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Welcome to the 2001 National Scout Jamboree Site of T1035

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TROOP 1035
2001 National Jamboree Web Site

July 18-July 23 Tour of Washington, DC
July 23-August 1 Jamboree @ Fort A.P. Hill, VA

Information from your Scoutmaster

08/14/01 - I hope we will see everyone at the Jamboree Picnic on Sunday, August 19, 2001. It will begin at 1:30 PM in City Park, Upper Shelter. Each family should bring one main dish and a side dish to pass. Beverages will be provided. Please also bring dishware. See you then!

07/18/01 - On August 1, please check on flight arrivals with TWA to see if there are any delays in the return flight to Cedar Rapids.

The date regarding the potluck picnic following jamboree on the postcard was mistaken. The potluck picnic will be held on August 19 at 12:30 PM in Iowa City, City Park. Please bring one main meal dish to pass, along with another dish. Each family should also bring their own table service. Refreshments will be provided.

06/25/01 - In Washington DC, scouts will each be given a $10 food allowance per diem per day. Breakfast will be served at the hotel, however, as food is more expensive in DC, you may wish to budget them between $10-$15 more per day for meals. They will need to purchase a Metro Pass punch card for the week at $10 per card. Budget for a minimum of one card, however, each scout will most likely need to purchase additional rides.

All T1035 Scouts were given the "Scout Guide" booklet at our last meeting. Scout need to be sure to bring these guides along with them to the jamboree.

Each Scout needs to place $20 in an envelope which the leaders will keep until the last day of the jamboree (travel day) in case they have run out of money at that time. This way, every Scout will have a little money for food & snacks on their way back.

It was suggested at the last jamboree meeting that Scout place 1 pair of socks and underwear in their Daypacks which are carried on the plane with them in case their luggage doesn't arrive at the same time as they do.

06/25/01 - The flights and itinerary are now listed in our Travel section.

All scouts will need to now provide their own duffle bag. You need to turn in your combination lock numbers to your leaders as soon as possible. Also, if you have not turned in your "Code of Conduct" signed form, please do so immediately. Remember it needs your signature, your parents' signature, your Scoutmaster's signature before turning it in.

06/03/01 - This is not a recommendation but it won't hurt to check this out if you are interested.

Click here: Visa Buxx or

See you at the Jamboree, Gene!!


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