Moon Lore

There's a different theme for each different moon of the year, so click on the name of a month above to learn more!!

Wort (Herb) Moon

The Wort Moon is named as such because the Anglo-Saxon word wort means "herb".  That being the case, Her rise in the sky signals the time that herbs have reached their full potential.  They stand tall and lush, flowering and fruitful - the product of spring winds and rains and summer Sun.  Their aroma fills the air.  It lingers and beckons in the summer heat - begging us to choose - begging for inclusion in our magical work.

This moon also heralds the beginning of our personal spiritual harvests.  And because of this, magical efforts seem to come to fruition more easily.  Personal psychicism abounds, divinatory readings become clear, and dreams are laden with prophesy and vision.  For this reason, it's important to give the Spirit World its due, and offer yourself as harvest for its work.  In doing this, you'll discover wondrous things about your inner being that you never knew were so.  Things that can only make your personal magic more powerful.


Wort Moon Ideas:

  • Wear shades of orange and green to honor the herb harvest, and adorn your hair with wreaths of herbs or greenery.
  • Use orange candles and burn Full Moon incense.  Alternately, burn a mixture of sage, lavender, and rosemary as incense.
  • Decorate the altar with bunches of vervain or fresh herbs, tied with ribbons.
  • Asperge the Circle with a bouquet of herbs or plants and your favorite herbal tea.
  • Serve herbal cookies (just add a tablespoon of lavender or lemon balm to your favorite sugar cookie recipe) and herbal tea for libation.
  • Charge herbs and plants in Circle for general magical use. Charge the herbs using whatever method is most familiar to you, and chant:
    • "Plants of wonder - plants of power. 
       Increase in potency by minute and hour. 
      I conjure you now.  I charge you with strength,
      I give you life of infinite length,
      and boundless magical energy. 
      As I will, plants, charged you be."
  • Offer yourself for spiritual harvest by strewing herbs through the yard for the faeries.  As you strew, chant:
    • "All members of the Sprite and Fey,
      I offer myself to You this day. 
      For spiritual harvest and Your work here below,
      so that I may flower and blossom and grow. 
      And learn of myself and that up ahead,
      while working or playing or dreaming in bed. 
      And in return, there is nothing I ask,
      but that within Your magic my Spirit can bask."