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The Almanac – Astrology - Gemini
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Gemini - The Twins 05/22 - 06/22

A Masculine, Mutable Air sign.



Animal: Magpie

Birthstone: Tourmaline, Topaz, Agate

Color: Orange

Day: Wednesday

Egyptian: Sam-taui

Gods/Goddess: Janus, Mercury, Apollo Diviner, Twin Murti

Greek: Castor & Pollux

Metal: Quicksilver, Electrum

Perfume: Wormwood, Bergamot, Lavender

Plant: Orchid

Roman: Castor & Pollux

Tarot: Lovers

Weapon: The Tripod

Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac, a mutable, air sign. Gemini is represented by the Twins, and Gemini people are often of two minds. Gemini is the communicator of the zodiac, always talking with others. The planetary ruler of Gemini is Mercury, representing the sign's use of the mind. A medieval type for Gemini is the jester, whose livelihood depended on the use of his mind. Gemini's are so interested in everything that it is difficult for them to remain focused on one thing for very long.

The Sanskrit name for this month is Mithuna - the Pair
IKIIKI - Alii Twins. In Hawaiian mythology, is depicted by Twins of Alii (royal) birth. As in Greek mythology, the twins represent a mutable airy sign of the Artist or Inventor.

Celtic Tree Astrology

Ash: 05/25 - 06/03

ASH TREE (the Ambition) - uncommonly attractive, vivacious, impulsive, demanding, does not care for criticism, ambitious, intelligent, talented, likes to play with fate, can be egotistic, very reliable and trustworthy, faithful and prudent lover, sometimes brains rule over the heart, but takes partnership very seriously.

Beth-Luis-Nion Tree Alphabet: Uath (Hawthorn) May 13 to June 9

June damp and warm does
the farmer no harm.


Add chopped young leaves of angelica to fruit salads to give them fresh flavor with a hint of sweetness.

Incorporate sprigs of myrtle in the bouquet of a June bride to ensure a long and happy marriage.

Add alpine strawberries to whipped cream and yogurt, sweeten to taste, and serve in pretty glasses with fresh herbs and flowers; a lovely pudding to end the month of the Strawberry Moon.

During late June and most of July the meadows, or meads, were mowed for hay.

Native American Astrology

Many Native American traditions teach that there are twelve Earth Personalities that make up the Earth Medicine Wheel. These are an earth-centered, rather than planet-based, kind of horoscope that gives us valuable information about our totem animal, our personality, and our spirit-task in life.

May 21 - June 20: The Flowering Time. Deer.

Your principle lessons: The rifts you have with others indicate divisions within yourself. You are learning how to co-ordinate that which appears to be contrary but which truly is complementary.

Aries * Taurus * Gemini * Cancer * Leo * Virgo * Libra * Scorpio

Sagittarius * Capricorn * Aquarius * Pisces

Symbols in the Sky * Beth-Luis-Nion * The Celtic Tree

Identifying the Constellations * The Elements

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