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The Almanac – Astrology – Identifying the Constellations
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Identifying the Constellations

Aries, the ram has three primary stars which form the horns of the ram.
Stars: Raceabah, Acharnar, Mirach, Diphoa, Algenib, Alpherat

Pisces, the fish can only be seen in a very dark sky and looks like two fish joined by a thin line of dim stars.
Stars: Fomalhaut

Aquarius, the water carrier is a large dim constellation in the shape of a water urn.
Stars: Deneb Adige

Capricornius, the goat is another faint constellation.
Stars: Altair, Pelagus, Vega

Sagittarius, the archer lies in the centre of the Milky Way.
Stars: Rasalhague, Antares, Isidis

Scorpius, the scorpion contains a bright red star called Antares
Stars: Alphega, Bungala, Arcturus, Agena

Libra, the scales contain the northern and southern claws; two bright stars that were once part of Scorpius.
Stars: Benetnash, Mizar, Arista, Vindemiatrix, Alicth, Accrux

Virgo, the maiden has one bright star, Spica, which is often confused with a planet.
Stars: Denebola, Dubhe, Merak, Algeiba

Leo, the lion also has a luminous star which is often mistaken for a planet - blue Regulus.
Stars: Regulus, Alphard

Cancer, the crab has Sirius, one of the brightest stars in the zodiac in its constellation.
Stars: Wesen, Pollux, Procyon, Castor, Adara, Sirius, Alhena, Canopus, Menkalinam

Gemini, the twins have two stars to mark their heads, one is more orange and the other is more northerly.
Stars: Beltegeuse, Alnitak, Alnilam, Phact, El Nath, Bellatrix, Capella, Rigel, Aldebaran

Taurus, the bull is quite clearly marked with a V-shape of stars for his face. The Pleiades, a group of hot, bright stars surrounded by a blue glow of their own light, are also found in Taurus.
Stars: Algol, Almach, Hamal

Sign Zodiac and Constellation Zodiac: The Difference

Even though the astrological sign zodiac was created with constellations as a background; it must not be mistaken for the constellation zodiac. Most certainly, during the Age of Aries, which lasted for approximately 2000 years until the birth of Christ, the two zodiacs were confused. However, we know today that the constellation zodiac features the band of visible stars surrounding the Earth, whilst the sign zodiac features the relative position between the Sun and the Earth.

Aries * Taurus * Gemini * Cancer * Leo * Virgo * Libra * Scorpio

Sagittarius * Capricorn * Aquarius * Pisces

Symbols in the Sky * Beth-Luis-Nion * The Celtic Tree

Identifying the Constellations * The Elements

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