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In regard to links throughout this Site, you may see a word that is underlined but NOT highlighted blue like a link, It IS a link and these are words that can be found in our Dictionary. In case  you're unfamiliar with some of the fishing lingo.

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Fishing Hooks

Anatomy of A Fish Hook
Eye   Point   Barb   Shank   Gap or Gape

How to Decide Which Fishing Hook to Use   What Size Hook to Use?   Different Sizes of Hooks   Types of Fishing Hooks   Fish Hook Shapes and Names  Colored Hooks  Which Hook For Which Fish?   What About Fishing Line?   Hooks and Bait Selection   Popular Fish Hook Manufacturers   How to String a Fishing Hook   Fish Hook Removal   Purchase Fishing Hooks

A fish hook is the device which goes at the end of your line that actually catches fish either by impaling them in the mouth or, more rarely, by snagging the body of the fish.

Care needs to be taken when handling hooks as they can 'hook' the user. If a hook goes in deep enough below the barb, pulling the hook out will tear the flesh.

Click here to learn How To Remove a Hook

If you have already been down the fishing isle at the store and seen that there were so many sizes and shapes and styles of hooks to choose from, you probably left the store, came home and googled "How to Decide Which Fishing Hook to Use".

There are fishing hooks with straight shanks, offset shanks and twisted shanks. There are wide gap, octopus hooks and circle fishing hooks. They come in thin wire, thick wire, weedless and wacky styles just to name a few.

With so many species of fish, so many sizes and styles of hooks and such little time, how do you pick the right hook for a specific technique?

There can be much confusion to choosing hooks. Having enough knowledge about these factors, their advantages and disadvantages will help you in using Fish Hooks effectively.

But we'll start you out on how to just keep it basic.

There are many questions to ask ourselves on what hook or hooks to buy:

What Size Hook Should I Use?

A lot of people may simply figure they either need a big hook or a small hook, depending on the fish they are pursuing. It's not that simple and we'll discuss more on hook sizes further on down the page.

What Is The Best Hook In Your Price Range?

When purchasing fishing hooks, don't skimp on the price. An inexpensive hook may seem like a good deal, but may often be duller, corrode more quickly and bend or break more easily. Ensure the manufacturer of the hooks you are considering has a good reputation for producing top quality products.
Here are a few of the top Hook Manufacturers

What Species of Fish Are You Targeting?

The species that you are targeting will have a huge effect on which hook you choose. Generally, larger fish require large durable hooks, and small species require small hooks. It is also important to keep in mind that some species have disproportionate mouths. For example, an 8" long sunfish will require a #10 or smaller hook, but an 8" largemouth bass could easily fit a 2/0 hook in it's mouth. Also, fish that can feel or see a hook easily may require a smaller hook than less wary species that will aggressively attack the bait.
What the heck is a #10 and 2/0 hook? We'll discuss the sizes and the mind boggling way of numbering hook sizes further down the page.

What Type of Bait Will You Be Using?

The type and size of bait will determine not only the size of hook, but also the style and shape of the hook. There are specially designed hooks for use with specific types of baits and lures. Again, We'll discuss the shapes and styles of hooks further down the page.

On this page we will explain the basics about fish hooks and which hook is best for your fishing needs.

Selecting the proper hook size and bait, and knowing how to fish it, can make all the difference.

Let's start off with . . .

The Anatomy of A Fish Hook

A basic fishing hook is shaped like the letter "j" and is made up of several parts. They are called the eye, the shank, the bend, the barb, and the point.

  • The eye is where you tie the hook onto your line. See how to tie a hook onto your line here. The eye design on a fish hook is usually optimized for either strength, weight and/or presentation.  Be sure to check the eye of the hook to be sure it is closed all the way. A hook with an eye that is not crimped all the way could allow your knot to slip off the hook while fighting a fish. There are different types of eyes to the hooks. Typical eye types include

    Ring or Ball Eye, a brazed eye-the eye is fully closed
    Tapered Eye to reduce weight
    Looped Eye which is traditional on Atlantic Salmon flies,
    Needle Eyes
    Spade End which has no eye at all, but a flattened area to allow secure snelling of the leader to the hook.

    Hook eyes can also be positioned one of three ways on the shank.

