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Now. Before you start reading this, I want you to put your copy of Lord of the Rings far away.

Is it gone? Good.

Damn insulting slander.

We are intelligent people. We know our P’s and Q’s and go to bed at a decent hour. We do not make human sacrifices. Or eat people. Or spend countless hours of our lives ripping down trees and making shitty weapons. Life was too hard on us for that. Most of us were too worried about when we were getting our next meal. The age of magic changed everything. Allow me to enlighten you folks still clinging to your children and horses and whatever else you feel you need to make you happy.

Character Specifications

Orcs are the new backbones of today’s society. Those who were fortunate enough to find a decent home and a steady income are even inclined to study magic. We are your fighters, your tacticians. They are the military and the coast guard. Some of them are even so inclined as to teach the populace. An orc’s size is one of its most distinguishing features. They may look tall, brooding, and muscular, some may even say ugly.

Orcs are resourceful. Due to a life on the streets many of they have to have their wits about them at all times, because one never knows when the world might end on one. In a pinch, orcs can make anything out of most anything. They have both brains, and physique.

Orcs have brains and brawn, but they can still go down after a hit. Perhaps one of their biggest weaknesses is pride. They have a great deal of pride in what they are, or who they have become. Many races see them as the unlucky ones, turned into monsters. But they don’t see it that way. People once viewed the homeless as expendable wastrels who only spent money on booze and drugs. Slandering the homeless or making fun of them, or who they once were in a vicious manner may cause the orc to lash out.
When this happens, it’s best to get out of the way.

Some Origins:
Orcs can be found wherever misfortune has struck humanity. This race came up out of the ashes to help those in need of it, which the rest of the world tends to ignore.

The Rebirth of Magic:
Magic seems to have chosen the heroes among thieves…the homeless…the little people to be members of the Orcish race. Orcs, pleased with their new station in life have dedicated themselves to the protection of the populace. Many are police officers and military men, anything they can do to educate the public on how they should be living their lives. They are the workforce, the living backbone of the world today.

How Other Races View Orcs:

Humans: “I really have to admire their spirit. I have the heart to do what they do, but they have the ability to do it. Its really quite amazing.”

Elves: “They only seem intimidating at first, but I think I would sooner expect evil of a bunny before I would see it in an orc. They could stand to be less prideful though.”

Vampires: “It’s good that someone can set an example for the rest of the world…but we do have to eat sometime.”

Dwarves: “Its always good to have the extra help. Their bathing habits get better every day.”

Drow: “Fucking do-gooders getting where they shouldn’t be! These people are usually homeless for a reason. It really is a big problem.”

Trolls: “Like Brothers. But…smart.”

Fae: “…………..” Hello? “…………OH! HI!! What was the question?”

Sidhe: “Eh, no comment.”