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duo maxwell

  Heero Yuy, Pilot 01
  Duo Maxwell, Pilot 02
  Trowa Barton, Pilot 03
  Quatre Winner, Pilot 04
  Wufei Chang, Pilot 05

  The Perfect Soldier, 01
  The God of Death, 02
  The Silencer, 03
  The Noble in the Desert, 04
  The Lone Dragon, 05
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Name: Duo Maxwell.
Meaning: The male nominative form of 'second' or 'two' in Latin.
Pilot: Pilot Number 02.
Gundam (mobile suit): Deathscythe, and later, Deathscythe Hell.
Age: 15.
Height: 156 cm.
Weight: 43 kg.
Hair color: Med. Brown.
Eye color: Cobalt Blue, or Violet.
Blood type: B.
Most distinct physical feature: A very long braid. Estimated to be 10 kilometers long.
Nationality: American.
Family: None.
Home colony: L2 Colony.
Gundam Scientist: Doctor G.
History: Duo was a street rat on the streets of the poor colony L1 for the majority of his life. His parents died when he was young, leaving him to fend for himself. A church, with a kindly priest and a nun named Sister Helen (who despaired over his hair...) took care of him and helped raise him. He also belonged to a gang of orphan boys led by Solo, a strong leader about Duo's age. Solo took the nameless Duo under his wing, and helped him learn to live on the streets. When Duo was seven, a epidemic struck the colony hard. Antidotes were expensive, and there was no way the orphan boys could afford medicine. They tried not to catch the illness; but Solo fell sick. Duo, brave and reckles as always, stole some for his friend. Solo, near death, refused it, knowing it was too late for him. The older boy's last words were telling Duo they would always be together. Duo took his name in Solo's memory, and also added the name Maxwell, after the church that had helped him.

His gallery.
Lyrics to his picture songs.