The eye of a hook can be straight (which is common in most bait hooks), turned-down (believed to increase hooking percentage as it directs the point into the fish) and turned-up (mainly used for snelled bait hooks).

  • The point is what you use to put on the bait, and what penetrates the mouth of the fish when it eats the bait. It's critical to keep points sharp, so invest in a file and use it often. Quality hooks are packaged extremely sharp and will keep a point longer than cheaper ones. To check if the Fish Hook is sharp, lightly run the point across your thumbnail. If it leaves some trace or scratch, then your Fish Hook is sharp.

There are numerous types of hook points. Some of the most common are:

Spear Point - the standard style. The point is in a straight line from the tip to the barb.

Hollow Point - A rounded point that forms a curve from the tip to the base of the barb. Intended for soft mouth fish, not the best for largemouth and smallmouth bass.

Rolled-In Point - The point is rolled in, that is, aligned in a curve pointing toward the eye of the shank. This puts it in line with the fishing line. The design is intended to reduce the pressure needed to set the hook.

Needle Point - Exactly what it's name implies, a needle point with evenly rounded sides. "Sticky sharp" out of the package but vulnerable to suffering rolled tips if they contact hard surfaces.

Knife Edge - used primarily for big game fish. The inner surface of the barb is flattened while both sides are ground.

  • The barb is shaped such that after the hook goes into the fish's mouth, it won't easily come back out. The barb influences how far the point penetrates, how much pressure is required to penetrate and ultimately the holding power of the hook.      Barbs can be positioned both below the point and along the shank of the hook. A barb below the hook point will both improve the chance of landing a fish, while also keeping live bait 'pegged' in place. Barbs along the shank are commonly used to hold threaded bait such as nightcrawlers. Many catch and release anglers pinch barbs with pliers or file them down for easy hook removal.

  • The Shank is the section from the eye to where the bend starts. Shanks come in short, medium or long lengths, and are a major influence of how a hook is used. Shanks are also either straight or curved. The shank of the hook is important for live bait fishing. The longer the shank, the easier it becomes for threading on bait like nightcrawlers. Elongated shanks also allow for easier hook removal.

    Short shanks are often used for finesse fishing when a compact hook and minimal weight are critical to a successful presentation, like micro plastic smallmouth tactics or live bait fishing with a leech. Fly fishermen prefer these for their small body flies.
    Regular or Medium shanks are the most common and used in an array of fishing situations.
    Long shanks are great for live bait and larger/longer artificials like plastic baits and spinnerbaits. Sometimes there are "barbs" cut into the shank intended to keep soft baits on the hook.

  • The gap  (or gape) is the size of the bend; the distance between a hook from the shank to its point. An average size gap will do in most situations, but sometimes a wide gap is needed. The wider the gap, the larger the bait you can use.

  • The bend of a hook is the curved portion of the hook that connects the hook shaft to the point. Although the hook bend is curved, the hook point and shaft are generally straight portions of metal that run parallel to one another.

  • Bite or Throat is the distance from the apex of the bend to its intersection with the gape.

How to Decide Which Fishing Hook to Use

The choice of hook depends on several issues. Obviously, the smaller the fish, the smaller the hook required. You also have to take into consideration that line size, fish species, type of bait, and fishing structure play a major role in hook selection. Quit panicking! We'll break it all down nice and easy. It all depends on the type of fish and the tackle you plan to use. Light tackle demands thinner hooks. Heavy tackle demands thicker hooks. And the size and species of fish determine the size of hook.

What Size Hook to Use?

A lot of people may simply figure they either need a big hook or a small hook, depending on the fish they are pursuing.

Generally, large hooks are for larger fish and smaller hooks are for small fish. You should choose a hook appropriate for the weight of fish you will be trying to catch.

Rule of thumb: you can catch a big fish on a small hook but you will be unable to catch a small fish on a large hook. So it is always best to opt to go with caution and use slightly smaller hooks to cover all bases.

So you're probably thinking that the guy that wrote this page just indicated that the best bet is to use a small hook and the reason made good sense, so why is the writer continuing with this topic? If that's the case; why are you still reading it? Because you want to learn more, you want to learn all you can about fishing. Well, there is more than just buying a small hook.

