkin, Dorothy Wolfers, 1933-2003.
NYU sociologist; an expert on society and science
B.A. (philosophy), Cornell

Newman, Katherine S., 1953-
professor of anthropology
Radcliffe's dean of social science, Harvard University

Ngo, Haing S., 1940-1996.
physician-turned actor from Cambodia;
won the Oscar's best supporting actor in The Killing Fields
Haing Ngo: a Cambodian odyssey

Nieh, Hua-ling, 1925-

Nienhauser, William H., Jr.
PhD, Indiana University
Halls-Bascom Professor of Chinese Literature
University of Wisconsin-Madison

Nisbett, Richard E.
NAS 2002 (psychology)

Nix, William D.
Stanford professor of engineering
NAS, 2003

Nixon, Richard Milhous, 1913-1994.
37th President of the United States

Nordhaus, William D.
Yale Sterling Professor of Economics

North, Robert C., 1914-2002.
Stanford prof. of political science

Nunberg, Geoffrey
Stanford linguist; NPR's Fresh Air (selected pieces)

Ogata, Sadako, 1927-
United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Ohno, Susumu, 1928-2000.

Oppenheimer, J. Robert, 1904-1967.
Nobel Prize winner in physics
NAS memoir by Hans A. Bethe (Cornell Univ.; Nobel laureate)

Osheroff, Doug.
Nobel Prize in physics, 1996
Stanford professor

Oteiza, Jorge, 1908-2003.
Spanish sculptor

Ou-yang, Tzu, 1939-

Ouyang, Zi, 1939-
real name Hong Zhihui

Oxtoby, David W.
President, Pomona College

Pa, Chin, 1904-

Paglia, Camille, 1947-

Pai, Hsien-Yung, 1937-

Pais, Abraham, 1919-2000.
physicist and science historian

Palandri, Angela Jung
Jung-Palandri, Angela C. Y.

Palumbo-Liu, David
professor of comparative literature, Stanford

Parini, Jay, 1948-

Park, Linda Sue.
children's author
2002 Newbery Award winner

Parker, Robert B., 1932-
bestselling novelist;
a series (30+ novels) featuring a Boston PI, Spenser
The Spensarium
from BookReporter
from NoExit Press
PhD, 1971

Passin, Herbert, 1916-2003.
scholar on Japan

Pasternak, Boris, 1890-1960.
author of Doctor Zhivago
Nobel Prize winner, 1958.

Patterson, Annabel M.
Yale Sterling Professor of English

Patterson, James.
bestselling novelist

Pauley, Jane (TVjournalist)
married to Garry Trudeau, comic strip Doonsbury creator
and Yale alumnus

Paz, Octavio, 1914-1998.
Mexico's prolific man of letters and Nobel Prize winner
(hybrid heritage: part Spanish, part Indian)

Perry, John R.
Stanford professor of philosophy

Peng, Ming-min, 1923-
Taiwanese independence movement leader

Percy, Walker, 1916-1990.
writer from Mississippi

Perry, Elizabeth J.
Director, Harvard Fairbank Center

Peters, Paul Evan, 1947-1996.
founding director of Coalition of Networked Information;  a tribute to Paul Evan Peters

Petry, Ann, 1908-1997.
African-American novelist

Piaget, Jean, 1896-1980.
Jean Piaget Society

Pian, Rulan Chao, 1922-
Academician, Academica Sinica (Taiwan)
father: Yuen Ren Chao

Picasso, Pablo, 1881-1973

Pike, Kenneth Lee, 1912-2000.
linguist; Summer Institute of Linguistics

Pinker, Steven
MIT linguist

Pinsky, Robert

Place, Ullin Thomas., 1924-2000.
British philosopher with interest in psychology and linguistics
wife: Peggy Place

Pollard, David E., 1937-
Chinese specialist on Lu Xun and Zhou Zuoren

Ponsot, Marie, 1921-

Potok, Chaim, 1929-2002.
author of the novel The Chosen

Potter, Simeon.
linguist; Professor of English at the U. of Liverpool

Pousette-Dart, Nathaniel J., 1886-1965.   father

Pousette-Dart, Richard, 1916-1992.
son;  an early Abstract expressionist
painter, sculptor, photographer

Price, Leah, 1970-
rising star at Harvard

Pusey, Nathan
Harvard President

Pyle, Ernie, 1900-1945.
war correspondent