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The Almanac – Astrology - Capricorn
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Capricorn - The Goat 12/23 - 01/19

A Feminine, Cardinal Earth sign.



Animal: Goat, Ass

Birthstone: Carbonado, Chrysoprase, Garnet

Color: Indigo

Day: Saturday

Egyptian: Khnum (Khnoumis)

Gods/Goddess: Bacchus, Pan, Khem, Saturn, Cronos

Greek: Pan

Metal: Lead

Perfume: Musk, Lilac, Vetivert, Mimosa

Plant: Indian Hemp

Roman: Bacchus

Tarot: Devil

Weapon: The Secret Force

Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac; it is cardinal and earth. Capricorn tends to be old when they are young and get younger (or more youthful) as they get older. A traditional image of Capricorn is of two steps forward and the one step backwards: they never give up, but can be very persistent. The planetary ruler is Saturn, and the symbol is the mythical Capricorn, a half-goat, half-fish. A medieval role for Capricorn is the father.

The Sanskrit name for this month is Makara - the Sea Monster
MAKALII - Sea Goat. In Hawaiian mythology is the Sea Goat as in Greek mythology, and the cardinal sign of the Ambassador, the Benevolent or Researcher. It was in the month of MAKALII, during one of the multitude of volcanic eruptions that formed the Hawaiian Islands that up from the ocean's depths there also came Koa, the great goat with no horns but with a fish tail.

Celtic Tree Astrology

Fir: 01/01 - 01/11

FIR TREE (the Mysterious) - extraordinary taste, dignity, sophisticated, loves anything beautiful, moody, stubborn, tends to egoism but cares for those close to them, rather modest, very ambitious, talented, industrious, non-contented lover, many friends, many foes, very reliable.

Beth-Luis-Nion Tree Alphabet: Beth (Birch) December 24 to January 20

January is the month of the Wolf Moon when wolves were hungry and roamed in packs searching for sparse pickings in mid-winter.

January brings the snow, makes the nose and fingers glow.


Herbs too she knew, and well of each could speak that in her garden slipped the silvery dew.

William Shenstone

January -- Storm Moon

A storm is said to rage most fiercely just before it ends, and the year usually follows suit.

Native American Astrology

Many Native American traditions teach that there are twelve Earth Personalities that make up the Earth Medicine Wheel. These are an earth-centered, rather than planet-based, kind of horoscope that gives us valuable information about our totem animal, our personality, and our spirit-task in life.

December 22 - January 19: The Renewal Time. Goose.

Your principle lessons: These are derived from your efforts to arrange and conserve, for their purpose is to teach you self-reliance and self-sufficiency in order to establish your own identity.

Aries * Taurus * Gemini * Cancer * Leo * Virgo * Libra * Scorpio

Sagittarius * Capricorn * Aquarius * Pisces

Symbols in the Sky * Beth-Luis-Nion * The Celtic Tree

Identifying the Constellations * The Elements

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