There's a different theme for each different moon of the year, so click on the name of a month above to learn more!!


Flower Moon

The Flower Moon celebrates in most places flowers that are starting to, or already are in bloom, and is an important time, because it also honors the Lord and Lady's marriage and it's consummation upon the Earth. They dance across the land in the joyous splendor that comes from being in love. And the ecstasy and passion of Their mating dance is reflected in every step They take. Flowers burst into full blossom; tree limbs grow heavy with green leaves; the winds and rains of spring subside now, too, giving way to blue skies and the warmth of the Sun. All is right with the Earth and everyone on it.

On a mundane level, the energy of this Moon provides a good time to finish projects. Productivity levels run high. Goals - even difficult ones - are suddenly within our grasp. And because the Lord and Lady also touch our hearts in Their dancing, love and romance also comes into play. Undoubtedly, this is one of the most powerful Moons of the year for the Witch. It's the time when even the impossible is likely.

Flower Moon Ideas:


  • Dress in bright colors and adorn yourself with flowers of the season.
  • Use gold and silver candles and decorate the altar with fresh flowers and wedding paraphernalia.
  • Burn Full Moon incense. Alternatively, burn jasmine incense.
  • Cast the Circle with a bouquet of flowers tied with colored ribbons (if you're a Solitary Witch, leave the bouquet outdoors on top of the libation area after Circle. If you practice within a group, use it for a wedding bouquet toss instead).
  • Serve cake and champagne or flavored sparkling water for libation.
  • Bless fertilizer sticks and garden fertilizer during this Full Moon. Charge them by chanting:
    • "O Maid and Lord of Moon and Sun,  I call you, Ancients. Quickly run  And fertilize these items, please. So that our plant-life grows with ease."
  • Bless money for fertile growth at this time, too. Charge everyone's change by saying:
    • "Money multiply and grow. Fertile Maiden, make it so. Let money multiply with ease,  With the help of Blessed Be's!"
  • Ask the Lord and Lady to lend Their passion to other areas of your life, too. It's a good time to enlist Their aid in widening your circle of friends, opportunities, strengthening your capacity for love and compassion, and opening your heart to romance.

Flower Moon Correspondences:

  • Other Names: Merry Moon, Bright Moon, Dyad Moon, Frog's Return Moon, and Planting Moon.
  • Nature Spirits: Faeries and Elves
  • Herbs: Dittany of Crete, Elder, Mint, Rose, Mugwort, Thyme, and Yarrow.
  • Colors: Green, Brown, Pink, all Bright Colors.
  • Flowers: Lily of the Valley, Foxglove, Rose and Broom
  • Scents: Sandalwood, Rose and Jasmine.
  • Stones: Emerald, Malachite, Amber, and Carnelian
  • Trees: Hawthorn.
  • Animals: Cats, Lynx, Leopard, Swallow, Dove and Swan
  • Magick: Full Creating Energy; Propagation. Intuition, contact with faeries and other supernatural beings. Strengthen connection with spiritual protectors and beings around you.
  • Ritual Food and Drink: Cake, Champagne, Sparkling Cider or Water.
  • Deities: Bast, Venus, Aphrodite, Maia, Diana, Artemis, Pan, and the Horned God.