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Character Specifications

Abilities among the Sidhe are as varied as snowflakes in winter. Each race of Sidhe has its own set of special abilities in addition to the elemental magicks. It should be said that technically, the umbrella name of ‘Sidhe’ covers also the Elves and Fae for they are all related; all three classifications have magick running through their blood, but the degree varies. Fae have the most potent connection to the natural magicks of the world, but they also have the closest connection to nature making them the least sentient of the bunch. The stereotype of the hyperactive, everywhere-at-once faerie very much applies; their magicks tends to take on a chaotic characteristic. The Elves, conversely, have a lesser connection to nature though it is important to note that this does not make their magickal ability any less potent. The difference is that they have much more control over their magicks and are, to an extent, less controlled by their magicks.

The Sidhe are the pinnacle to the triangle. They retain both the strong connection to nature and the sentient thought to control it. As such, they learn new magicks even faster than do the Elves who are quick enough learners already. They are also able to function in modern organized society more easily than the Fae, however due to the connection to their naturalistic and animalistic sides, they can be easily distracted. To those not familiar with their slightly odd idiosyncrasies, it looks as though they have a terrible case of ADD at times.

It would be difficult to list all of the abilities that they are capable of as much is still unknown about the Sidhe. They all have the same ability to produce seductive pheromones which differ from those vampires in that they are more potent and can be controlled more easily for a desired effect, especially with training. Many Sidhe can also shapeshift into a specific animal. There are as many different races of Sidhe as there are of animals in the wild with the same degree of varying magickal ability. A few documented cases of Sidhe include:

Fiach Dubh: A raven Sidhe, depicted in mythology most often as a trickster and harbinger of death. These Sidhe has the unique ability to teleport to any desired location as long as it is within sight of a raven. They also have illusory wings which give them the ability to fly and often have prophetic visions.

Cu Dubh: A dog Sidhe, typically associated with water. These Sidhe are best known for their ability to shapeshift into dog form, with different breeds having varying powers. The Madadh Dubh, for example, shift into a large, foreboding black dog and are often drawn to places where they foresee a death occurring soon in a specialized yet narrow form of precognition. Their saliva also has minor healing capabilities.

Beansidhe: Also known as a ‘banshee’, this brand of sidhe is always female and has close connections to water magicks as well as to the dead. Their strongest weapon is their scream which can cause immense damage to anyone on the receiving end of it, and usually death. The classical harbinger of death, they too have both the ability to geis an individual, and foretell the deaths of others.

Redcap: Are one of the nasty ones you just don’t want to run into. Where most sidhe are allergic to iron, these monstrous little gremlins wears iron boots, bear insanely long, sharp claws that they use to slash their victims to death, and unceremoniously wet their caps in the blood. If the blood dries, they die, so they are always on the hunt.

Selkie: Selkies are the original changeling: seal by night, person by day…or really whenever they want. There are a couple of varieties of selkie, but seal form is the most common to SHARDS. Selkies love to play in the ocean, and are often attracted to human mates, which they flee from at the first opportunity. They shed their skins and go ashore, taking their pelt with them protectively. Because they are flighty, ownership of a selkie pelt gives you full control of that selkie until the pelt is returned. Many selkie wives and husbands are taken this way. They have the same seductive pheromones the other sidhe do, and they use them well. They can also blind fight, an ability derived from the seal ability to follow a path underwater without the aid of eyesight. They are often muscular, and are called to the sea they always yearn to return to.

Sylph: The nearly ethereal air sidhe, that inspire the poets, dreamers and artists they encounter. They are usually mistaken for angels, and possess an unearthly beauty which grows in years. Many of them can fly due to some of them developing a wingspan, and others by simply using air currents to move about.

Just like the elves and fae, Sidhe have a devastating allergy to cold iron. Contact with the skin causes severe, third degree burns and even being trapped in close vicinity to the metal disrupts the Sidhes’ concentration, rendering them largely unable to have access to their magick.

Also just like the Elves, Fae, and Vampires, Sidhe are immortal creatures unless slain by a weapon. With the exception of wounds caused by cold iron, however, the Sidhe have an extremely quick recovery system and heal exceptionally fast. Their blood, like the Fae, also appears to have flecks of glitter in it. This is an important note for Vampires and other creatures that drink blood as the blood of a Sidhe acts like an extremely powerful hallucinogen and though it is extremely tasty, it is also extremely addictive.

Some Origins:
Wherever there have been stories of animals that can turn into humans or magickal beings that have mastery over the elements, there have been Sidhe. Though most Sidhe are thought to come directly out of Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England, there are also Sidhe with Greek and Middle Eastern roots. The mythology of the particular Sidhe in question is a large indicator of the species’ origins.

Rebirth of Magick:
Not much information regarding transformed Sidhe is known. For any that do transform, it is suspected that the same conditions apply as does for Elves. Most Sidhe appear to have descended from other Sidhe and are born that way. It only takes one parent being a Sidhe to produce a full-blooded Sidhe child. Sometimes their powers do not manifest until later and many times the child will not know of their heritage unless the human parent tells them or they discover it on their own. It is not uncommon for Sidhe to produce a child and then disappear, leaving it with the human parent. Though this is the general rule, there are exceptions to this including tendencies of certain breeds and individual upbringings.

As magick has reentered the world the Sidhe have been able to enter modern society, but many still just keep to themselves in their natural habitats. Others have taken this opportunity to move away from the cultures that stereotype them and have made new lives for themselves. As mentioned before, because of the wide spectrum of types of Sidhe, it is difficult to pin down a typical reaction. In many ways they have reacted like the Elves have, and also have visions of past lives with all the repercussions those have.

Sidhe and Religion:
Many Sidhe find themselves more spiritual than religious, or take up the old paganistic religions because of their close connection to the natural world. Others however are perfectly happy in their Judeo-Christian religions. And others just don’t care at all.

Sidhe and Other Races:
Sidhe find they usually have the closest ties with the Elves and Fae because they are so related to one another. They general get along perfectly well with the other races, though for the most part, they like to keep to themselves. Sidhe, in general, are not the most social people and with certain black markets popping up to sell the Sidhe off as exotic pets and slaves, it can be understood why.


Humans: “What the hell is this? Super-Elves? I’m gonna have to start locking up my daughters at night, aren’t I? I don’t want my grandchildren turning into animals!”

Vampires: “I have no qualms with the Sidhe, they’re a decent enough people. And also very nice delicacy...”

Drow: “I can take them or leave them. SOME of them are smart enough to know where the true power lies. Others of them...well, they can be a larger nuisance than those damn Elves.”

Trolls: "Sidhe like elves who can be aminals. I like aminals. Me pet them and squeeze them and love them forever and ever!"

Orcs: "I don't think I really have a problem with most Sidhe. Some of them just have sort of an ego, though that's true of a lot of races. I wish they could stay on task a little better sometimes though."

Werewolves: "I don't see much a difference between them and the elves to be honest with you. They even look the same when they're just walking around in public. They smell different though, that's about it."

Dwarves: "More of these nansy pansy ponces flitting around! Nah, they're alright I guess. 'Cept for some of those darker ones...they give me nightmares."

Fae: "TEEHEE! They're like my big brothers!...or sisters! ::gasp!:: I see a cookie!"

Elves: "I have quite a few friends who are Sidhe. They're really not bad at all...except for the pheromones...those damn things get me every time!"