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In regard to links throughout this Site, you may see a word that is underlined but NOT highlighted blue like a link, It IS a link and these are words that can be found in our Dictionary. In case  you're unfamiliar with some of the fishing lingo.

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Miscellaneous Tackle

Got your fishing pole, tackle, even got a lunch . . . 

ready to go fishin'!

How about those things that are often forgotten that should be part of your fishing trip.
These items won't help you catch more fish, but they sure can make the fishing experience a whole lot more pleasant.

Those little handy extra items when going fishing

The most common accident during fishing season involves hooks.
The second most common hazard facing anglers is getting too much sun.
Both are easily avoided.
Sunscreen and a hat will handle the sun and a first aid kit with a little knowledge of how to use it will take care of the hook problems.

Fish Hook Removal

Berkley Stainless Steel Hook Remover

One day, someday it will happen! Either you, your buddy or your child will end up with a hook in their skin.

Hopefully you'll never experience such a feat but regardless if you hook yourself (or somebody else) you will eventually hook something other than a fish, be it a tree, your boat, a dock - a fish removal tool is a necessity. Not only is the tool used for unhooking objects other than fish - that's what they were intended for in the first place - removing the hook from a fish!

Either buy a Fish Removal Tool or simply have on hand a good pair of wire cutters. 
Keep a pair in a zip lock plastic baggy to keep it from rusting. Never use it for anything except for emergencies.
Have a duplicate pair in your tackle box for other uses.
Lean how to remove a fish hook here

Sunscreen Protection

Bring along some sunscreen.

This item should actually be kept in a separate container or bag other than your tackle box. The scent can wander throughout your tackle box or even accidentally get sprayed or spilled. That scent on your tackle can throw off the fish.

Get a sunscreen that's a minimum 30 SPF(sun protection factor). 

Be sure to apply sunscreen to your ears, nose, and neck, and also heavily along the areas where clothing meets bare skin. Re-apply the sunscreen frequently.

Learn more about Sun Safety here

Food and Drinks

If you have to leave a good fishing hole because your stomach is beginning to growl and you didn't bring a lunch or snack, you will drastically lesson your odds of catching any fish.

Need I say anything about dehydration?

Insect Repellant

Damn Bugs!

Another item that should be part of your fishing arsenal is bug-repellant. Bugs can ruin a day or evening on the water.

The new wave in bug repellants' today is Bug Band products. Bug Band products contain no DEET. DEET is the ingredient in many repellents that keeps the bugs away. The problem with DEET is that it's sticky and it can ruin tackle boxes and plastics with over-spray. I am not pushing Bug Band, I am merely suggesting it. As like any product, not everything works for everybody. You will need to experiment to see which ones work and which ones you like.

This item should actually be kept in a separate container or bag other than your tackle box. The scent can wander throughout your tackle box or even accidentally get sprayed or spilled. That scent on your tackle can throw off the fish.

Rain Gear

Mossi RX-3 Hunting and Fishing Rain Jacket (Brown, Medium)

You may not like fishing in the rain, but sometimes, if you want to go fishing, you've gotta go in the rain.

Keep Rain gear in the boat. It's perfect for rain, but also for boat rides early in the morning.

Make sure to bring your Rain Gear whenever you go fishing. It's always best to be prepared. Keep a fold up poncho on hand if anything.

We have a wide selection of Rain Gear for you to choose from. You are sure to find just what you are looking for by shopping Our FUNdamentals of Fishing Store. Simply click the link or image above and browse through our selection.

Chest Waders

Hodgman Mackenzie Nylon/PVC Chest Wader with Cleated Soles

See More Waders at Our Fundamentals of Fishing Store

Some fishermen either don't have access to a boat or do not wish to use a boat, however would like to go a little bit further off the shore and wade into the water to do some fishing. Therefore, it is necessary to wear the appropriate attire to keep you dry and warm. For deep wading, use Chest waders, or waders which come up to the chest and are held up by suspenders. Boots are included.

