Updates from: 1/1/200 to 15/3/2000


15/3/2000 : Hi, I went over my 250mb download limit and i was unable to update this page, Wayne has also exceeded his 300mb limit. Anyway it is updated now. Check the updates below for more info on what has been updated.

8/3/2000 : Hi, I have put mouse overs on every link and Wayne and I have shortened the update list and we put a previous update panel half way down this page. Anthony Wellum, Wayne and I have also added a webmasters page.

5/3/2000 : It my birthday and I am now 15 and Wayne is over now so we can work on the site

25/2/2000 : Well, I have created the alternate page and it is now available at http://members.xoom.com/falcon_world/nonpollindex.html and it will stay up for a while but I do recommend that you bookmark it as soon as possible. if there are any problems, feal free to e-mail me. On a more positive note, Wayne is trying to get some more pics of cars from the GT nationals held in Adelaide south Australia in 1999. but this depends on the availability of a scanner. Anyway I wont be updating this page for 3 day because of parties and other crap.

24/2/2000 : Hi, Andrew. After Wayne and I received several requests (one one offensive message) to remove a poll we put up, Wayne has decided to leave it up for a while. However for the people who have problems loading it up (weather it be a slow connection or an obsolete browser) I have decided to have another page which is identical to this but without the poll uploaded within the next 48 hours. Until then, the poll can be accessed from the sidebar and , depending on the results of the poll, next month a new flash web page will be constructed. Also some people have complained about the advertisements linked with this page. You will receive adds if you access this page from the 'Drive.to' shortcut. also some of you may have mistaken the poll as advertisement. Also the poll has no flash images or movies and flash can be downloaded from http://www.macromedia.com/ Thank you.

20/2/2000 : Hi, its me, Andrew. Wayne sent me the wrong files and it took me two day to find the right ones. But if your reading this then it has worked.

18/2/2000 : Hi, its me, Andrew again, again. I have added a small poll at the bottom of this page. it is about how many people have or know about flash. Over the next week or so I will add an Enhanced Site page with flash. I will also try to update this page everyday or so and I will try to add a Potd (Pic of the Day) and I have added my page Star Wars: Rogue Squadron 3D to the links section yet it is still under construction.

18/2/2000 : Hi, its me, Andrew again, Wayne hasn't fixed his uploading program yet so im doing it for him. Wayne has added his page to a sort of web ring see the link at the bottom of this page.
He has also corrected the information concerning the Dobros gauge, see Pursuit Special section.

23/1/2000 : Hi, its Andrew Purcell. Wayne's up-loading program is not working so I am updating his site. I have added animation to the side bar and corrected spelling mistakes. It should work fine but if anyone gets errors please E-MAIL me.

10/1/2000 : I have finished building the Mad Max WebRing, fill free to join it, but make sure you read all the info on the joining page before signing up.

2/1/2000 : Just added the page to a web ring, there for adding the banner below, it should be up and running soon.

1/1/2000 : WELL HAPPY NEW YEAR IF THE WORLD HASN'T ENDED, AND THE MARTIANS TAKEN AWAY THE LEFT OVERS FOR EXPERIMENTS. If that hasn't happened then you might like to check out the updates on my site. I have nearly completed the Pursuit & Interceptor section, all I need is some additional info and a pic or two, so check it out. Also added a section on the Dobros fuel gauge, and the indicator located on the Monza nose cone to the Pursuit Special section.

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