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Welcome to my Website                              wavplay.gif (11810 bytes)   Name That TV Show

Take a walk through and let me know what you think.

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    To my old friends greetings, I'm alive and well and living in B.C. Send me some pictures or drop me a line.  

To new visitors, Welcome...I created this site to introduce myself but its now expanded to include Tech Support, Links,  News and other stuff.

But more its a means for all who visit to share a common interest and hopefully to share  a little more about your selves. Please leave an email and give me your comments.

Enjoy..and Thanks for Dropping In.....                                

                                                                                               Dave Cardwell



Explosions in Time

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Holger Pooten is an award winning photographer that has won many awards for his unique Ad photo shots and  has showcased his magical eye with "Explosove Gadgets" his latest offering in the world of the Photo Bizarre

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This photo is the scariest I've seen so far.

Please give to Tsunami Disaster Relief

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New DVR Machine

Check out this toy in the tech page

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What you will find here...


   The Gadget Den   

Buy cool Gadgets. New cool items that haven't

hit the market Yet at a great price.

Don't miss out..



Hobbies, MP3 Stuff, and my point of view




My personal pictures of family and friends


Film Work

My film career, photos and projects I'm working on


The Film Business

A guide for Extras to increase potential success in the Film Industry,

Listings for Talent Agents and Casting Directors

BC Films in Production



 Tech Page

Projects, Plans, and tech questions

"LCD Display Add-on for your PC"



Artwork by Judith Mathews



My favorite links, Movies, TV shows, Music, and  TV Guide listings


Neat Stuff

 Daily Horoscope, Comical Corner, Tarot Reading


Fun Surfing

Places to go.  Sorted by Category. 


Cooking Page

Recipes and tips from Chef Randy Guest. 


DC2000 Mini Stereo


A Miniature Multimedia System that really rocks