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Instead of Jigglypuff/Nidoran and Snorlax/Gengar (is it?) battling, you get to see a darkened Pokemon running at you on all fours. As it gets closer, you realise it's PIKACHU! During this various clips are shown of him doing a flying kick, riding a surfboard, flying on balloons, and then it shows him close up, and his cheeks start to spark, and then he lets rip with a Giant thundershock! The title screen then comes on, which is Pikachu saying Pikachu (duh). It has new music too, sounds similar to the casino in Celadon City. Much better intro.


EVERY Pokemon in the Pokédex has been redrawn and they look a lot better. Also, Gary changes art throughout the game. Not the sprite onscreen, but the picture of him during a battle. There are three different drawings. Brock too is different (i.e. he is wearing a shirt), and Misty also looks similar to the show (the shirt with the straps on, no bathing suit for her

Starting Pokemon

Instead of choosing between Squirtle, Charmander and Bulbasaur at the beginning, Professor Oak stops you at the grass (you get to move one step further too. Ooooh :) ) and then captures a Pikachu! He brings it back to his lab and then lets you have it! As for Gary (your rival) if you look at the Pokeball on the desk, he shoves you out of the way and takes it. It's an Eevee! Then you fight. Later in the game, after battling Gary 3 times more, when you face him in the Silph Co. Building, his Eevee will have evolved into one of it's three other forms (Flareon in my case). Whether or not his choice of Pokemon change based on what Eevee he plans on getting is unknown. The team Gary faced me with at the end of the game was: Sandslash, Alkazam,
Exeggutor, Magneton, Cloyster, Flareon.


Pika-pi! Of course, the game is mostly about Pikachu now, so of course he has new stuff!

Talking to Pikachu

Pikachu follows you around on the map! Unless he fainted. You can talk to him at any time, bringing up a picture of his face, showing if he is happy or sad. If happy, sprite on the main screen will jump up and down, really fast if super happy! If really upset he will turn around and not look at you! When he sees Bill The Pokemaniac as a Pokemon, question marks appear over his head! And when you go to the Pokemon meeting in Vermillion City, love hearts appear when he
sees the other Pokemon!

Pikachu's Moves

Pikachu learns new moves! Chief amongst them is Thunderbolt, which he gets at level 26. Here is the list of his moves:

Start Thundershock
Start Growl
Lvl 6 Tail Whip
Lvl 8 Thunderwave
Lvl 11 Quick Attack
Lvl 15 Double Team
Lvl 20 Slam
Lvl 26 Thunderbolt
Lvl 34 Agility
Lvl 41 Thunder
Lvl 50 Light Scren

Thunder Stone

Pikachu will NOT use the Thunderstone! Thus leaving this question: How the heck do you get a Raichu? (There are no Pikachu in the game besides the one you start
with). Just as on the cartoon; Pikachu chooses not to evolve, deciding it will fight Raichu for the honour of Pikachu everywhere.

Team Rocket

Yes, it's true, Team Rocket appear in the game!Just as you are about to leave Mt. Moon they come running over and battle you! They fight with Ekans, Meowth and Koffing! After you beat them they dissappear, like Giovanni. You meet them three times more, in the Casino/Rocket base (just before Giovanni), Lavender Tower (you beat them to save Mr. Fuji, and they have Arbok and Weezing now! (But still just Meowth) And finally the Silph co. Building, just before Giovanni). And yes, just like the cartoon, they are easily beaten!

Anything different during the game

Nurse Joy

Nurse Joy is at every Pokemon Centre, with her Chansey!

Pokemon sprites

Chansey has been redrawn in it's pen at Fuschia City. Also there is an Oddish sprite and a Sandshrew, and a Bulbasaur. The last three are all in a house in Cerulean City.

Officer Jenny

Officer Jenny is in Vermillion City.

Two Pikachus?

The hut at the bottom of Fuschia City, inside, there is a Pikachu walking around!

Computer Options/Boxes

Not too clear on this, but you probably get more places to store Pokemon.


The people you trade with are generally asking for different things in this
game. For example, I think the old man in the lab at Cinnabar Islands trades
Rhydon for Golduck (not sure tho).

Pokemon learn moves faster?

I'm not sure about anyone besides Pikachu learning new moves, but, I have noticed Pokemon learn skills faster. Butterfree for example gets confusion as soon as it evolves, rather than level 12! It gets all it's other skills faster too! Jeez, how much of an advantage does a Poke Yellow player have
over the others??


Pokemon for sale:
Scyther 6500
Pinsir 6500
Porygon 9999
Vulpix 1000 (The only place you can get it?)
Abra 230
Wigglytuff 2680


If you talk to Jigglypuff in the Pokemon Centre at the Pewter City Gym, she sings her lullabye! To the correct tune! And then if you talk to Pikachu, he is asleep!

Old Man In Viridian City

You know the old guy who blocks your path or something? The guy who shows you how to use a Pokeball? (We'll just ignore Professor Oak using one earlier...) Instead of trying to get Weedle and failing, this time he tries to get Rattatta and he succeeds! Sometimes, anyway.