Please consider safety. Wearing waders does not necessarily mean that you can wade deeper and further in the water if you want, especially in rivers that you are not familiar with. If there is a strong current, make use of a wading stick, or better yet, do not go too deep. Many unexpected things can happen so it is always necessary to take precautions.

We have a wide selection of Chest Waders for you to choose from. You are sure to find just what you are looking for by shopping Our FUNdamentals of Fishing Store. Simply click the link or image above and browse through our selection.

Hip Boots

Hodgman Mackenzie Nylon/PVC Hip Wader with Cleated Soles

See More Hip Boots at Our Fundamentals of Fishing Store

Maybe it's too hot to wear Chest Waders (mentioned above) or it's just too much overkill for you, you can always purchase a pair of hip boots.

Hip boots allow you to comfortably wade in water that is around two feet deep. Thus, you can have access to parts that you cannot reach without Hip boots.

When wading, you need to have a strong hold on slippery and algae-covered rocks. Likewise, you need to be comfortable when walking in water so make sure to wear the appropriate type of Hip boots that can serve these purposes.

We have a wide selection of Hip Boots for you to choose from. You are sure to find just what you are looking for by shopping Our FUNdamentals of Fishing Store. Simply click the link or image above and browse through our selection.

Fishing Hat

There is no standard type of hat for Fishing. You just have to have your favorite fishing hat!

See Our Fishing Superstitions Page

Needle Nose Pliers

TEKTON 3504 Precision Needle Nose Pliers

Needle nose pliers are needed for taking hooks out of fish - and you at times. They usually have cutters that will clip line and even hooks if necessary. You can mash splitshot, crimp leaders and do a wide variety of jobs with needle nose pliers.


Get a good stainless steel knife that won't rust. One with big sharp blade can be used for cutting bait; opening cans of sardines, cutting line and all the other things that need cutting while fishing. You can clean or filet fish with one and some come with a fish scaling blade. Some also have a hook disgorger on the end of the scaling blade.

Landing Nets 
Also called a Fishnet

Frabill Wood Handle Mesh Netting Fish Landing Net

See More Fishing Nets at Our Fundamentals of Fishing Store

Some anglers land fish with a net after they are hooked; landing nets are more critical for large fish, fish with spines such as catfish, and fish with sharp teeth such as musky, sauger and walleye.

A Fishing Net is used to bring in fish once it is pulled in to shore or boat. They come in different types and sizes, depending on the type of Fishing that you do and the area where you will be using it.

One of the most common types of Fishing Nets is the Landing Net. This is usually a bag-shaped net attached to a long handle which is used to enclose the fish. You need to bring one on your Fishing trip especially when fishing from a boat, unless you want to increase the risks of losing the fish you have caught.

Landing Nets vary in sizes, depending on the type and size of fish. A Landing Net with a large hoop and long handle is made for species like muskellunge and northern pike. If you are after salmon, make use of a strong, metal-framed net that is large enough to carry a big fish. On the contrary, it is good to use one with a short handle for trout and other small species.

Aside from the fact that having a Landing Net can give you more assurance that you will be able to catch the fish successfully, a Landing Net can also serve as a safe ground of removing the fish from the water as well as the process of unhooking the fish. The fish will go berserk once you start unhooking it. What's worse is that it can break your Fishing Line or even hurt you. Remember that some species have rough scales or sharp fins. It will also be some torture to the fish if you let it flop on the ground or in your boat until such time that you are finished unhooking it. It would be better if you proceed on unhooking while the fish is still in the Landing Net.

A Landing Net can aid you in almost any, if not all, fishing situations. Bring one every time you go fishing.

Read more about Landing Nets here

We also have a wide selection of Landing Nets for you to choose from. You are sure to find the one that you are looking for by shopping Our FUNdamentals of Fishing Store.

Fingernail Clippers   

Clippers can be used to cut the Fishing Line when you need to change a Fish Hook or Fishing Lure. They are also used to cut the excess Fishing Line after making a Fishing Knot.


Its name says it all. De-hookers vary in designs, shapes, and applications. The simplest kind of De-hooker is a long, thin rod made of plastic with a slot at one end. This slot makes it possible for you to track the Fishing Line all the way to the gullet of the fish to the Fish Hook. Bring de-hookers with you if you are after large fish.

