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The Almanac – Astrology - Libra
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Libra - The Scales 09/24 – 10/23

A Masculine, Cardinal Air sign.



Animal: Elephant

Birthstone: Emerald, Beryl, Opal

Color: Green

Day: Friday

Egyptian: Maat

Gods/Goddess: Themis, Maat, Venus

Greek: Themis

Metal: Brass

Perfume: Galbanum, Vanilla, Chamomile

Plant: Aloe

Roman: Themis

Tarot: Justice

Weapon: The Cross

Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac; it is cardinal and air. Libra is the diplomat or negotiator of the zodiac. The symbol for Libra is the scales, always balancing two opposing options. Libra does so well at seeing both sides of a question that it sometimes has difficult deciding which option to choose. Libra is concerned with harmonious relationships between people. Representing this idea, the ruling planet is Venus.

The Sanskrit name for this month is Tula - the Scales
MAHOE HOPE - Gourd Scales. In Hawaiian mythology is depicted similarly to the Scales in Greek mythology, the cardinal airy sign of the Statesman or Manager.

Celtic Tree Astrology

Hazelnut: 09/24 - 10/03

HAZELNUT TREE (the Extraordinary) - charming, undemanding, very understanding, knows how to make an impression, active fighter for social cause, popular, moody, and capricious lover, honest, and tolerant partner, precise sense of judgment.

Beth-Luis-Nion Tree Alphabet: Gort (Ivy) September 30 to October 27


In October muck
your fields
And your land its wealth
shall yield.

Traditional To celebrate the Hunters' Moon, add aniseed to flavor apple pie; this herb has long been used to put hunting dogs off the scent.

October -- Snow Moon

Libra heralds the dark season when the sun is at its lowest and the first snows fly.

Fall Moon - October

Marks the end of summer, nature has slowed down, the last of the harvests have been brought in, and the first hints of winter are showing. The trees, once crowned in golden leaves, start to shed their golden canopy. Nature's final explosion of activity, as plants and trees spread their seeds. It is a time for looking back, at the year gone by, for putting things no longer needed behind you and for preparing for the coming year. A time for finishing projects, cleaning out the debris of the past year, whether emotional or physical, and contemplating the personal targets and goals you have achieved

Native American Astrology

Many Native American traditions teach that there are twelve Earth Personalities that make up the Earth Medicine Wheel. These are an earth-centered, rather than planet-based, kind of horoscope that gives us valuable information about our totem animal, our personality, and our spirit-task in life.

September 22 - October 22: The Falling Leaves Time. Crow. Your principle lessons: To gain the inner strength that comes from acting firmly on your convictions, and acquiring the wisdom that results from making sound judgments.

Aries * Taurus * Gemini * Cancer * Leo * Virgo * Libra * Scorpio

Sagittarius * Capricorn * Aquarius * Pisces

Symbols in the Sky * Beth-Luis-Nion * The Celtic Tree

Identifying the Constellations * The Elements

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