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wufei chang

  Heero Yuy, Pilot 01
  Duo Maxwell, Pilot 02
  Trowa Barton, Pilot 03
  Quatre Winner, Pilot 04
  Wufei Chang, Pilot 05

  The Perfect Soldier, 01
  The God of Death, 02
  The Silencer, 03
  The Noble in the Desert, 04
  The Lone Dragon, 05
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Name: Wufei Chang.
Code name: None.
Meaning: 'Wu' is five.
Pilot: Pilot Number 05.
Gundam (mobile suit): Shenlong, called Nataku.
Age: 15.
Height: 156 cm.
Weight: 46 kg.
Hair color: Black.
Eye color: Black.
Blood type: B.
Most distinct physical feature: The painfully slicked back hair.
Nationality: Chinese.
Family: Wife Meirang (dead).
Home colony: L4 Colony.
Gundam Scientist: Master O.
History: Wufei was a scholarly warrior on L5 colony. He had an arranged marriage to a fiery girl named Meirang. She was a fighter as well, and fought bravely for her colony when the Specials attacked. The girl died in Wufei's arms. She had always called herself Nataku after a famous warrior, believing she was the reincarnation, and Wufei calls his Gundam that in memory of her. He had always mocked her belief, but after her courage in battle, he regretted his words. No one cames close to being as strong as she, thus his 'weak onna' cries. He seems to feel that Meirang's spirit infuses his Mecha.

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Lyrics to his picture songs.