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Sunday, 5 March 2006
advice, boundaries communication
Topic: Self Esteem

Its so great to be hangig out with folks who discourage advice giving.
It frees me to find my own path....

It is empowering to be believed in-- that one has ones own resources, versus the dis=empowering effect of being told ( in essence) "you aren't able to solve this-- you need my answers"...

And learning to share what I have to say in the context of my own experience has been challenging--- & very healthy for me-- Its taught me what "my stuff" is & to stay in that instead of jumping right into others' spaces ( a total natural for me) I had to learn the difference between what is me & what is you...
Its also taught me to step back & TRUST God... to take care of you-- doing this helps me do it in other areas, including having faith in my own future & the worlds'... Learning to "let go"..
Its also amazing to see what answers others find for themselves--- had i given them my answers I'd have missed out on their creativeness-- & what answers I learn from that.
I am so grateful to the "no advice giving" thing -- its really increased my rapport & communication skills with others.. Also my respect for them to find ther own answers & its helped me respect & trust myself too to find My own answers (with Hp of course), In Hps tiem... that It WILL happen, even if i dont see it happening right now....

Getting to see others grow without my (always frustrating) " fixing" is an ego minimizer & a faith boost...
Some food for thought.. Thx for your listening.
Hugs, Lucky

Posted by hi5/unite at 9:51 AM HST
Updated: Monday, 19 August 2013 9:56 AM HDT
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