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Last updated: 10-11-04

Album reviews

Golden Eggs

Gabbing Geese

You can go anywhere for an album review, but only here can you get it from a goose!

Happy Birthday to the Red Rocker Sammy Hagar as he turns 57 today. Sam, we're glad to have you back in Van Halen, the new songs are great, let's get a new album now! (October 13, 2004)

Happy 49th Birthday to the crazy and controversial David Lee Roth, original frontman of Van Halen. Dave, if you're not gonna work with Van Halen, how about another solo album like DLR Band? In any case, thanks for all the years of insanity! (October 10, 2004)

What to expect

Reviews and mp3 clips of rare, obscure, overlooked, and phenomenal albums in various rock/metal genres, including but not limited to:

  • Classic rock
  • Hard rock
  • Pop rock
  • Glam
  • Heavy metal
Popular albums will also appear along the way, but less prevalently.

What not to expect

  • Death metal
  • Nu-metal
  • Rap-metal
  • Rap
  • Hip-hop

How this site works

    When we claim that we will review "overlooked" albums, we are referring to albums that perhaps do not get as much attention as others. For example, you can find a review of Back In Black by AC/DC anywhere on the net, but not all music review places will review Fly On The Wall. We will also gradually fit in popular albums.

    As a nod to Sammy Hagar's debut solo album Nine On A Ten Scale, our scale will be a maximum of nine out of ten guitars, with special masterpieces earning the coveted tenth broken guitar!


    Lowest possible score

    Highest regular score

    Special score

    Please realize that it is impossible to rate each album exactly the same way every time. There are a number of factors involved, including artist expectations, consistency (with earlier work and/or the genre), and personal impact. However, all of our ratings should still be within +/- one guitar.

Who are we?

    We are Mike and Derek, music-loving, obsessive collectors who want to share our views with the world. We are both young rock fans who feel cheated because we were born too late to enjoy the music we love as it was being created. But we have made tremendous efforts to "catch up," and we trust that you'll be pleased with our performance.

Our goal

    We hope to make this a fun website and invite you to our message board for your opinions. Please email us with suggestions to help improve the site. Ultimately we hope you check out a few of the albums reviewed here that you would not have given a second thought about otherwise.

So let us ask you, "R.U. Ready 2 Rock?"

Contact Derek and Mike on AOL Instant Messenger.

Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Complaints?
Send 'em to:

Visitors since August 3, 2004

Last updated: October 11, 2004

All reviews Copyright © 2004 Derek R. Gasiorek and Michael K. Walsh. All rights reserved.

Glammy Goose ® is a registered trademark of Glammy Goose's Music Reviews.

All album covers and sound recordings are the property of their respective artists and labels.

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