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Friday, 16 September 2011
Peace Principles...
Topic: Peace

   Peace-- its why I'm even here on the web. Its why I do anything other than the daily grind. I have hope that we can all (me too!0 awaken to what we need to do, and the vital urgency of doing all we can to heal this planet. 
          In that hope I am posting this.  

 Quite impractical, you might say. But building foundations doesn't always show immediate results.
  Its a process, and we can all be part of it right now. So here we go...
Principles for Peace:

Independent investigation of reality; Banishment of all prejudice.

 The Oneness of the world of humanity;

The Oneness of the foundation of all religions.

 The unity of science and religion.

 A universal auxiliary language; Universal education; Equality of the sexes.

 A Social Plan for Justice: The parliament of the human family;

 Action and a Plan for Universal peace.  

  From the Baha’i Scriptures

Posted by hi5/unite at 2:56 PM HDT
Updated: Monday, 19 August 2013 9:28 AM HDT
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Sunday, 19 October 2008
Principles of peace
Topic: Peace

 A Vision for Our World        


 Healing for our World rests on the following Principles:

 The essence of our being is Spirit:  the essence of Spirit is Love.
               Principles for Peace *       (Quoted from the Baha’i )
 Investigation of Truth 
       The first principle is the 
Independent investigation of truth. 
     " Each individual... must investigate for himself: he wIll find that Reality is one; All will find the same foundation  and all will be at peace. "
        The Unity of the Race 
     The second principle... proclaims the oneness of the human race. 
      "Ye are the fruits of one tree and the leaves of one - branch. All the nations, peoples and tongues are the branches, leaves, blossoms and fruits of this
great tree of humanity;  God created all; protects all; provides for all and is kind to all; why should you be unkind?.. All the creatures are equal in this one family of God save whosoever is more kind, more compassionate,  that one is nearer to
    International Peace
     The third principle is in regard to international peace. There must be peace between the fatherlands; peace between the religions. In this period of evolution the world of humanity is in danger. Every war is against the good pleasure of the Great Sprit*² of all... 
    Prejudice Must Be Forever Banished
     The fifth principle of peace is this: that. religious, racial, political and patriotic prejudice are the destroyers of human society. As long as these prejudices last the world of humanity will not attain to poise and perfection. 



 Equality of the Sexes.

        The sixth principle of
 Peace (as brought forth by Baha'u'llah) regards the equality of men and women. The male and female of the human kingdom are equal before God. 
   "'The world of humanity has two wings, one the male; the other the female. When both wings are reinforced with the same impulse the bird will be enabled to wing its flight heavenward to the summit of progress. Woman must be given the same opportunities as man for perfecting herself in the attainments of Learning, science and arts..."
   "When women participate fully and equally in the affairs of the world,... war will cease." 
 Peace amongst the Religions
       Was not peace (meant to be) the foundations of religion? It is time that these limitations and dogmas be done away with, that the foundation of the religion of God be made the means of union and good fellowship.
    "... religion must ever be the means of love; that is, if so-called religion be the cause of hatred and animosity, it is better to quit such religion. Irreligion is better than that so-called religion
      Every affair, every matter which in the world of humanity is the cause of love, that matter is good; but if it is creative of difference amongst the children of men, that matter is evil.
    The people have made religion the cause of warfare and strife, while the reality of religion is the cause of unity and love.
Religion Must Conform to Science and Reason
      This principle declares that religion must be in conformity to science and reason. If a religion does not agree with the postulates of science nor accord with the regulations of reason it is a bundle of superstitions; a phantasm of the brain.
      Science and religion are realities, and if that religion to which we adhere be a reality it must conform to the fundamental reality of all things.
    A Social Plan 
     ...whereby all the individual members may enjoy the utmost comfort and welfare. The degrees of society must be preserved...The farmer will continue to till the soil, the artist pursue his art, the banker to finance the nation. The degrees varying with the pursuits are essential. But in this plan there is no class hatred. Each is to be protected and ... to live in the greatest comfort and happiness. Work is to be provided for all and there will be no needy ones to be seen in the streets.
        * More  Resources for Peace, Unity, Spirit & Transformation at: www.HeartsAwaken.com 
    Universal Education.
     All the children must be educated so that there will not remain one
 single individual without an education.
    Universal Language
    Each nation should acquire the universal language in addition to its native tongue. The world would then be in close communication, consultation would become general, and dissensions due to diversity of speech would be removed.
   The Parliament of Man 
    This principle declares that there must needs be established the parliament of man or court of last appeals for international questions. 
     The members of this (arbitral) Court of justice will be representatives of all the nations. In each nation the members must be ratified by the government and the king or ruler, and this International parliament will be under the protection of the world of humanity. In it all international difficulties will be settled.
   A Universal Gathering 
    "If the rulers and kings of the earth... arise and resolve to dedicate themselves to whatever will promote the highest interests of the whole of humanity, the reign of justice will assuredly be established amongst the children of men, and the effulgence of its light will envelop the whole earth. "
    "The earth is but one country..."

   "This assembly, thank God, longs only for peace and unity, and must work with heart and soul to bring about a better condition in the world."

         Principles for Peace * as listed herein are quoted from Baha’i Scripture— Ab’dul Baha, Paris Talks   

 More  Resources for Peace, Unity, Spirit & Transformation at: www.HeartsAwaken.com    

   Freebies & much more & including .Truth-Seekers Sourcebook & Religion's Rebels Handbook     


Posted by hi5/unite at 8:30 PM HDT
Updated: Sunday, 11 January 2009 6:50 AM HST
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