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the Silencer,
Pilot 03 of Gundam Heavyarms


  Heero Yuy, Pilot 01
  Duo Maxwell, Pilot 02
  Trowa Barton, Pilot 03
  Quatre Winner, Pilot 04
  Wufei Chang, Pilot 05

  The Perfect Soldier, 01
  The God of Death, 02
  The Silencer, 03
  The Noble in the Desert, 04
  The Lone Dragon, 05
  Just communication:
  message board
  requesting signature

  link to the Perfect
  email GOD



set 1

0) Trowa is a sexy bitch.
1) Large picture of Trowa looking serious.
2) Content and relaxed, looking sideways.
3) To-die-for in a OZ suit, sultry and dark.
4) Very good shot of Trowa's face.
5) Trowa's head is raised and looking over his shoulder.
6) Blending into the stars.
7) Hard and determined, Trowa's one visable eye glares.
8) Trowa's head and Heavyarm's head.
9) In a nice (and not normal) attire, Trowa sits on a motorcycle.
10) Standing beside Heavyarms in the night, shading his eyes.
11) Glaring at you, with his name, in a blue box.
12) Standing, with a little Catherine to one side.
13) Full shot, looking to the left.