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Character Specifications

Abilities vary from character to character. Most Elven characters discover that they have an innate magical ability and most are adept in becoming powerful sorcerers. They move with lightning accuracy, have little trouble learning new weapons or fighting skills, and are finely tuned with nature. Many can tell when a storm is approaching hours from any visible signs. The more an individual is willing to concentrate one’s magical ability, the more powerful they become. Most Elves find that they can manipulate nature to their will, and have the best luck in controlling natural elements, in addition to the powers of the mind.

When tested, many elves displayed a severe allergy to cold iron. When faced with the material, they experience a burning pain. Locking an elf behind iron bars or in iron shackles is an effective way to detain them. The pain causes a loss of concentration, which is important to using their magical abilities.

Also, much like vampires, elves are immortal beings. Those morphed in the first wave have remained no older in appearance than when they reached maturity. Many stop aging in their early to mid-twenties. They boast pointed ears, but little else changes in their original appearance. (Yes, Virginia, there are fat elves).

Elves can be slain just as any other being, but when wounded have a tendency to heal quickly, much to the annoyance of some.

Some Origins:
Many elves find that people of strong Celtic descent are primarily morphed as elves. However, there have been reports of elves of different nationalities, mostly in northwestern Europe and other Norse regions.

The Rebirth of Magic:
Most commonly, people who have lived their lives with an additional care for the environment and the arts are most commonly transformed into elves. Many who follow earth religions have found that in morphing, they have an extraordinary added amount of magical ability.

While immortal, many elves were born in a recent manner. This has not stopped many from experiencing visions, visions they believe to be occurrences from previous existences. This has caused a quiet rumble in the Christian and Judaic communities who do not believe in reincarnation. These communities pass the visions off as a group hallucination, or an intense daydream. However, many elves will disagree, having felt the realness of the vision, and sometimes have marks or unlearnt abilities to prove it. It is difficult to say what they truly are. However, many elves find that they know Old World languages, such as old English and different varieties of Gaelic without ever having studied it.

Elves and Religion:
Many elves practice earth religions, many practice whichever religion they worshipped before the change, including Christianity. Many elves are spiritual beings, and are quick to accept the possibilities of supernatural beings. Some elves of Celtic descent have even begun practicing a version of Druidism, the religion of their ancestors.

Elves and Other Races:
Elves are very much torn between the world of the immortal, with a desire to preserve the earth, but many have not and will not lose much of their humanity.
There are sometime occurrences of elves leaving whichever station their lives are in, and moving into the forest to live alone, sometimes in communities with other fae, including dryads and other miscellaneous beings of the Sidhe that cannot be categorized. Because of their kinship with the earth, many people see them as hippies and daisy eaters. Daisy eaters with very large weapons.


Humans: “It’s always about the pretty people isn’t it? Oh, everyone wants to be an elf. But not me. Damned hippie crap is entirely too distracting. Just when I thought I was sick of Greenpeace! Good for magic though.”

Vampires: “I can think of a worse people to spend all of eternity with, if only they could prove to be present when they are here. The lack of attention to the here and now can be aggravating.”

Drow: “Oh, they are really cute. It truly amazes me that they have survived this long. I say we shut the whole lot in an iron box and run this world properly”

Trolls: “Elves nice, but step on some. They break easy! And make squeak sound!”

Orcs: “I can work with elves. They are the best magic users you can get, unless you count the dark sides. Can’t have any kind of real crime fighting squad without at least one. At least headquarters is well decorated and fully supplied with houseplants with one on the team.”

Werewolves: “Well, they like the woods. I like that. But some of their magic gets aimed a little askew when cast in the woods, and our community suffers for it. Our home will be protected…but who will protect us…and who is watching the watcher?”

“They work pretty well, and they usually smell pretty good. They have good architectural ideas. But I’ll be damned if I can work WITH them.”

Fae: “Shiny!! Shiny!! Wait…elves? Yeah they’re neat.”

Sidhe: “Is it just me, or is everyone in this world becoming a type of Sidhe? Here’s my question, why do WE get the bad rap?”