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Sunday, 9 November 2008
The Greatest power on Earth
Topic: Unity



                 The Power of Spirit
                                        + the Power of Unity

  could equal = The Greatest power on Earth        

   The tapping of these forces, to their fullest capacity, must needs include:  

Religion:  Power of  Spirit,  Power for Unity   

  Religion has shaped history and built great civilizations; when used rightly, nothing can rival its potential as a supporter of Spirit and a unifier of hearts.  It has been key in unifying successively larger and larger units of society, from family to tribe, city, state and nation. It may well have a vital role in the next great Unification: that of Universal Peace. 


Religion’s Wounds:       Yet many have been cut by religions’ sword; heartbreak, abuse and ’god- competition’ are among its outward signs,  The wounds go deep and need attention. The name of religion must be redeemed; the faiths will have to prove themselves worthy once again of the trust of a nation.

A new healing is in the air--  For more on the   healing of religion go to


Posted by hi5/unite at 7:12 PM HST
Updated: Monday, 19 August 2013 9:47 AM HDT
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