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Thursday, 1 January 2004
Stay at Home Dad Handbook
Topic: Stay at-Home Dad Handbook
Independent Publishers Group New Page 1

  The Stay-at-Home Dad Handbook by Peter Baylies -  Chicago Review Press


Read What's Inside


Straight from the readers of the At-Home Dad Newsletter,  author  Peter Baylies puts together a guide  for other stay-at-home dads, this handbook addresses the particular parenting issues men face when they become the primary caregivers. This "man-friendly" resource offers practical solutions to such challenges as living well on one income, understanding the wife's breadwinner status, cleaning the house without feeling overwhelmed, and networking in a female-oriented community. Creative anecdotes offer supportive and effective advice to help stay-at-home dads successfully deal with the psychological issues, as well as the everyday details, that make this parenting situation different. This advice-oriented guide also offers a special section of newsletters, online chat groups, playgroups around the country, and stay-at-home dad organizations.

Peter Baylies has been a stay-at-home dad for his two sons for over 10 years. He writes the At-Home Dad Newsletter and he is the founder of The At-Home Dad Network, a stay-at-home dad online community. His work has been featured or mentioned in the Boston Globe, the Christian Science Monitor, Men's Health, O, The Oprah Magazine, Parents, USA Today, and Woman's Day. Jessica Toonkel is the managing editor for Fund Marketing Alert/Fund Action. She has been a reporter and editor covering international business and finance for publications such as American Banker, American Lawyer, and Financial Net Alert.

Price: $14.95 Purchasing Information   Purchase through Paypal 
Category: Children?s: Parenting/Family Care
Pages: 240
Book Type: Paper
Size: 6 x 9
ISBN: 1556525346 

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 Preview What's Inside

The Stay-at-Home Dad Handbook
Acknowledgments ix
Introduction xi
1 Starting Your New Career 1
Making the Decision 2
The First Days 6
Losing Your Status as Breadwinner 8
Mr. Mom 10
Isolation Creeps In 12
Finding Other Dads 14
Establishing a Routine 15
And Then There Were Two 18
Spotlight on Dad 19
2 At-Home Dads and Marriage: When the Rush Hour Starts at Home 23
Hell Hour 24
Creating a Game Plan 25
At-Home Dad Contract 27
Family Meetings 29
Simplifying Dinnertime 29
Bedtime Routine 30
A Message for the Moms 32
Loss of Intimacy 37
Jealous at Home Versus Guilty at Work 39
Discipline 44
Spotlight on Dad 47
3 Men Who Clean Bathrooms and the Women Who Love Them 51
Living Up to a Higher Standard of Cleaning 53
The Wife's Point of View 55
Resolving Your Differences 56
Getting the Kids to Help 57
Childproofing 59
Setting a Schedule 60
Cleaning Tips from Other Dads 61
Spotlight on Dad 64
4 Making New Connections 67
Playgroups 67
Starting Your Own Playgroup 69
The First Meetings 71
Dads' Night Out 73
Hanging Out with the Moms 74
Play Dates 77
Connecting with the Internet 79
Other Suggestions to Help You Connect 82
Spotlight on Dad 83
5 Living on One Income 87
Changing Your State of Mind and Adjusting Your Lifestyle 90
Adding on to the Savings at Home 91
Kid Fun: Free Activities That Will Save You Money--and Not Skimp on the Fun 93
Shopping at Yard Sales and on eBay 97
Sweat Equity: Doing Your Own Home Repairs 99
Shopping for Bargains 102
Spotlight on Dad 104
6 Working at Home: A Juggling Act 109
Weighing the Pros and Cons 110
Choosing the Right Job 111
Setting Reasonable Expectations 116
Daycare Dads 117
Getting to Work 120
Spotlight on Dad 126
7 Avoiding At-Home Dad Burnout 141
Watching for the Signs 142
Getting Out 144
Taking the Kids 146
Avoiding Burnout at Home 148
Take It in Stride 149
Spotlight on Dad 154
8 Is There Life After Kindergarten? 157
What Should You Do Now? 159
When You Stay at Home 162
Returning to Work 166
Spotlight on Dad 168
From the Frontlines of Fatherhood: More Dads in the Spotlight 173
Resources 199
Index 211

 Preview Who's Inside

Below is a list of names of the dads nearly all of these dads were are either quoted, had their submitted story printed to the At-Home Dad Newsletter, were profiled, or were listed as a resource  in the book.

Abraham, Mark - Minn Dads at Home
Basett, Brian - Cartoonist  "Adam"
Axel Richard - Author (A Fathers Love a Daughter's Power)
Becker Mike
Bigman Mike - Home Business Story
Bokun  Scott - Story
Boylan David
Brabeck Barbara - Author Business Books
Bradshaw Gerry - Home Business Story
Brott Armin - Author:  The New Father and others
Bulley, David - Story
Chapa Jim 
Chapman,  Danial 
Chortle Walt   - Business Story
Cleary Jack  - Business Story
Cooper Curtis  - Interviewed - Story (DAD-to-DAD)
Culbertson, Jerry
DADS-AT-HOME Message Board
DC Metro Dads
DeGolia Ray
DiCenzo Jim
Dilley, Keith  (Interview - Author: Special Delivery - Father of Sextuplets)
DeGolia, Ray
Doetsch Andy
Dolan, William - Story
Dunsmore Dan - Story
Droback Bruce
Epstein David - 2 Stories
Stafford, Chris - Full-Time Dad
Griffin-Nolen - Story
Hilling Hogan -  Author: The Man who would be Dad
Grimes Chris
Hoh Peter - Minn Dads at-Home
Hahn, Scott
Horn Peter
House Stephen - Home Business Story
Hunsinger, Michael
Isis Phil - Home Business Story
Josephson Marty
Klem, Steve
Landrum Todd
Laut, WIlliam Resource List -Author: Raising Multiple Birth Chikdren
Leckenby Charlie - Story
LeScala Roland
Levine, James - Resource List - Author Working Fathers
Levy Hal - Home Business Story
Louv Richard (Author Fatherlove)
Mains, Jim
Margolis Art
Maxon, Dave
Jay Massey
Jim Marzano
Minnesota Dads At Home
Montano, Chris - Story
Oberle, Joseph -  Resource List Author Diary of a Mad HouseHusband
O'Brien, John - Story
Ochsner, Karl
Osherson, Samual - Resource List Author  The Passions of Fatherhood
Poole, Keith
Pruett, Kyle -- Resource List - Author of  Fatherneed
Rebel Dad - referenced (Brien Reid)
Schaefer,  Mark David  - Story
Siler, Peter
Slevens, John - Home Business Story
Chris Stafford - (Full-Time Dads Founder)
Spencer Casey - (DAD-to-DAD LA)
Steinberg Caroline
Steinberg, Peter
Stillwell, Mike
Wise, John - Story and quoted


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Posted by athomedad at 12:01 AM EST
Updated: Monday, 20 December 2004 6:23 PM EST
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