Last updated: 4/12/2002
This page can now be accessed by either https://www.angelfire.com/falcom/world1 or a easy to remember http://drive.to/mfp

Car of the month. Click animation.


This sight and its contents may not be reproduced or redistributed in any shape or form, for profit without consent from the owner/'s. If you wish to use this information on a non profitable basis, permission must be first granted by e-mail.
If it is to be used on a web page, or other document then there must be a link or some other statement referring it to the original owners.
NOTE: A lot of the information and pictures on this page have been taken with permission from other copyright internet sites, so you may need to ask the original owners (as well as me) for permission. If this is the case then I will direct you to them or they will notify me with their decision.


These pages are owned and maintained by me, Wayne Jones. I decided to create this site to document the progress of my current and future project vehicles. I am currently restoring a 1974 XB GT Falcon Coupe (Genuine GT Hardtop), a Mad Max Black on Black Interceptor look'a'like and  a few other minor projects.
This page will have information on my mates and other family members cars, I will also try to create pages containing detailed information on the vehicles of  the Mad Max Trilogy. I will try to put together a comprehensive guide to creating various Mad Max Vehicles. If anyone has any information or pictures please e-mail me.
From this page I hope to help others who are building  cars or are just wanted to know a bit about something.
If anyone finds any typos or mistakes please e-mail me.



4/12/2002 :

Finally after two years or so, Falcon World is back online. Ive added a page on the ZF/ZG Police Fairlane. Back in 2002 i also created pages on the two Chrysler Chargers, but have since lost them on one of my or my friends computers. Dont stress 2much ill redo them for all you Mad Max Fans out there.

10/7/2000 :

Sorry for the long time between updates, been very busy with school, ect. I have created a page on my Interceptor replica, sorry no pics yet. 5.7 Interceptor's blower switch page is now going to be a permanent page so i have changed the link under the Pursuit Special replication section. Now instead of going to my version of his page you go directly to his page. To see his sub page on the switch click here.
18/5/2000 :
Created a page on my bros first car a Mitsubishi Magna. Slightly updated the Ford Landau page with a bit more nfo on the objects mounted on the bonnet.
19/4/2000 :
The Pursuit Special section has had a total revamp, now divided into mad max 1 and mad max 2. New sections have been added to each and all of the existing sections have been updated.
Also a couple of sites have joined the queue, but have not added the proper .html to their site so i can not add them to the ring. Could the web masters of these sites please add the html, so i can add you to the ring.
1/4/2000 :
I have created a page on the Leyland P76 & Force 7. This page is part of a new section called, .....of the month. Each time i create a page i will make a animated gif relating to it, these animation's will appear at the top of this page and are a direct link to the section on the car article ect. All of the pages in this section will be reproduced from a magazine or other source, most of which were printed in the 1970's, so the road test will be compared to standard vehicles of that time not modern cars. Enjoy
25/3/2000 :
I (Wayne) have created a page on The Landau from Mad Max 2 aka The Road Warrior. This page is still under construction, that's where YOU help out. As i do not want to reproduce pictures from other pages on this, I need some one to take some screen captures of the landau for me. I would be greatly appreciated. So if you can please let me know.
23/3/2000 :
I (Wayne) have updated the Pursuit to Interceptor replication section. I have added more info the roof lights, and air damn. Please send one of us a picture if you'd like to see it as picture of the week.
20/3/2000 :
Hi, Its Wayne, im back on line now. I have created a section for replica vehicles, at this stage there is only one Mark Kemps, Pursuit Special. More to come soon, as well as updates to a few sections.
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Thanks to everyone who has helped contribute information for this page, either by allowing me use information or pictures from there sight or by notifying me of spelling mistakes and errors.
A lot of my information and pictures came from various internet sites,  those sites will be listed on the page which I used their information on.


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