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This first Métissage is located in Recife in the north-east of Brasil. There, an association, Le Movimento Pro-Criança (The Children's Movement), sits at the edge of the favelas working to educate street children and re-introduce them into society using the arts as a fundamental tool.

Servane Ducorps, Heidi Hovland, Fiora Blasi and Julie Beauvais made an initial visit to Recife in January of 2001 to set the groundwork for the project. For one month they directed theatre workshops and taught movement theater to the young Brasilians using the Jacques Lecoq pedagogy. They also were able to participate in some of the courses taught by other teachers at Pro Ciança such as capoeira, drumming and dance.

After the success of the this first exchange, Pro Criança and the four artists of les Métissages decided to prepare a project to stage a play with the young people.

Over the following year, the framework of the new project took shape, the group of artists/teachers that would participate in the project were brought together and funding was sought. Finally, six artistes coming from Switzerland, France, US, Australia, and Canada trained in physical theater, acrobatics, music and capoeira were ready to work with the students of Pro Criança to mount Brecht's "The Good Woman of Szechwan".

Thanks to the help of L'AFAA , private funding agencies, and the help of many friends, these six artists are now able to start this work on the 4th of October 2002 in Recife.