An experienced angler is knowledgeable enough to know which hook is the right size for the fish they are after. To the new, unknowing, inexperienced angler, fish hook sizes can be quite confusing as the numbering system doesn't seem to make much sense.

Different Sizes of Hooks

There is no uniform system of hook measurements currently in place.
There are no internationally recognized standards for hooks and thus size is somewhat inconsistent between manufacturers. However, within a manufacturer's range of hooks, hook sizes are consistent.

Here in the good Ol' US of A, the measures go from the smallest size 32 (which is barely large enough to hold between two fingers) and count down. As the number decreases, the size increases all the way down to a number 1 hook. At this point the number changes to a designation of "aught" or zero. A 1/0 (pronounced "one aught") hook is the next larger size to a number 1. A 2/0 is larger still, and this numbering scheme goes as high as 19/0.

The numbers represent relative sizes, normally associated with the gap (the distance from the point tip to the shank). The smallest size available is 32 and largest 19/0.

To Sum it up. 

The smaller the number, the larger the hook.
Smaller hooks are referenced by larger whole numbers (e.g. 1, 2, 3 . . .).
Larger hooks are referenced by increasing whole numbers followed by a slash and a zero (e.g. 1/0 (one aught), 2/0, 3/0 . . . ) as their size increases.

The size breakdown from smallest to largest fishing hook looks like this

All of these hooks come in a short, regular, or long shank version. The shank of the hook is the part between the eye of the hook and the bend.

Fish Hook Size Chart


This fish hook size chart above is based on Mustad's O'Shaughnessy Sea Hooks and shows the variation in sizes from a size 9/0 hook with a total length of just over 3" down to a size 8 hook with a total length of just over 5/8".

Do NOT use a Hook Size Guide Chart if you search for one on the Internet. Your Browser may not be at the right settings for an accurate description. If you need a chart of the sizes, I recommend you contact the manufacturer for a brochure.

Types of Fishing Hooks

It's not only about the right size hook, but probably most importantly is the right type of hook you need to think about.

Know which hook to use for the type of fishing you want to do. For instance, if you are fishing with live bait, some hooks specifically designed for that purpose have barbs on the shanks to help keep bait on the hook. When you use dough baits, a treble hook will hold the bait better than a single hook.

First reference to types of hooks would be the fact that there are single, double and treble hooks.

single hooks - a single eye, shank and point (typical fish hook)
double hooks - a single eye merged with two shanks and points
treble hooks - a single eye merged with three shanks and three evenly spaced points.

Some states make double and treble hooks illegal and also regulate the number of hooks that can be attached to one line. Get familiar with your State Fishing Laws by clicking here

Double hooks are formed from a single piece of wire and may or may not have their shanks brazed together for strength.
Treble hooks are formed by adding a single eyeless hook to a double hook and brazing all three shanks together. Treble hooks are used on all sorts of artificial lures as well as for a wide variety of bait applications. Trebles provide greater coverage for artificial baits such as crankbaits, jerkbaits or topwaters. Bait anglers also use trebles. Cut bait for catfish or threading minnows for trolling salmon or trout are examples where trebles are regularly used.
Double hooks are used on some artificial lures and are a traditional fly hook for Atlantic Salmon flies, but are otherwise fairly uncommon.

Fish Hook Shapes and Names

The following is not necessarily need to know information right now, but it is good reference material.
So . . .

You can keep reading, browse it over or Move On To The Nest Topic

Hook shapes and names are as varied as fish themselves. In some cases hooks are identified by a traditional or historic name, e.g. Aberdeen, Limerick or O'Shaughnessy. In other cases, hooks are merely identified by their general purpose or have included in their name, one or more of their physical characteristics. Some manufacturers just give their hooks model numbers and describe their general purpose and characteristics.

Fish hook shapes and names include the Salmon Egg, Beak, O'Shaughnessy, Baitholder, Shark Hook, Aberdeen, Carlisle, Carp Hook, Tuna Circle, Offset Worm, Circle Hook, suicide hook, Long Shank, Short Shank, J Hook, Octopus Hook and Big Game Jobu hooks.

ABERDEEN  These hooks, while primarily used in smaller sizes in freshwater, are also used by saltwater anglers. They are generally composed of a lighter wire than Siwash hooks. Unlike the O'Shaughnessy, it can and does bend. It can be bent back into shape several times before it becomes too weak. However, once a fish is hook and the barb has completely penetrated, this hook holds quite well. These hooks are modified with bends in their shanks for use in jig molds.
The Aberdeen hook is noteworthy for its elongated shank and wide gap. Mostly used with worms, minnows and larva baits, the Aberdeen hook allows for easy removal practices, as the shank is always visible for easy access.

This hook is popular for small-mouthed panfish. If introducing a child to fishing, an Aberdeen is a perfect hook to start off with. The long shank will help them get a "hands-on" feel for unhooking fish, and the baiting process will be easier than if using smaller-shanked hooks.

Eagle Claw 202F-3/0 Aberdeen Light Wire Non-Offset Fishing Hook, 40 Piece (Gold)

CIRCLE  Similar in appearance to the Octopus, the circle hook has a round bend in the gap, ending with a hook point that swings in towards the shank.

Many people who are fishing just for fun (not for the frying pan) make what is known as a barbless hook. With a pair of pliers, they mash down the barb. Though you don't always land as many fish, Circle Hooks are a lot more fish friendly and they make it much easier to release what you catch.

Perhaps the best innovation in hooks to come along, circle hooks promote healthy catch and release. The design of the hook itself, when used properly, prevents fish from being hooked in the gut.

Many anglers have a problem using these hooks because they require no hook set. If you do try to set the hook, it will generally come out of the mouth of the fish. These hooks are designed to move to the corner of the fish's mouth and set themselves as the fish swims away from you.

Gamakatsu Straight Eye Inline Octopus Circle Hook-Pack Of 25 (Black)

Anglers feel a bite and simply begin reeling, slowly at first, then faster as the hook gets set. Circle hooks have a pronounced circular bend, short shank and an inward bending point. 

This style of hook is an excellent choice for bait fishing and catch and release practices.

BAITHOLDER HOOK or BAIT HOOK  These hooks are designed primarily as "live bait" hooks. They are designed to securely hold natural baits in place, while also negating the nibbling practices that commonly occur when fishing night crawlers. (Don't get me wrong - fish will always nibble, but they don't have to always steal your bait.)

They have barbs on a long shaft which serve to prevent live bait from wiggling free. 

The eye is commonly angled forward toward the gap of the hook. Bait holder hooks are available in a smaller size 2 through a large size 6/0.

Bait hooks come in a variety of styles and are the white-bread option of hooks. Most feature barbs on the shaft to hold bait in place. Longer shank hooks are good for teaching kids to fish, while shorter shank ones are often used in snells.

Bait holder hooks are a great addition for any angler that routinely fishes nightcrawlers.

Bait holder's are one of the most popular hooks purchased. Many people select these hooks due to the word "bait" being visible on the package.


Gamakatsu 25 Pack Live Bait Hook

KAHLE  The curve on these hooks makes them ideal for live bait. Made from the same wire as the Aberdeen hooks, they will bend if hung on the bottom of some structure. However, once a fish is hooked, the design of the hook prevents it from being straightened.

Lazer Sharp L144F-2/0 Kahle Up Eye Offset Hook, 50 Piece (Bronze)

JIG HOOK  Jig hooks are designed to have lead weight molded onto the hook shank. Hook descriptions may also include shank length as standard, extra long, 2XL, short, etc. and wire size such as fine wire, extra heavy, 2X heavy, etc.

Gamakatsu Black Jig 90, Heavy Wire, Round Bend Jig Hook, 100 Pack

LIMERICK  The most versatile hook and one of the cheapest and most commonly used is the limerick. This is a straight shank hook with no offset gap and it is ideal for ganging. Limerick bend hooks were noted as best for hooking large fish on large hooks.

Atlantic Limerick Hooks

LIVE BAIT  These hooks generally have a shorter shank than other hooks. Whether that is to allow the live bait to swim more freely or to be less apparent to the fish is debatable. My vote is to allow the bait to swim more freely. These hooks come in regular and circle designs. Regular live bait hooks will be swallowed and result in gut hooks most of the time. Circle live bait hooks provide a greater chance for a good release.

Gamakatsu 25 Pack Live Bait Hook

OCTOPUS  (also known as Live Bait Hooks)  Octopus hooks are short-shank hooks that feature a round shank and bend, but it's not as dramatic as circle hooks. Octopus hooks are often used for bait fishing when minimal hook weight and size is essential for a natural presentation. These hooks are great for hooking a leech or minnow because of the wide gap and a short shank, which accommodates the size of bait being used.

For walleye and bass anglers, the Octopus hook is the industry standard.  

The round shape of the Octopus offers better hooksets, and most are made with thin material that minimizes damage to the bait. A turned-up eye also allows for easy snelling, a practice many walleye anglers rely on for bottom bouncing and harness rigs.


Gamakatsu 25 Pack Octopus Hook

O'SHAUGHNESSY  This hook is named for the specific design of the hook. It's a standard hook, forged with a very strong bend. This hook is relatively thick, very strong, and not likely to bend out of shape. Generally designed for saltwater, it is good for general bottom fishing use. Sizes range from #3 to as large as 19/0.

Eagle Claw 254FK-3/0 O' Shaughnessy Non Offset Fishing Hook, 40 Piece (Sea Guard)


SALMON EGG HOOK  The Salmon Egg fishing hook was developed for fishing with bait, but is now also being used for artificial bait. This is an ideal hook for use with artificial salmon eggs and other micro trout baits. Salmon Egg hooks are generally used by trout and salmon anglers using natural salmon eggs as bait. Fly tiers create artificial egg patterns to simulate salmon eggs and prefer the Salmon Egg hook style because the up-eye does not close off the hook gap and the angle of pull enhance hook-ups. Salmon Egg hooks have a sliced shank that keeps salmon eggs from sliding off. Laser sharp needle points penetrate quickly and are strong enough to handle the most demanding conditions

Eagle Claw 038 Salmon Egg Hook - 50 pack Size: 10

SIWASH   Siwash hooks have a long shank and a straight eye to ensure they sit properly on lures. Siwash hooks are often used on single-hook baits, such as spinnerbaits. They're also an excellent alternative to factory-provided treble hooks on spoons and other baits. These hooks are handy to replace treble hooks on hard-baits when fishing a zone that limit hook points on a per lure.

Gamakatsu 25 Pack Open Eye Siwash Hook

WEEDLESS HOOKS When fishing heavy cover such as tree limbs, logs, stumps, weeds and rocks, a weedless hook can save you a lot of time, money and frustration. Weedless hooks feature plastic or wire guards that stand out in front of the hook point. They help keep weeds from snagging the point, letting you fish vegetation a lot easier. Their name is misleading as they're not 100 percent weedless, but are better than a bare hook for fishing weeds.

Eagle Claw 449WA-2/0 Weedless Baitholder 2 Slices Non-Offset Hook, 4 Piece (Bronze)

WORM HOOK  A variety of Worm Hooks exist to fish soft-plastic baits. Worm hooks feature a slight bend just below the hook eye for Texas-rigging plastics to make them weedless. Most worm hooks feature wide gaps to ensure adequate clearance for the point to penetrate a fish's yap when setting the hook with a bulky plastic offering. These hooks are quite strong and feature solid penetrating power to hook fish.

Lazer Trokar EWG Worm Hook

The above hooks are just some common styles available. 
Yet there are even more specialized hooks available. Here's a look at a few:

DROP SHOT HOOKS  Drop-shot hooks are designed to be tied onto the line with a Palomar knot. They sit out at a 90-degree angle from the line, which has a sinker below the line and are rigged with finesse plastics.

Dropshot hooks are designed for dropshotting and wacky rigging fishing.

Lazer Trokar Drop Shot Hook

TOPWATER JERKBAIT HOOK  Topwater jerkbait hooks are similar to worm hooks, but have a wider gap. This ensures the plastic won't interfere with the hook set, but the shank and bend also act as a rudder. Some will have a bit of weight on the shank to boost casting distance and give the bait a rudder for improved action during twitching retrieves.


Eagle Claw Topwater Jerkbait Style Hooks

KEEPER HOOK  Keeper hooks have a small barb arm that connects to the hook eye. The barb is inserted into the nose of a soft-plastic bait. The hook point is stuck lower in the plastic body. This allows for a straight presentation that's also fairly weedless. These hooks are extremely popular for rigging paddletail swimbaits.


Mister Twister Keeper Worm Hook (Size 3, Silver)

DRESSED TREBLES  Dressed trebles (AKA feathered trebles) are simply treble hooks with feathers and tinsel tied on their shanks. These can be used to replace the back hook on hard lures like jerkbaits, topwaters and spoons. The feathers boost the bait's appeal, pulsating and flaring as the lure is manipulated.

Mustad Ultra-Point Dressed Treble Hooks Size/Color: 2; Red/Red (102RR)

Fly hook shapes and names

Fly hook shapes include Sproat, Sneck, Limerick, Kendal, Viking, Captain Hamilton, Barleet, Swimming Nymph, Bend Back, Model Perfect, Keel, and Kink-shank.

Colored Hooks 

Colored live bait hooks are becoming increasingly popular, with most companies producing product with vibrant hues and glow paint. But the question on many peoples mind is, "Do they really work?"

Some swear by it while others claim they make no difference whatsoever. It falls under the same principle as different colored lures; if something isn't working, switch up! They surely do not hurt. The only thing that I would say about red hooks is the hype given by the manufactures claiming that fish go after red hooks because of the sight of blood. Really? Fish don't see blood and say, "wow, look, I see blood!" No! As fish are very much attracted to blood; it's the SMELL of blood that attracts them - not the sight!

You be your own judge on whether colored hooks really make a difference.

Our recommendation for the best hooks for fishing would be the O'Shaughnessy, Aberdeen, Circle and Weedless Hooks.

Which Hook For Which Fish?

The solution is an easy one: 

Buy variety packs of hooks (this is an economical way to do it), or buy a range of separate hooks that will work for your fishing location. Begin assembling a range of hooks like the ones in the following figure, from tiny to large, and in a few styles. If you can, buy both J hooks and circle hooks. You want to be ready to catch whatever fish presents itself, with whatever bait is available and needed. Using a too small of a hook will result in swallowed hooks, making the hook difficult to remove and endangering the fish. A hook that is too large will look unnatural and may be avoided by the fish

 Look for hooks in sizes 4-10. Hooks with a long "shank" (the part between the eye and the barb) are easier to remove from fish with small mouths, such as sunfish.

Use a hook that fits the mouth of the fish you want to catch. Size 8 and 10 hooks are best for crappies, sunfish, and carp. Size 4 and 6 are good for walleyes, catfish, and northern pike.

If you get nibbles, but you are not catching them, switch to a smaller hook.

To get more information on which hook to use for a certain species of fish visit Our Types of Fish Page and choose the fish you are after. From there you will find all the information needed in catching that particular fish.

What About Fishing Line?

Your choice of hook type and size is definitely influenced by your line size. Eight-pound test line can only exert a maximum of eight pounds of pressure on a hook set. That thick heavy-duty hook will have a hard time penetrating the jaw of a fish with that little pressure.

Heavy line, say fifty or sixty pound test, can easily force that hook home. But a small wire Aberdeen hook will likely be bent straight without penetrating the jaw if used with heavy line.

The answer lies in matching the line size, the type of fish, and the type and size of hook as a package.

Start off with an eight-pound line with a 3/8-ounce jig head and a 3/0 Aberdeen hook. The eight-pound line is heavy enough and the Aberdeen hook is thin enough so that the hook set actually hooks the fish.

 There is a balance that has to be struck between hook size and anticipated fish size.

You can catch a twenty-pound fish on eight-pound line quite regularly. The line is not the problem. A good drag puts you on a level playing field when fishing with light line.

The balance is in the hook size. If the hook is too small, it will penetrate easily, but will pull straight even easier causing you to loose a good fish. If the hook is too large or thick, your light line can't exert enough pressure for the hook to penetrate, hence your fish fights for a second or two and then swims free.

Hooks and Bait Selection

The hook you use needs to be large enough to be able to hold the bait and hook the fish, yet small enough that it doesn't actually hide the bait!

Live bait hooks and Kahle hooks should be used for "live" bait. Choose the hook size according to the bait size. Don't get the hook lost in the bait, and don't kill the bait with a hook that is too large.

Popular Fish Hook Manufacturers

Eagle Claw

This company is a favorite amongst many anglers, and for good reason. They have a wide range of affordable hooks that perform as good or better than many of the competition.


Hailing from another primary fishing nation, Gamakatsu produces an extraordinarily well crafted line of hooks for both freshwater and saltwater conditions. Most often, anglers know Gamakatsu fishing hooks as a top choice for deep sea fishing, an art form the Japanese perfected centuries ago.


This company has been producing their Mustad fish hooks since the late 1800's. Mustad fishing hooks are for freshwater, saltwater and even commercial fishing purposes. The company's full name is O. Mustad and Son A.S. and they are based in one of the greatest fishing nations in the world: Norway. A Mustad fishing hook is known for being a quality implement no matter what specialty fish it was designed to be used for.


TroKar hooks are known for their sharpness and ease of penetration. They were designed in conjunction with a company that produces surgical needles in order to create an extremely sharp yet strong point.


This company is over 200 years old and one of France's oldest companies. Known for high quality fishing hooks, their treble hooks are standard fare on most high end fishing lures.

How to String a Fishing Hook

String the hook by tying an improved clinch knot. Pass the tag or free end of your fishing line through the eye of the fish hook. Pull five or six inches of line through the eye.

Twist the tag end of the line around the main line making six or seven complete wraps around the line. Hold the hook and both lines with one hand and wrap the tag end around the main line with the other. The hand used to wrap will depend on your dominant hand. Forming the wraps around the main line will create a small loop just above the eye of the hook that will be used later in tying the knot.

Continue to hold the hook and lines firmly in place with one hand, and with the other, turn the tag end of the line down toward the hook and pass it through the small loop formed in the line just above the eye of the hook. Do not pull the line tight at this point.

Feed the tag end through the larger loop formed along side the knot. This larger loop was formed along side the wrapped main line when the tag end was pulled down to pass through the small loop above the eye.

Moisten the knot and pull the tag end to tighten the knot down around the eye of the hook. Use a pair of scissors to cut excess line from the knot.

Trial and error are often the best teachers in any skill.

A Fish Hook is a very essential piece in your Fishing Tackle. As the name implies, its main function is to hook up the fish through its mouth or throat. With a purpose as vital as this, it would benefit you to keep good care of your hooks and invest in quality hard-ware and stock up on basic and specialized equipment to be prepared for a range of fishing scenarios.

Shop for Fish Hooks at Our FUNdamentals of Fishing Store.
Our shop has a wide collection of Fish Hooks in different sizes and types. 

Fish Hook Removal

The most common accident during fishing season involves hooks enlodged in something other than a fish - like you or somebody else.

Do yourself a favor and learn how to do this before you need it.

Fishing hooks are easy to remove with the proper technique provided it is NOT hooked in a serious part of the body.

If the hook is embedded in or near the eye or on the face - DO NOT attempt to remove the hook. Try to stabilize the hook if you can and seek medical attention immediately! All head injuries should be shown to a doctor. Keep your tetanus shots updated.

See Serious Injuries

Single barbless hooks are extremely easy to remove from fish and human flesh. Treble and barbed hooks will cause injury if the hook is ripped or jerked in the wrong direction.
You can remove hooks embedded in a reachable position but hooks on the back, head and ears will require an extra hand.

The Snatch Method

The best method that seems to be recognized by most experienced hook-remover professionals and even by some doctors is called the snatch method. No matter where the hook ends up this method works.

This method is quick, simple and relatively painless, as long as you get it on the first try. The thought is more painful than the extraction itself. The secret to a first time success is yanking the loop of line, which is wrapped around the embedded hook, rather hard so the hook comes out on the first try. The reason you should get it out on the first try is obvious, the patient might not stick around for a second try.

The snatch method of hook removal is simple and effective, It's the best method to remove a hook that's deeply imbedded in the skin and when the barb is buried.

To perform the snatch method when the barb is imbedded, all that's needed is a short length of fishing line, at least 10 pound test, approximately 2 feet long.

Remove the hook from the lure if a hook and lure are involved.

  1. Double the fishing line and loop it around the hook, as close to the skin's surface as possible.

  2. Hold onto both ends of the doubled line, wrapping them around your hand for a firm grip and holding the line parallel to the skin's surface in line with the hook.

  3. With your other hand, press the eye of the hook down onto the surface of the skin and back toward the hook's bend, as if trying to back the hook out of the wound.

  4. While pressing on the hook eye, yank the line sharply, parallel to the skin and in line with the hook, to snap the hook back out of the wound.

    The combined compression and pulling will release the hook from the skin without causing further damage to the flesh.

A word of caution!
 That hook will be traveling fast and looking for fresh meat, so don't put your own body parts in the direct line of its flight or you could be taking turns performing this little trick.

Disinfect with hydrogen peroxide. Apply a layer of antibiotic ointment to the wound to encourage healing and prevent infection. Bandage wound and check to make sure tetanus shots are current.

Hooks that cannot be easily removed from human flesh must be removed by a doctor. Monitor the wound after removal and visit a doctor if any signs of infection are evident.

Consider storing a small First Aid Kit in your Tackle Box.

Removing a hook from yourself using the Snatch Method

You can make this hook removal a one-person operation where the hook is in your arm or hand, or anywhere you cannot use your two hands.

Make the loop larger and hook the loop around something stable, immovable, like a tree trunk, then press down on the eye of the hook as above, and jerk your hand away in the direction shown above.

Bad Hook Removal Advice!

Some have recommended pushing a deeply embedded hook right through and out of the skin again, then cutting off the hook barb and point.
In general this is very bad advice. 
The further pain will make the area go into shock, you run the risk of puncturing blood vessels or nerves, it is extremely painful, and it is an all-round silly thing to do.

A fishhook injury is more serious when:

  • A fishhook is in or near an eye. Be sure to know first aid for a fishhook in or near the eye.

  • A barb can't be removed using home treatment.

  • Bleeding  is severe or can't be stopped.

  • The wound is big enough to need stitches.

  • Blood vessels, nerves, tendons, ligaments, joints, or bones are injured. Injuries to these areas may cause:

  • Numbness or tingling.

  • Pale, white, blue, or cold skin.
  • Decreased ability to move the area.

  • Signs of infection develop, such as redness, swelling, or pus. A puncture from a fishhook is often dirty from marine bacteria, which increases the chance of a skin infection.

  • Your tetanus immunization is not current.

Symptoms to watch for during home treatment

Call your doctor if any of the following occur during home treatment:

  • Numbness and tingling develop below the site of the injury.

  • Pale, white, blue, or cold skin develops below the site of the injury.
  • Symptoms of a skin infection develop, such as redness, swelling, or pus.
  • Symptoms become more frequent or severe.

Preventions from Getting Hooked

The following tips will help you reduce your chance of a fishhook injury:

Fish with single hooks rather than multiple hooks.
Consider using a barbless hook. It is safer for you and is better for the fish if you plan on releasing it.
Wear shoes, a hat, and other protective clothing, such as eyeglasses or goggles, when fishing and when walking in areas where people fish.
Look around before casting to make sure no one is behind you.
When you fish, carry a commercial fishhook remover, a large Kelly clamp, or sharp, side-cutting pliers.
When you go fishing, be prepared for a fishhook injury. If you are prepared, you may be able to remove a fishhook, which may prevent a serious injury and decrease your risk of infection.



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It is important that people who fish follow all fishing rules and regulations.
These rules help conserve fish populations and also help anglers be successful.
Regulations may limit the size of, number of, and season that a type of fish may be caught, and may require a license to fish. In some cases, only “catch and release” fishing is allowed, which means the fish must be let go. Some bait is illegal in certain areas.
Contact your state wildlife agency by visiting Our Rules and Regulations Page.

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If you have any hints, suggestions, techniques or anything that you would like to share or have me put onto this web page,
please feel free to Email me

Copyright © Jon's Images, Inc.
All rights reserved

This website is the composition of many hours of research. Information contained within this site has come from numerous sources such as websites, newspapers, books, and magazines.

No animals were harmed in the making of this site.

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Please be advised that the content of this site is a source of information only. The FUNdamentals of Fishing Website cannot take responsibility for animal welfare or actions taken as a result of information provided, and if in doubt you should seek the advice of a qualified physician or veterinarian.

I do not suffer from insanity; I enjoy every minute of it!