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Mayan Everyday Life

Mayas had a very specific way of living. The new borns were presented to their fellow society by their grandparents in a ceremony. This was consider to be a traditional ceremony.

Naming new babes in Mayan society was very important. Every new born Mayban female or male were given four name. A specific day was set up by the local priest to name the baby, this was known as the "Naming Day."

1st Name - Private Name, which was given at the ceremony.
2nd Name - Nickname, this was the name used the most, and by everyone.
3rd Name - Names that were derived from their parents.

Mayans considered a flattened forehead and consider eyes to be signs of physical beauty. Beacause of this, infants in the Mayansociety strapped wooden frames to their heads whihc elongated their skulls. Also a bull of resin was dangled above their eyes to cause them to cross.

Mayan girls were to get married at age 14 and men at age 18. These marriages were usually arranged by a matchmaker and groom's parents. the bride's family paid a dowry to the grooms' family to seat the wedding agreement. The wedding day was set by the priest and the wedding was held in the brides home.

The wedding would be finished with an excahnge of gifts and a feast. Newly wed's would live with the bride's family. After this the new couple could establish their own household.

Mayans lived in extended family units which were in village compounds. The extended families were combined into larger groups known as lineages. Lineages usually formed larger units called clans.


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