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heero yuy

  Heero Yuy, Pilot 01
  Duo Maxwell, Pilot 02
  Trowa Barton, Pilot 03
  Quatre Winner, Pilot 04
  Wufei Chang, Pilot 05

  The Perfect Soldier, 01
  The God of Death, 02
  The Silencer, 03
  The Noble in the Desert, 04
  The Lone Dragon, 05
  Just communication:
  message board
  requesting signature

  link to the Perfect
  email GOD



Name: Adin Lowe, Jr.
Code name: Heero Yuy.
Meaning: Literally, the One and Only.
Pilot: Pilot Number 01.
Gundam (mobile suit): Wing Zero.
Age: 15.
Height: 156 cm.
Weight: 45 kg.
Hair color: Dark Brown, or Moss Green.
Eye color: Prussian Blue.
Blood type: A.
Most distinct physical feature: Delicate face and slender body.
Nationality: Japanese.
Family: None.
Home colony: L1 Colony.
Gundam Scientist: Doctor J.
History: All that is known was that he was raised by Doctor J from a tiny boy in footy pajamas. He has been taught to contain and ignore emotions and other troublesome distractions, like broken bones. Trained to do just about everything, and ignore any type of pain, Heero was make into the Perfect Soldier; a lean, mean, gundam-piloting machine in green spandex.

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Lyrics to his picture songs.