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Good News
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Reflections On My Nightly Walks with Buster....
Topic: Just Life!

Anyone who has followed my blogs in the past , and follow now would be wondering how is Buster? Buster is my Golden Retriever. I have had him for over 4 years now. He is a blessing....

Nightly for 3 of the last four years Buster and I have had a nightly walk...being the one year before my back surgery, then I would release him in the yard and let him do his thing...I am thankful for the back surgery and when I am very tired and aching from work it does not take much to remember when I was disparing over not walking him. God truly gave me a new lot in I will leash him up and off we go into the night air...

The skies at night on Maui are breathtaking at times...oftentimes very clear and the stars like You could reach out and touch we walk I will look down at my 85lb hound happily tugging at the ever reminding him to slow down...

Buster has been my companion and best friend for the longest stretch of my single years, and I must say I have learned more of human nature from him than many years of doing social work..His faithfulness demands from me my faithfulness...such is God's faithfulness to is so true and pure we are drawn to show our faithfulness to Him and His ways....

Even in my aloneness is when His faihfulness is shown....I am reminded of that when walking with Buster and I many times have thought it would be nice to share this with someone I love....yet as I am silently growning within myself Buster nudges me wanting me to rub his muzzle or massage his back...

No summation here, as these things are as they are, and I learn to center and enjoy each day!

As I have shared on other blogs I once more share the song...

 GoD And DoG by Wendy J Francisco

Posted by indie/hanaisonmusic at 3:27 AM EST
Updated: Tuesday, 24 January 2012 3:33 AM EST
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