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The Bad Guide

to the Greasy Spoon Cafes of Birmingham


The Traditional Chef, Indoor Market

.......The former Traditional Chef premises in the old Bull Ring, 2001, now demolished ............

.......................Todays Traditional Chef, 2004..................

.......................Exterior window............................

Traditional chef? what, like Keith Floyd, Fanny Craddock?

The original Traditional Chef was in the old Bull Ring Shopping Centre, where all the outdoor seating was on picnic benches outside, and any mess wasn't picked up by staff, but by well-trained fat pigeons during the day and furry rodents at night. Teas were flavoured with fag ash, and mentally disturbed people would throw tantrums and cry at random on different benches, whilst accusing the malnurished staff of not caring about them. If the wind was strong enough dust from the floor would be swept onto your food, so we never had to use any salt or pepper. It's a bad sign when the plastic cutlery has been washed. And I signed a petition to save the old Bull Ring, did you?

Today it has relocated to the newly built Indoor Market, proudly serving the local dish of faggots, chips and peas. Cheese on toast £2, breakfast specials at £2.60. Lots of blue plastic chairs bolted to the floor, but where are the net curtains?

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