Missing Pokemon

To ensure that Pokemon Yellow offers no distinct advantage over the previous versions/colours (yeah right, you can get Charmander, Bulbasaur AND Squirtle?? O--k, fair...), 11 Pokémon are unattainable again. Although I can't be certain at this time, here are my guesses as to which ones they are (note there are 13, so at least 2 of these must be wrong, or perhaps not....):

Weedle (None in Viridian Forest or anywhere else, but many "Bug Catchers" have them)
Kakuna (again, many bug catchers have them)
Beedrill (One of the Bug Catchers near Cerulean City has two of them though)
Jynx (though Lorelei of the Elite Four has one. The original place for the trade has been replaced by the "Bulbasaur House.")
Raichu: Using the Thunderstone on Pikachu does NOT WORK. He will not take it!
And since there are No other Pikachus in the game besides your starting one...... ?? (Lt. Surge has one)
Ekans (No nest on map, unable to find. Jesse has one)
Meowth (No nest on map, unable to find. Team Rocket have one :) )
Koffing (No nest on map. Unable to find. James has one :) )

I'd say that not being able to get Ekans, Koffing and Meowth is definite (since the game follows the cartoon more so than the others, and they are the villain Pokemon). Jynx probably does exist to trade still, but I can't find it. Electabuzz and Magmar are likely removed to make up for both Scyther and Pinsir (if you remember, Magmar and Pinsir are in the blue game, Scyther and Electabuzz in thr red.). That would leave Raichu as the other possible collectable)

Extra Pokemon in this version

I do not mean brand new Pokemon (see the upcoming Silver or Gold, and the
cartoon for Togepi :) ), but I mean certain Pokemon you could only get one or
the other of in the previous versions.

a) Scyther and Pinsir

BOTH are in this version :) Both can be found in the same area in the Safari Zone.

b) Charmander

After Nugget Bridge, there is a man standing on a raised bit of land. If you talk to him he'll ask you something, choose the top answer and you get a Charmander!
- Charizard can now learn fly (HM02). Seems right.
- Maybe the guy is Damien from "Charmander, The Stray Pokemon."

c) Squirtle

In Vermillion City, after the trip on the St. Anne, talk to Officer Jenny and
she'll ask you something. Choose the top again and you'll get a Squirtle!
- You have to beat Lt. Surge first tho.....
- This seem to have nothing to do with "Here comes The Squirtle Squad." There's only one of them!

d) Bulbasaur

In Cerulean City, there is a house with an Oddish, a Sandshrew and a lady stood next to what looks like a Bulbasaur. Talk to her, and when you have to choose, choose the top answer..... then when you have to choose again, do the same. You get Bulbasaur!!
- I think this might be something similar to the episode "Bulbasaur and The Hidden Village." Melanie could be the girl. After all, there is an Oddish present.

e) The four "Tradies" (Gengar, Golem, Alkazam, Machamp)

They are available within the game! Or.... so I have heard. Somewhere people trade you wither something for them, or something for their "previous form" (example, someone trades you a Graveler, and it then evolves to Golem because it has been traded). Recently I found Machamp!

i) Machamp - In the tunnel that goes between Vermillion and Cerulean, in the north entrance, a kid trades you Machoke if you give him Cubone.... but what? When traded, Machoke evolves! You got yourself a Machamp!!!

f) Psyduck
- Just north of Vermillion City, in the grassy area where there are trainers, there is a pond, and if you surf on it for a while, you get to fight a Psyduck! Psy-ai-ai!

g) Farfetch'd
- South of the hut where you get the Good Rod, there are two grassy areas. In the southern most one (you have to go into the bizarre maze on the left and "cut" through a plant to get to this grassy area), about one in 15 encounters ia a Farfetch'd! You can get them in the wild! Far-far-fetch'd!

h) Shellder
- Fish with the Super Rod along the cycling road, you can get a Shellder!

Can you catch 150 Pokemon?

Regardless of how many of the Pokemon on the list turn out to be catchable, even if you can get all 150, you can't "get" all 150. I count 145 minimum as the
very most you can get (without trading with a friend): You still can only have one of the Hitmon's from the karate dojo: Hitmonlee or Hitmonchan
b) You can still only get either Omanyte or Kabuto (thus only Omastar or Kabutops)
c) You only get one Eevee, hence one evolution, so you can;t get the other two.   However, you can SEE two evolutions if you do it right (remember Gary has one.).
Of course, look on Bill's computer and you see all three anyway.
And then there are the missing 13 on the list above.... bringing the number down to 132. Furthermore, it looks like you can get Machamp, but not Gengar,
Alkazam or Golem, so in total, I believe you can catch 129 without trading That's still more than the other colours though. The most you will ever SEE is 148 without trading/battling another cartridge. (whichever of the ancient Pokemon you don't get, you'll never see in an evolved form, unless you count the bones of the Kabutops in the museum. Which you don't). Without trading, you can never see a Golem either.

Unknown Dungeon

The layout of the last dungeon is slightly different, with more water sections. Also, there are different Pokemon inside from previously. These are the ones I have run into: Ryhorn, Rhydon, Ditto, Gloom, Golbat, Chansey, Graveller, Weepinbell, Sandslash, Likcitung, Seaking (use Super Rod) and, of course, Mewtwo.