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Welcome to the 2001 National Scout Jamboree Site of T1035

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TROOP 1035
2001 National Jamboree Web Site

July 18-July 23 Tour of Washington, DC
July 23-August 1 Jamboree @ Fort A.P. Hill, VA


2001 National Scout Jamboree
Daily Program


Monday (7/23) Tuesday (7/24) Wednesday (7/25) Thursday (7/26)
Friday (7/27) Saturday (7/28) Sunday (7/29) Monday (7/30)
Tuesday (7/31) Wednesday (8/1)

Action Centers/Outback Centers/Exhibits & Displays
Jamboree Program Scheduling


Monday 7/23/01 7:00 AM REVILLE - Troops Arrive
7:30 AM Breakfast
8:45 AM Raise Colors-Staff
9:00AM-12:30PM Troops Arrive
12:30 PM Lunch
1:30PM-5:30PM Activity Period/Exhibits & Midway
6:00PM-7:00PM Supper
7:15 PM Lower Colors-O.A.
7:15PM-8:45PM Activity Period/Subcamp Activities
9:00-10:00 PM Evening Program/Troop Campfire
10:15 PM TAPS
10:30 PM All Quiet


Tuesday 7/24/01 7:30 AM Breakfast
8:45 AM Raise Colors - O.A.
9:00AM-12:30PM Full Program
12:30 PM Lunch
1:30PM-5:30PM Full Program
6:00PM-7:00PM Supper
7:15 PM Lower Colors-Southern
7:15PM-10:00PM 5-K Run
10:15 PM TAPS
10:30 PM All Quiet


Wednesday 7/25/01 7:30 AM Breakfast
8:45 AM Raise Colors-Southern
9:00AM-12:30PM Full Program
12:30 PM Lunch
1:30PM-5:30PM Full Program
6:00PM-7:00PM Supper
7:15 PM Lower Colors-Central
7:15PM-10:00PM Mobiliation for Arena Show
Arena Show
10:15 PM TAPS
10:30 PM All Quiet


Thursday 7/26/01 7:30 AM Breakfast
8:45 AM Raise Colors-Central
9:00AM-12:30PM Full Program
12:30 PM Lunch
1:30PM-5:30PM Full Program
6:00PM-7:00PM Supper
7:15 PM Lower Colors-Western
7:15PM-10:00PM Daily State Shows
Subcamp Activities
10:15 PM TAPS
10:30 PM All Quiet


Friday 7/27/01 7:30 AM Breakfast
8:45 AM Raise Colors-Western
9:00AM-12:30PM Full Program
12:30 PM Lunch
1:30PM-5:30PM Full Program
6:00PM-7:00PM Supper
7:15 PM Lower Colors-Northeast
7:15PM-10:00PM Daily Stage Shows
Subcamp Activities
10:15 PM TAPS
10:30 PM All Quiet


Saturday 7/28/01 7:30 AM Breakfast
8:45 AM Raise Colors-Northeast
9:00AM-12:30PM Full Program
12:30 PM Lunch
1:30PM-5:30PM Full Program
6:00PM-7:00PM Supper
7:15 PM Lower Colors-Southern
7:15PM-10:00PM Daily Stage Shows
Subcamp Activities
10:15 PM TAPS
10:30 PM All Quiet


Sunday 7/29/01 7:30 AM Breakfast
8:45 AM Raise Colors-Southern
9:00AM-12:30PM Religious Services
12:30 PM Lunch
1:30PM-5:30PM Full Program
6:00PM-7:00PM Supper
7:15 PM Lower Colors-Central
7:15PM-10:00PM Mobilation for Arena Show
Arena Show
10:15 PM TAPS
10:30 PM All Quiet


Monday 7/30/01 7:30 AM Breakfast
8:45 AM Raise Colors-Central
9:00AM-12:30PM Full Program
12:30 PM Lunch
1:30PM-5:30PM Full Program
6:00PM-7:00PM Supper
7:15 PM Lower Colors-Western
7:15PM-10:00PM Daily Stage Shows
Subcamp Activities
10:15 PM TAPS
10:30 PM All Quiet


Tuesday 7/31/01 7:30 AM Breakfast
8:45 AM Raise Colors-Western
9:00AM-12:30PM Full Program
12:30 PM Lunch
1:30PM-5:30PM Full Program
6:00PM-7:00PM Supper
7:15 PM Lower Colors-Northeast
7:15PM-10:00PM International Night
10:15 PM TAPS
10:30 PM All Quiet


Wednesday 08/01/01 7:00AM-12:30PM Troops Depart

Full Program Includes (Daily Hours: 9:00AM-5:00PM)
Begins Tuesday, July 24


Action Alley
Air Rifle
Buckskin Games
Confidence Course
Trap Shooting


Canoe Slalom
Canoe Spring
Discover Scuba
Fishing (5:30AM-9:00PM)
Kayak Fun
Racing Shell Run
Raft Encounter
Snorkel Search


Merit Badge Midway
Arts & Science Expo
National Exhibits
Brownsea Camp
Amateur Radio
Daily Stage Shows
Disability Awareness
The Outdoor Adventure Place (TOAP)
American Indian Village

JAMBOREE Program Scheduling

Activity/Identification Cards

Each region having its own action center makes it possible to keep event schedules simple. All registered jamboree participants will be issued a special activity/identification card. Don't loose them. These cards will be required for a Scout to participate in any event or activity at the jamboree.

The cards will be color-coded by region. A Scout with the appropriately colored card can participate in activities within his region's activity center. We will be using Action Center "B", along with the rest of the central region.

Ticketed Activities

Boating activities, scuba and snorkeling, and some special exhibits will also require a ticket. Tickets for these activities will be issued to troops on the day of arrival at the jamboree site. Ticketing will allow maximum participation while keeping the number of people manageable for the staffs of areas involved. Ticketing also helps Scoutmasters know who is participating in the activities so they can encourage Scouts to participate.

Subcamp Scheduler

Each subcamp will have a subcamp scheduler who will serve as a liaison between each troop and the jamboree scheduling group. This will be the first avenue of help should any scheduling problems arise. The subcamp scheduler also will set up a system for Scoutmasters to exchange or obtain tickets (as available) for use by Scouts.

Subcamp Activities

Subcamp activities will consist of jamboball, a 5K run, and other activities. Equipment can be checked out from the subcamp activities area. These activities should be informal, pickup-type events with no winners or losers. Interaction within and between patrols and troops should be encouraged.

5K Fun Run

Four 5K runs will be conducted simultaneously, one in each region, at 7:30 P.M. on Tuesday, July 24. The events are fun runs/walks; Scouts and Scouters are encouraged to participate, and everyone who completes the course will receive a recognition. Water and first aid will be available on each course, and the course will be free of moving vehicles. No special recognition will be given for the best times. Scouts who normally do not run should be cautioned not to overexert themselves.


Jamboball is exactly like volleyball, with a twist. The game is played on a square court, with two nets strung from side to side. Four patrols can compete at one time, and points are scored AGAINST the team who missed a shot, so the winners are the team with the LOWEST point after the four 7 1/2 minute quarters. Either one or TWO balls may be used at a time.


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