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American History



                                  Communication                                        Transportation                                                      Living Space


Inventions at the Turn of the Century



Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation  | Conclusion | Teacher Page |


Major changes were happening in America from the mid 1860’s through the early 1900s. America’s work force was changing vocations particularly in the type of jobs and how these jobs were performed. New ways of accomplishing everyday tasks were also emerging. New technologies opened many doors, and closed others. This Webquest looks into some of the good times, bad times and the changing times of the Industrial revolution. Your essential question for this project is to determine what turn of the century invention most affected the way Americans lived at work, at play and at home.


Task:  You have just been hired by Dynamic Innovations Corporation as the new director of Research and Development. You and two other department members are experts in Transportation, Communication and Living Space. DIC has recently been given an opportunity to purchase the rights to one invention from the turn of the century. Your department has been instructed to research the inventions and choose the one that has had the greatest impact on American life. You must consider how each changed American lifestyle at home, work and play. In order to make an informed and professional presentation, you will create a brochure to use in your presentation to the CEO and the Executive Board of Directors justifying your recommendation.



1.      First you will be assigned to a team of 3 students.

2.   Each member of your team will investigate an area of influence with 2 particular inventions for each.          

·        Transportation - automobile and airplane    

·        Communication – telephone and radio    

·        Living Space – city planning and construction

3.      While exploring the web sites, you will document your thoughts in 3 learning logs:

·        “I did not know that…..”

·        “I think it’s important that…”

·        “I predict that in the future America will…”

4.      To organize your presentation, your group will create a timeline of the inventions with an illustration for each. The pictures must be original images from the LOC.  You will use the Tom Snyder TimeLiner 5.0 to make your timeline.

5.      You will each be required to complete the “Past-Present- Future” graphic organizer.

6.      Before making your recommendation to the CEO (me) and the Executive Board (classmates), you must create a brochure with information on each area and the inventions. It must be a tri-fold and printed on the front and back.

7.      Finally, each group will make a presentation and recommendation. You will explain what you have learned, the recommendation your group is making and why. At the conclusion of all presentations, the class will vote for the invention patent DIC should purchase.

Now that you understand your assignment, let’s get busy. Research your particular area using the following sites:




The telephone is a cornerstone of modern life. It enhances our lives, industry and economies. It is said that Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone by searching for it in places where other inventors would never think to look. Bell believed in the impossible.

Alexander Graham Bell Family Papers


Bell as Inventor and Scientists



Thomas Edison has had a profound impact on modern life. He patented 1,093 inventions including the phonograph and the kinetograph (motion picture camera).


Inventing Entertainment  

Biography of Edison 





In terms of the lives of average American people, there is little doubt that the automobile is one of the most revolutionary inventions in the history of transportation. Modern automobile mass production and its use of the industrial assembly line is credited to Henry Ford who built his first gas powered car in 1896.

           History of automobile    

          Coolidge era – Prosperity and Thrift     

          Henry Ford Museum

          Audio recording - Josh buys an automobile




Earlier in 1900, Wilbur Wright wrote to a French aviation pioneer and expressed the belief that "flight is possible to man...”. On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers showed the world that man could fly. Their invention of the airplane astounded everyone. Click on each to read about the history and affect of flight on American economics, foreign affairs, and communication.

Orville and Wilbur Wright Papers

The World is Talking

Secret Experiments 

The Dream of Flight


Living Space


Frank Lloyd Wright said, “Architecture is the triumph of human imagination over materials, methods, and men, to put man into possession of his own earth.” Designing and building structures has always provided Americans with a creative outlet in addition to providing safe, long lasting means of shelter and transportation.


 Frank Lloyd Wright buildings

Design of American Landscape

Gatun Lock- Panama Canal

            Image of construction of Panama Canal   -  #1   #2   #3   #4

           Arch and interior design for 20th century America   

           Movie - Panama canal  locks                             


City Planning

            NYC parks in use - 1912


           Built in America – 1933 – present

           Movie - Skyscrapers of NY  1897 - 1920 –





Students will be evaluated in 4 ways.  

1.      TimeLine

2.      Brochure

3.      Presentation

4.      Cooperative Learning



By the time you finish this WebQuest, you will know the effect inventions had and the changes they brought to America during the turn of the century. Perhaps you have an inventive idea. If you have an interest in pursuing a possible invention or discovery of you own, you might want to research how to obtain a patent. 


Teacher Page

To be complete when lesson is taught in the fall semester of 2004

