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Mayan Land

The heart of the Mayan was Guatemala. It’s from Guatemala that Mayan spread through much of Central America and Southern Mexico. At the height of the Mayans civilization their territory measured 324000km.

The Mayan civilization included the now modern day countries of Guatemala, Honduras, Belize, the western pact of El Salvador, and a number of states in Mexico. The territory of the Mayans was geographically very diverse. It could be divided into 3 main regions: the northern province, the central territory, and the southern lands.

The northern province’s consisted of the southern Mexican States. Was the driest region almost lacking rivers, and vegetation contained scrub thickets and brushwood. Although there were few natural resources and the chalky limestone soil supported only meager crops, the northern province flourished. Also the Chichen Itza was still an important Mayan center inspite of the resources and the agriculture.

The central territory consisted of Tabasco, Guatemala, Honduras, and Belize. The lowlands have rivers traveling throughout and are covered by dense rain forests. The area receives a high amount of rainfall and the climate is very humid. The heavy rain leaches nutrients from the soil, the resulting, effect is that the soil will be exhausted from farming every couple of years. Even though this area had one of the least hospitable living conditions, this is where the Maya attained their greatest cultural achievements.

The southern lands included Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, and El Salvador. This area had fertile soil, moderate climate, and natural resources. Although this area didn’t receive much cultural growth, the area was still valued because of the quetzal, jade, and obsidian found there.


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