Wikipedia Bhagwan beweging We have a new web space; Please relocate your links to my website to this new URL.... ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

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Follow this link to see the most beautiful Tibetan Thanka's ever made...

Each picture links to a story on ShanT's web...

Fantasy Fair Archeon 2006

Cartoons by Jet de Wilde

Poppen dokter - Doll doctor Shop in Amsterdam

The Hague - an empty city

Decor building   Decor bouw

ShanT and Mary...

Art photography  -  Fotografie

Frigge Timmerwerken Den Haag. - kinderkamer

Tarot by Sona.     Tarot kaarten van Sona.

Hand made cotton paper factory India  -  Hand geschept katoen papier India.

Statues The Hague  -  Beeldentuin Lange Voorhout Den Haag

Ardennen kanoeing  -  Ardennen kano varen

OSHO Ashram


Tibettan Pulsing Healing

Frequencies of Brilliance Shamanic Training

Diving in Egypt  -  Duiken in Egypte

Art Photography  -  Fotografie

ShanT in Nepal

My Altar - How to make an altar  -  Hoe maak je een altaar?

Schilderijen  -  Zonder stroom


Eye of GOD  -  and his face!!!

Inner Warrior Club and Marcus van Soest  -  Inner Warrior en Marcus van Soest


Flower Clown, Ronnie Flower

Tischa in Egypt

Tischa and friends


ShanT and his photography  -  ShanT en zijn fotografie

ShanT as a child  -  ShanT als kind

ShanT in India

Photography  -  fotografie

ShanT's Swans  -  zwanen

Send me some feedback!





OSHO - Sannyas (In The Hague)

| ShanT | India | Nepal |  OSHO | Jokes | Zen | Frequencies of Brilliance | Tibetan Pulsing Healing | My Art Stories | Self realization test |OSHO-Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh | OSHO Ashram |ShanT in Dharmsala | Hepatitis-A and Ayurveda | ShanT's flyers Jesus Crucified, This Time in Ronald Reagan's America | Gems and my altar  | 
Cotton paper factory from India Maroesja Perizonius, het Commune kind  |        

In dedication to my friend, and teacher. OSHO


ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

Follow this link to see the most beautiful Tibetan Thanka's ever made...

The New Age...

    During my time as a sannyassin, many funny things happened. I remember this little group we were in in The Hague. We thought enlightenment could just happen anytime to any of us. We were just waiting for it to happen. Not because we thought any of us to be special, but we just didn't understand enlightenment at all. We knew we were all Buddha's, but still 'unaware'. This day, Anugit came to tell everybody he got enlightened. As a good speaker and a light form of ADHD, we started attending his 'Darshans'. Not very convinced, but say curious at the least, I also attended. I was hoping. It seemed enlightenment came closer to me too... 
   In his crusade Anugit went to his parents' church, pushed the priest aside during a sermon, and said 'You don't understand anything of this', and started talking to the crowd. Just so he got carried out the church by 4 'Parishioners', while he was shouting 'yes, crucify me again!'. What a laugh!


ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

Feedback on ShanT's web site

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

     Wajid Rajneesh Meditation Center was set up by my mother, Ma Anand Nirad Verbeek - Heemskerk. It was in a time all communes were asked to quit their little programs, and join 'The Big Commune', a concept from Sheela. My mother and Sagaro refused against the 'tide'. Something I was pretty proud of. Only a year later Nirad got thrown out of the commune. She lost touch with the commune completely. We slept in dormitories, and while there was money coming in, the priorities were not the people's privacy... After this the commune was in a bit of chaos and changes. I left. Now two old men are making the rules in the project for more then 14 years now. ...


Meera Nagar

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...


   In the process of 'experiencing everything' a friend of me got himself seduced by a gay. Next day, at breakfast in the Amsterdam commune, he looked a bit sick. He got himself penetrated in the arse. My god! I had a big laugh at him. Especially since this was the second time! 
   First time was years ago. We met on vacation in France, where he was working on a farm with his girlfriend. She fell in love with me, and in the 'Experiment' he felt we should be together and he should deal with his feelings. Now, there was only one big bed, where we slept in... This became a mess. We left for the mountains with a 70 year old Dutch guy, I had met in Nice, a Gay guy... In the mountains we would sleep in a dormitory, one side for men, the other for women. Since there were no women, the girl and me slept on the female side, having a wonderful time, and leaving my friend and the gay Dutch guy from Nice on the other side. Next day I had to hear from him how the old man took out his teeth to give him a blow job! My God!


Rajneesh Art and Meditation Center 'ALOK', The Hague.

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...


    Communes were the way to live. My mother started one in 'Oudenbosch', took over the RTI in the Hague and started Wajid, where I came to live. Then I joined a group of artists living in a squatted house. We started the first 'Rajneesh Art and Meditation Center', 'ALOK'. I left in a fight, giving it to Pragito, a Queen with a sado-masogistic tendency. After spending one month with him in my bed, manipulated by his smart manipulations, I discovered his games, and paid him back. Bye bye ALOK. But for a year we had a great time, with artists, musicians, making a movie and party's. Many strange people came to visit, one on pilgrimage, a hysteric and often drunk channeler woman, confused painters...


Front door of my squatted house

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

Feedback on ShanT's web site

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...


    Then I stayed in squatted houses through The Hague, living together with sannyassins, Sona and Loka, Arjun and Abishek and their 5 kids.  I moved on to live in a room rental, with a lot of sannyassins, lived anti-squad with some good friends, until they had me remove my alter from the kitchen from the house I invited them in, and left to live with friends in the previous 'ALOK' building. Some people needed their sensitivity checked...

    I had a relation with an English girl who became sannyassin in Poona where she totally changed, and got involved with Mary. There I started a small room rental, and lived with Rama and Alex. It was a good time. I left for the Inner Warrior. I decided to put my money where my mouth was again, and try this 'Utopia' with my friends. Pulling them all up, they ran away with my dream and investment. Pagalo got his' back. I called the cops on his marihuana garden... What a mess.. After years of making music together, we became thieves of each others precious' . 


My instruments

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

Feedback on ShanT's web site


       Most of the time sannyas was a lot of fun, juicy. Relationships, music, traveling, therapy, etc. Everybody tried to be the 'wise guy', and everybody knew it better. Small guru's, 'great' therapists. But mostly a bit fucked up, emotionally disturbed, but hoping. We were on the move... I got in conflict often with all sannyassins. On one occasion I had beaten up Rasal, after warning him not to sleep with Neeraja again. As a friend I expected him to be my friend, not to fuck my girlfriend. It was considered wrong that I beated him up, but nothing was said about his action. Love and freedom Yeah? I decided this was not my pack.

    In Poona I sat down on the sannyas market where sannyassins were selling their furniture, jewelry and the sort. I was selling also. Osho book-covers framed, and Crystals. They were beautiful and big. There was one catch. They were sugar crystals. I just couldn't keep my laugh when another picked up the crystals to feel their beautiful vibrations! I sold quiet many of them!


ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...


    Not so memorable things happened too. In a period 4 friends got hospitalized for madness. Rama (Jan) Pala as a result of the beautiful actions of Surbala, and her devastating games with boyfriends, Rakkas with his occult business and Ecstasy, a woman living in Wajid jumped out of the window, landing on her elbows, Samarpita got medicated... A lot of abuse of power and lack of- and the understanding of friendship. So much thanks to all therapists and wannabe's. 



ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

Remember this? All red laundry...



ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

Feedback on ShanT's web site

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

   Sannyas started for me the day I took sannyas. Really? Yes. I made a vow. First never to lie to myself, and second, as OSHO asked, to meditate an hour a day...

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...

Sheela talks on her time with OSHO...

ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story... OSHO Tarot  pick a card..


Send me some feedback!


See also Holy men  and more pictures

Important message; Rita Eide channels OSHO

(True or not, she says something relevant!)

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Christopher Calder


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ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...
ShanT's World.....passing through yet another story...













With Dalai Lama March 2007  Including photo's from Dharmsala..

Beard lama blesses thangka's...

Dharmsala, McLeod Ganj, Monks, Temples and a lot of Um Mani Padme Um...

Nepal 2007, pictures and stories...

Intervieuw with an Australian Monk, living in a nunnery for the past 5 years in Dharmsala. How different is it compared to the commune?


Dilgo Kyentse Rinpoche Tulku...
Dilgo Kyentse
Rinpoche Tulku


Dilgo Kyentse Rinpoche Tulku with Tischa, my daughter...
With Tischa

Exclusive Thangka's from Nepal

Sadhu's, Sadhu's and Sadhu's...

Two clowns in Nepal, march 2007....

Greetings from Katmandu

Sadhu's, Sadhu's and Sadhu's... and a clown!

Thanka school in Nepal

Erotic ancient art from Nepal...

Orphanage, Hamro Jivan, visited by american clown, Flower clown...