There's a different theme for each different moon of the year, so click on the name of a month above to learn more!!

The Hare Moon

As the Hare Moon grows to fullness in the sky, she grants the Earth limitless fertility. Lawns and meadows green with new life. Garden flowers blossom and wildflowers thrive. Even the animals are busy. The need for reproduction rises high, for it's time for their families to grow and thrive.

The fertility of the Hare Moon grows within us as, too. We feel the need to be productive, to carry out plans, and to weed out the obstacles that keep us from reaching our goals. Her potent energy calls us to plant and fertilize our spiritual gardens as well as our physical ones. And, of course, love is in the air. With lightened steps and happy heart, we welcome Her coming.

Hare Moon Ideas: