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Welcome to the 2001 National Scout Jamboree Site of T1035

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TROOP 1035
2001 National Jamboree Web Site

July 18-July 23 Tour of Washington, DC
July 23-August 1 Jamboree @ Fort A.P. Hill, VA

Unit Organization
Taken from page 8-10 of the 2001 National Scout Jamboree Troop Leader Guide.

Scoutmaster First Assistant Scoutmaster
(Troop Activities)
Second Assistant Scoutmaster (Physical Arrangements) Third Assistant Scoutmaster (Scheduling & Records)
Senior Patrol Leader Assistant Senior Patrol Leader
Quartermaster Scribe
Chaplain Aide Historian
Patrol Leader Assistant Patrol Leader
OA Troop Representative Hometown News Correspondents
Boy Scout

The Method
The patrol will be the functioning unit at the jamboree. Patrols formed into units under able adult leaders will be the jamboree pattern of organization. Duties of the troop staff are:


* Serves as the executive officer of the troop.

* Maintains policies and coordinates efforts of assistant Scoutmasters.

* Assists in conducting jamboree promotion rallies and in recruiting individual Scouts to attend the jamboree.

* Leads his participants in prejamboree training.

* Works through his assistant Scoutmasters, senior patrol leader, and patrol leaders to ensure fulfillment of their duties.

* Accompanies his troop to and from the jamboree.

* Does not move his troop outside the bounds of his subcamp except upon approval received from the subcamp director.

* Is personally responsible for the health, safety, and morale of his troop.

* By his example, serves as a role model for others to follow.

* Is responsible at all times for the proper behavior and conduct of the members of his troop.

* Receives a report from his senior patrol leader on bed check each evening after taps and reports those present, accounted for, or missing to the designated subcamp staff member.

* Cooperates with subcamp leadership at all times.

* Serves as a liaison between the troop and the subcamp leadership.

The personal leadership of the Scoutmaster is one of the most important factors in effective administration of the jamboree. Good judgement and sensible controls will help make many camp regulations unnecessary. You will be operating in field conditions and your leadership will be key to the type of experience your unit will have.

First Assistant Scoutmaster (Troop Activities)

* Serves as the troop leader in the absence of the Scoutmaster.

* Assists in conducting jamboree promotion rallies and in recruiting individual Scouts to attend the Jamboree.

* Participates in prejamboree training.

* Works with the assistant senior patrol leader in administering troop activities and participation in campwide events.

* Is responsible to the Scoutmaster for program and activities of the troop, including pageants and campfires.

Second Assistant Scoutmaster (Physical Arrangements

* Assists in conducting jamboree promotion rallies and in recruiting individual Scouts to attend the jamboree.

* Participates in prejamboree training.

* Is responsible to the Scoutmaster for troop physical arrangements.

* Works with the troop quartermaster in the issuance of supplies.

* Arranges directly with the subcamp equipment and maintenance officer for supplies.

* Working through and with the quartermaster and patrol leaders, trains and oversees the patrols in their tasks of drawing food and food supplies, preparation and serving of food, and cleaning up.

* Consults regularly with patrol cooks on the most effective ways to prepare daily food selections.

* Meets daily with the patrol cooks and firemen, giving briefings on food preparation and safety selections.

Oversees cleanup operations after each meal.

* Is responsible for the care and neat appearance of all equipment.

* Is responsible for transportation of personal baggage to and from the jamboree.

Third Assistant Scoutmaster (Scheduling and Records

* Assists in conducting jamboree promotion rallies and in recruiting individual Scouts to attend the jamboree.

* Participates in prejamboree training.

* Works with the troop scribe in handling of troop records and the scheduling of troop participation in jamboree activities.

* Contacts the subcamp activities director in handling routine matters.

* Encourages Scout news correspondents to send news to their hometowns.

* Maintains liaison with subcamp communcations officer.

* Responsible for troop first aid and contacts the subcamp medical officer on serious cases.

* Maintains the general morale of the troop, including distribution of mail and other communications.

* Cares for troop exhibits.

Senior Patrol Leader

* Leads patrol leader's council.

* Serves as the top boy leader of his troop.

* Maintains information on the whereabouts of troop members.

* Works diretly with the Scoutmaster in administering troop operations.

* Through the patrol leaders, is responsible for the appearance of Scouts with regard to cleanliness and proper uniforming.

* Maintains schedules within the troop camp covering reveille, meal hours, and other special assignments received from subcamp directors.

* Organizes all formations of the troop.

* Makes bed check at taps each evening and reports and accounts for all members of the troop to the Scoutmaster.

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader

* Acts in the absence of the senior patrol leader and assists the senior patrol leader as directed.

* Works with the first assistant Scoutmaster in administering troop activities and participation in campwide events.


* Is responsible for troop equipment and supplies.

* Works with the second assistant Scoutmaster for physical arrangements in conrolling the storage and issuance of all equipment and supplies belonging to the troop or issued to it at the jamboree.

* Maintains an inventory of all equipment and supplies and is responsible through the second assistant Scoutmaster for the return in good repair of all equipment to the subcamp equipment and maintenance officer and to the local council.


* Is the custodian of all troop records.

* Works directly with the third assistant Scoutmaster in handling registration procedures and in keep such records as required.

* Keeps the log of the troop and carries out other duties as assigned to him by the Scoutmaster.

* Assists the third assistant Scoutmaster in registering and helping Scout news correspondents.

Chaplain Aide

* Helps with troop program planning considering religious holidays and including religious observances during troop activities such as the jamboree troop campout and traveling to and from the jamboree.

* Assists in planning and carrying out troop religious activities.

* Tells troop members about the religious emblem program of their faith and how to earn it.

* Encourages troop members to live up to the ideals of the Scout Oath and Law and the Scout slogan.


* Takes care of troop trophies and keepsakes.

* Keeps a logbook about the troop's meeting and activities.

* Keeps a scrapbook of newspaper clippings and other items about troop's activities.

* Collects photographs from other troop members to make a photo album of the troop's activities.

Patrol Leader

* Represents his patrol as a member of the patrol leaders' council.

* Receives assignments for patrol members from his troop leaders.

* Informs members of his patrol of assignments and sees that they are carried out.

* Sees that patrol tents, equipment, and the area around the tents are kept neat, clean, and orderly.

* Knows the whereabouts of every member of his patrol.

* Gets his patrol to the point where the troop is forming and - when called upon by the senior patrol leader - reports and accounts for his full membership.

Assistant Patrol Leader

* Acts in the absence of the patrol leader.

* Assists the patrol leader as directed.

OA Troop Representative

* Serves as liaison for Order of the Arrow activities at the jamboree.

* Helps the troop's members understand the importance of the OA troop representatives in their home troop.

Hometown News Correspondents

* Hometown News correspondents will have the opportunity to share their jamboree experiences with their local media. The Hometown News operation is staffed with professional newspaper, radio, and television professionals who will guide the correspondents in creating professional news stories.

* Hometown News correspondents are selected by their jamboree troop leaders in conjunction with their local council.

* The number of correspondents selected is based on the number of willing media outlets in the troop's local area. Troops are encouraged to have more than one correspondent.

Boy Scouts

Scouts conduct themselves in strict accordance with the Scout Oath and Law, ensuring an excellent camp, splendid commendation from the public, and a good time for every Boy Scout and Scouter.


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