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Why did we make this site?

Silly SlytherinFlames. This is supposed to be the menu thingy.

Slytherinflames's silly story
Some really old movie reviews
Haven't you ALWAYS wanted to know your name in elvish? well here ya go!
The page....of ROY
The page of LINK
BWA HA HA HA! We have solved the world problems.
Clicky pickys!
MORE pickys!
FEEL THE ANNOYING! Come see what bothers us!
A story...about Legolas...BWA HA HA HA HA HA
The OTHER silly Harry Potter Story. By TRIFORCEFLAMES!
The CONTINUATION of the other silly Harry Potter Story
The Master Garage Opener! Random Super Smash Brothers/Lord of the Rings crossover...OF DOOM!

It's been all of 50 billion years (or at least that many seconds) since we've updated. Well, for all of you...yeah right like anyone except the people we torture ever come to our site. Well anyway, if you happened to stumble upon our page by mistake...WAIT DON'T LEAVE!!! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! Ok good. If we suddenly have a revieved interest in stuff we'll update more. It'll probably be all stories though. Anyway, WE THANK YOU FOR COMING! In fact we bow before you for coming to this site of your own free will! YAY!



September 19, 2006: I'm almost positive no one will ever come to this site again, so I'm using it to test my l337 new html skillz!!!1one. I accidentally made Link's story one I changed it to text useing mad html power! YAY!

September 13, 2006: Removed tons of stuff that was somewhat unfunny or unnecessary. Added a story. Is totally procrastinating on some homework. Oh well!

September 8, 2006: It has been THREE YEARS! THAT'S INSANE! I just decided that I had the urge to update this page and play with it. Not really, but maybe clean up some stuff. In case I ever decide I want to refer someone to this page to see the craziness that is me and my colleague.

January 9, 2003: TriforceFlames hath created a crazy page to put the silly little banners you can get from quizzes and other such nonsense. HURRAH! Why do I bother, no one comes here!

May 21, 2003: TriforceFlames posts her Harry Potter story. YAY!

March 6, 2003: TriforceFlames posted her Legolas story. *diabolical laughter*

Jan. 28, 2003: Well, today I recieved a surprise! I being me. Me being TriforceFlames. We are one and the same. ANYHOO! Isn't that a silly word? Now to finally get to the point, I saw that we (SlytherinFlames and TriforceFlames) had PEOPLE coming to our site! Or person perhaps...but that's besides the point. I realized that perhad I should UPDATE! THAT WOULD HELP! Also I realized that our guestbook is silly. But HEY! People can live with it.

Oct. 11, 2002: We did lots of stuff! Legolass added a Helpline. If you have a problem, send it to us and we will amuse you with our answers. Made up problems are also accepted. ProdigiousLi added STUFF to the Roy and Link pages, over which she rules. Also, ProdigiousLi added a ProdigiousGuestbook, which you are welcome to sign.

Oct. 13, 2002: We actually did a lot of stuff. There are funky new pages and stuff. Go check them out.

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