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the Perfect Soldier,
Pilot 01 of Gundam Wing Zero


  Heero Yuy, Pilot 01
  Duo Maxwell, Pilot 02
  Trowa Barton, Pilot 03
  Quatre Winner, Pilot 04
  Wufei Chang, Pilot 05

  The Perfect Soldier, 01
  The God of Death, 02
  The Silencer, 03
  The Noble in the Desert, 04
  The Lone Dragon, 05
  Just communication:
  message board
  requesting signature

  link to the Perfect
  email GOD


set 1

0) Heero is a sexy bitch.
1) Heero, face shot, at night in a spacesuit.
2) Heero is offered a flower.
3) Heero, in fancy attire, with a half-smile.
4) Heero, head down, on a smeared background (looks like a reflection on water).
5) HEH HEH. Heero, smirking with a lethal weapon.
6) Heero, laying back on grass, laughing.
7) Full face shot, demonic gleam in his eyes.
8) Face shot during some fight, he is snarling as golden light hits his face.
9) Heero with a background served by his gundam and part of Libra.
10) Heero above his name.
11) Heero, fighting.
12) Heero strapped into his gundam, face and upper body shot.
13) Heero about to press the destruction button. Full face and hand shot.
14) Heero, sideways, about to shoot you.
15) Side shot of Heero in full Sanq attire.
16) Heero, his chest and arms bandaged.
17) Heero standing tall in half of a spacesuit, besides some info about him.
18) Heero, fist raised in determination.
19) Heero's face embossed on stars.
20) Heero, leg bandaged, about you shoot you.
21) Sideways face shot.
22) Main image.
23) Heero holding a small animal.
24) Face shot, looking determined again.
25) Collage of Heero images.
26) Heero in a spacesuit beside Wing Zero.
27) Heero, Heero's face, and Wing Zero.