Hook Sharpener

Also called hook hones, Hook sharpeners are bars or rods made of rough, rock-like material. They are very easy to use. To sharpen a Fish Hook, just move the point of the Fish Hook back and forth on the shallow, thin channel on the Hook sharpener. Your Fish Hook will be sharpened in virtually no time at all.

Fish Finders

 Humminbird 408110-1 Fishfinder 596c HD DI

See More Fish Finders at Our Fundamentals of Fishing Store

 A fishfinder is an instrument used to locate fish underwater by detecting reflected pulses of sound energy, as in SONAR. A modern fishfinder displays measurements of reflected sound on a graphical display, allowing an operator to interpret information to locate schools of fish, underwater debris, and the bottom of body of water. Fishfinder instruments are used both by sport and commercial fishermen. Modern electronics allow a high degree of integration between the fishfinder system, marine radar, compass and GPS navigation systems.

You can learn more about Fishfinders at Our Fishfinders Page. How they work. What to look for in a fishfinder. We also have a wide selection of Fishfinders for you to choose from. You are sure to find the one that you are looking for.

Tackle Storage or Tackle Box

Plano Large 3-Tray with Top Access Tackle Box

 A storage container to hold all of your fishing gear.

We have a wide selection of Tackle Storage for you to choose from. You are sure to find the one that you are looking for.

Rod Holders

Scotty Rodmaster II Rod Holder Black with 241 Side Deck Mount

South Bend Heavy Duty Spiral Rod Holder

Berkley Horizontal Boat Rod Rack - 4 Place

 A fishing rod is a tool used to catch fish. A Rod Holder is a tool to secure your Fishing Rod. Be it a Rod holder that holds your fishing rod on the bank or secured to a boat. There are also Rod Holders that hold your Rod or Rods while secured away in storage.

Find a good rod holder for your fishing rod from our shop.

Sharpening Stone

 A sharpening stone will help keep hooks and knives sharp. 

Lure Retriever

Bill Dance Advantage Lure Retriever

A Lure retriever is a device designed to knock loose or retrieve snagged fishing lures.

Lure retrievers are great! Don't leave home without one. With plugs costing $5 to $10 and even more, they are well worth the effort to make or buy and carry with you.

Ice Cooler

A cooler with ice keeps your catch fresh. 

At the end of the day, toss your keepers into an ice chest and surround them with ice. Freezing the fish will kill them cleanly, with a minimum of thrashing, and they are already prepared for transport back home! Keeping them on ice will make it far easier for you to clean them back home; usually, it is too difficult to bother cleaning them in the field.

Tape Measurer

A Tape Measurer measures fish to verify legal length.

Anglers who choose to keep and eat the fish they catch should refer to their state's annual fishing guide for the latest updates on creel and size limits plus fish consumption advisories.
See what the Rules and Regulations are for your State here

Fishing Journal

An angler’s diary helps you become a better angler by reminding you of how fish were caught, what the weather was like, and what the fish were eating.


A file will help you keep hooks sharp and even sharpen your knife. A small flat file or even a small whetstone.

Toilet Paper

You can't prevent the inevitable!

If you need it, you need it and nothing else is a very good substitute. Put some in a ziploc bag to keep it dry and be sure you have enough!

Are you saying to yourself, 
"No problem! Where I'm going fishing, they have public facilities" . . .

Need I say more?

Aspirin or Tylenol

A headache can ruin a fishing trip. Carry a few in a film cannister for emergency use. I purchased a travel size bottle of Tylenol from a gas station and refill it when needed.

Also carry other meds you might need.
"Your Ritalin, Zachary!"

Handy Wipes or Diaper Wipes

I used to list these as a great necessity as they were great for cleaning up messes like your hands after handling bait and fish (if you caught any). However, I do believe the scent from the wipes throw off the fish. Perhaps a roll of paper towels would be more sufficient.

