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From Sion, Switzerland, Etienne graduated from the Ecole Supérieure des Arts du Cirque de Châlon-en-champagne. He was also the recipient of the Prix Farinet in 1994. Abroad, he has performed with L'Anomalie-cirque-compagnie, whose diverse repetoire includes dance (Le Cri du Caméléon 1996-1999) music (33 Tours de Piste 1998-1999) and theatre (Et après on verra bien 2000-2002) His film credits include Les Caméléons (1997), produced for Arte by Laurent Chevalier, and Astérix et Obélix contre César (1998) by Claude Zidi. In the Valais, he played in Les Rustre (Compagnie Opale - 1998) Etienne is also the founder of Biclown (1998), which produced ya pas qu'nous sur Terre (Théâtre de Valère, 1999) and Les Cyclo-touristes (street performance - 2000)

Born in Switzerland in 1978, she studied dance for 15 years and then went on to look into the use of movement in theatre. After having worked with a variety of theatre techniques, including work under Charlotte Fox, Françoise Gugger, Anne Salamin, Nina Weissenberg andthe Dimitri School in Switzerland, Julie completed the two year program at the Ecole Jaques Lecoq in Paris. She also furthered her mask technique with Antonio Fava in Italy. Since then Julie has co-founded several companies; Les Linottes (Europe), Les Indociles and Blue Saumon (Switzerland), Sprung (Chicago). She has toured with four plays, was directed by Antonio Fava and developed theatre research workshops in Recife, Brazil and another with Jon Sherman in Chicago.

Attila is a graduate of both Studio 58 (Vancouver) and Ecole Lecoq (Paris) and has been based in Basel, Switzerland since 2000. Working primarily on new works he has been a part of creating more than a dozen professional shows in Canada, Ireland, and Switzerland. Attila has been awarded several awards including best sound design for Brilliant by the Electric Company and sharing an award of best ensemble for The Overcoat by the Vancouver Playhouse. While working as an actor and director Attila is also involved in sound design, writing, dance-theater and teaching.

Servane started to perform at five years old, studying at the Ecole des Enfants du Spectacle in Paris where she also studied violin. Until the age of 15, she played in films, on television, and on stage. At 18 years of age she went to New York to attend the Actor's Studio for 8 months. Upon returning to Paris she performed with both the Sapajou and Riaskova theatre companies. She also participated in a workshop with Oleg Koudriachov on Russian theatre and with Frédéric Merlo. From 1998 to 2000 she attended the Ecole Jacques Lecoq and received her diploma. She then went directly into the programme at the Conservatoire National Supérieur d'Art Dramatique which she completed in June 2002. She has worked as part of a clown trio, Les Mouettes Rieuses with whom she performs regularly in Paris. As a member of Les Linottes company, she co-created Dix sur le Pont and Haut-Bas-Fragile andwas involved in preparations for the collaborative work with Pro-Criança

Sharon studied theatre in both New York and Chicago exploring various movement techniques including those of Laban, Grotowski, Feldenkrais as well as Contact Impro and Viewpoints. She has worked with Trapdoor Theatre, Redmoon Puppet Theatre and is a member of Plasticene - a physical theatre company based in Chicago. She teaches in the Arts Program of the Public Guardian's Office directing disadvantaged children, adolescents and young adults. She is a member of the Arts Department of the University of Illinois in Chicago. Sharon has also studied Capoeira for three years with Marissa Cordeiro.

Steph studied drama at the University of Queensland, Australia (1991-1994) and at Ecole Jacques Lecoq, France (1998-2000). In Australia, she worked with Zen Zen Zo Physical Theatre with whom she trained in the Suzuki Method and Viewpoints. She is a co-founder and director with Les Linottes (Haut-Bas-Fragile, 2000) She currently works in London with Eastside Theatre Company as a teacher and director.