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Character Specifications

Dwarves are possibly the hardiest races on earth, able to withstand hours of physically draining work, high amounts of pain, and hours of torture and torment. They are usually patient but once their anger has reached a breaking point, beware. Dwarves can lift nearly double their weight in a fight, and can do up to double normal damage with their melee weapon of choice. Because of their size, they are capable of hiding in smaller places, leaving their taller party members to find other methods of concealment more quickly. When compared to other races, dwarves are more able to overcome temptations, especially to immoral acts or illegal activity, and are even more resistant to charm spells. That is not to say that they do not indulge in either, rather they are more resistant, as a part of their moral code.

Unfortunately, even the most moral of races has their flaws. Once they are charmed or addicted, they fall deeply into it headfirst, until it becomes obsession. The need to conceal their indiscretion from their society often yields varying types of mental illness. Many times those with addictions develop multiple personalities: the dwarf as individual, and the addiction itself. Additionally, because of their attachments to the earth, many dwarves maintain a paralyzing fear of heights, which would greatly reduce their ability to fight. Many are also allergic to seafood.

Some Origins:
While dwarfism had always existed before the first and second waves, it was never so prominent as it is now. They are hard workers and the stature and structure of their bodies are muscular and lends to the labor of their work, as though they were cut out for that task alone. Dwarves are intelligent and rambunctious and when they aren’t working hard, they are playing hard. Dwarven men, much like the Amish, boast long, well groomed beards to commemorate and honor their marriage vows. Younger male dwarves remain unbearded until the day they are wed, and women do not possess unusual facial hair at all. Women commonly wear their hair in braids of varying types. Like the other races, dwarves tend to prefer their own company, however, dwarven hospitality cannot be beaten anywhere, and most are excellent cooks. This leads to many cooking competitions and contests, which dwarves are quite made for as they can consume ludicrous quantities of food. They are often the friendliest of races, and are not easily taken advantage of.

The Rebirth of Magic:
The dwarves converted easily into the age of magic, doing as many always had: taking interest in each other, and forming groups of support. Because their culture is resistant to corruption, they lead simple lives. Those dwarves who have succumbed to their addictions are separated from the society, but not barred from it. Often the Afflicted, or so they are called, choose to separate themselves for the preservation of society. It is very rare that this separation causes anger or resentment. Dwarves, unlike the other races who are centralized in certain countries, live anywhere they please, in whichever climate suits them at the moment.

Dwarves and Religion:
Dwarven religion is diverse across the board, but usually the groups of dwarves that live together share the major religion of their community. They are not zealous, but they abide very closely to their beliefs, as they are part of their way of life and have integrated it into their society.


Humans: "I don't have a bad word about them, except maybe the restaurant bills. Still, you get enough food for three people. I guess it’s worth the money."

Elves: "How can you not like seafood? I mean...its seafood! And why the fear of trees? Crap, now I have a headache."

Trolls: "Next week, eat pie contest!"

Orcs: "their society is a little strange, but I think they have a better union than us."

Fae: "I got stuck in this one dwarfs beard once. and it was dark...and I was I braided it!"

Drow: "They are almost the perfect size and shape for a decent punt, in my opinion. They're a diminishing race anyhow."

Vampires: "Ok...Elves are to ambrosia, as dwarves are to a nice fat steak...steak..."

Sidhe: "Dwarves? They're alright I guess. Why are you asking me all these questions?"