Fingernail Clippers

Great for clipping line, some also have a small file that will sharpen hooks in an emergency if you lose your file.

Or you just might clip your nails while waiting for a bite.


You never know when you might need a fire, but a lighter will also melt plastic worms to repair damage if you run out of the only color they are hitting and it also melts the ends of nylon rope to keep it from fraying.

Or you may want to use it simply to light up a cigarette.

 Don't litter! 
Put bait containers, cigarette butts and fishing line, all of which can harm wildlife and degrade others' outdoor experience, into the trash.

Trash Bags

Keep small trash bags in your tackle box or even bags from when when you purchased something at the store.


12' Yellow Twisted Polyester Fish Stringer

A method of keeping fish alive after they have been caught. A string or small nylon rope with a small spear like end is threaded through the mouth and gills of a fish and is then tied off to the boat or dock allowing the fish to remain in the water but preventing them from swimming away. With the advent of livewells and other more modern methods of keeping fish, stringers have become nearly obsolete, but can still be quite handy when fishing from the bank of a pond.

See how to properly use a Stringer here.

Fish Basket

South Bend Floating Wire Fish Basket

A fish basket is another way to keep your caught fish alive while you remain to fish.
Mostly intended for smaller fish.

A Chair

UNIQUE OASIS Deluxe Director Fishing Chair w/ Side Table, Fishing Rod Holder & Black Storage Side Bag-3 Years Warranty-A BONUS SOLAR RECHARGEABLE LED FLASHLIGHT INCLUDED WITH YOUR ORDER...

A small, light weight folding chair if your fishing from land.

First Aid Kit

A basic onboard first aid kit for anglers should contain sunscreen, small bottle of hydrogen peroxide, alcohol wipes. bandages, gauze, tape, hydrocortisone cream for poison ivy and other itchy rashes, antibiotic ointment (Bacitracin or Neosporin) and aspirin. Another essential should be a brand new pair of needle-nosed and wire cutting pliers, sealed in a seal-lock plastic baggy. Anglers using worms should think about up-dating their tetanus shot. The tetanus germs are usually spread in soil.


Make sure you have everything you'll need before heading out on your fishing trip. Nothing can make a fishing trip less enjoyable than having to go back home to get what you have forgotten. Make sure you have all of the necessary equipment and supplies.

Tackle Box Checklist

A variety of hooks

Hook remover (disgorger)

 Bobbers (various sizes and styles)


 Extra fishing line


 Insect repellant

Handy Wipes



 Food and Drinks


 Weights (various shapes and sizes)

 Band-Aids (better yet, a first aid kit)


 Sunscreen (if needed)

 A spare reel wouldn't hurt

 Needle nose pliers

 Toilet Paper


 Rod and Reel / Fishing Pole

One thing you DO NOT want to keep in your tackle box -
is bait!

Trust me, the next time you go fishing, 

your tackle box will smell worse than dead fish itself!!!!

Be sure to visit The FUNdamentals of Fishing Store for ALL your Fishing Gear

Now that we know what kind of gear is involved in fishing, let's take a look at each piece in detail.
Click the Next Button below for information on Fishing Rods.

If the Back Button Does Not Work, CLICK HERE

It is important that people who fish follow all fishing rules and regulations.
These rules help conserve fish populations and also help anglers be successful.
Regulations may limit the size of, number of, and season that a type of fish may be caught, and may require a license to fish. In some cases, only “catch and release” fishing is allowed, which means the fish must be let go. Some bait is illegal in certain areas.
Contact your state wildlife agency by visiting Our Rules and Regulations Page.

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If you have any hints, suggestions, techniques or anything that you would like to share or have me put onto this web page,
please feel free to Email me

Copyright © Jon's Images, Inc.
All rights reserved

This website is the composition of many hours of research. Information contained within this site has come from numerous sources such as websites, newspapers, books, and magazines.

No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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Please be advised that the content of this site is a source of information only. The FUNdamentals of Fishing Website cannot take responsibility for animal welfare or actions taken as a result of information provided, and if in doubt you should seek the advice of a qualified veterinarian.

I do not suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it!