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The lack of water supplies in the community directly influences the people's health as well as the quality of life, because it is necessary for the existence in general. It is a very important inhibitory factor for the development of the settlements and secondary home, which can be seen from the highly expressive hygienic and health problem of the population present in this region. It is also very difficult to cultivate the land, which leads to drought, land destruction, fires, decrease of agricultural cultures, dying out the agriculture and other functions in the Community.


The way the waste has been treated in the region of the Community for the time being, is according to the so-called elemental model: through and forget. So the influence of the wind and the rain pollutes the environment and the natural resources therefore making perfect conditions for development of different microorganisms and distribution of harmful and dangerous substances. The dumps also make the beautiful landscape and the environment very ugly and unpleasant.

As far as the air is concerned, there are not any evident sources of its pollution having in mind that Sopiste Community is situated on a mountainous area and there are not any industrial plants there. In spite of the MTV TV antenna, there is not noticed any ionization of the air. It can be stated that the air in the Community is clear and within the limits of MKD for pollution. The dump called "Drisla" has a good location, so when the wind blows, the evaporation and the odour are not felt here but in the neighbouring Community - Studenicani. 

According to the standards of the quality of life and health, the bad conditions in the school are unsanitary and they cause problems with the teaching and children's health and they become uninterested in it.

The villages do not have good communication as far as the public transport is concerned which also causes low level of quality living in the whole community. 

Building factories further from the borders of the urban area, not respecting the Laws, building on fertile land, the lack of sport and recreation grounds and not having enough respect for the old architecture of the traditional houses affect the quality of life.

The lack of knowledge about speleology, insufficient research as well as lack of documents about their importance lead to destroying objects which have big scientific, historic and tourist importance. Throwing garbage in them is also very dangerous because people do not know where they are and they can fall down the holes. 

The forests and the green areas in general are very important for the people's health and the quality of life. The Community is rich in biodiversity and its inhabitants should be familiar with it in order to avoid destroying the rare species of plants and animals that are very important for the science.

On top of all the citizens are not informed and educated sufficiently about the importance of the ecology and the need of its permanent protection, therefore, they are not worried and do not take care about these localities and their maintenance. The citizens do not feel the need of self-organizing in ecology activities in order to solve the important questions which border them for long period of time nor to be informed because people leave that role to somebody else.

The low level of education in general, as well as the low standard of living influences the care for the personal hygiene and the hygiene of nourishment.

The public participation of the citizens has a very important role in determining the ecology problems and carrying out the activities for their solving. The citizens think that with better public participation they will achieve more goals for protection and advancement of the environment and nature and improve the quality of life. Therefore there should be a partner relationship between the citizens, the local self-management, the institutions of the executive power and the skilled persons.

Community Sopiste
tel/fax: (02) 274 3032
(02) 274 3031
Sopiste Community Advisory Office
tel/fax:(02) 274 2292
Ecology Informative Center in Sopiste Community


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