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My Thoughts Leaked OUT!

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Getting Personal
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May the peace of the Lord be with you.

God Bless the Earth

I apologize for all of the pop up advertisements on this page.  I use a Goggle Toolbar that blocks most of it on my end. I highly recommend it.  Maybe one day I can figure out a way to fund a server without advertisements. *UPDATE* 9-22-07 I realize this site has been up for a long while with no updates. Over five years actuallY! So much has happened and I have much to add. Be looking here for more updates soon. More movies I have seen, more spiritual adventures. PPS... 1/28/08 no updates still! Well this blog is easier for me to keep up with...

A most remarkably positive site  This site is geared towards basketball players, but it is a great site with great quotes and is a very positive site all around.  It is a great resource for anyone.

Fight Hate Check out a site called
10 Ways to fight hate.  Every hour someone commits a hate crime. Every day at least 3 homosexuals in America are victims of a hate crime.   My heart goes out to all the victims and their families.  If you hate then you are violating the most important law

Does God hate fags?

    Welcome to my personal website.  This site is not up to make a profit, except hopefully to build up the kingdom of Heaven.  You will find my journal here and some info about some movies I have seen.  

     I am reading a book called Feeling Good by David Burns, M.D.  The book seems to be a very good book so far.  It seems that through it I will learn how to defeat depression. It covers all aspects of depression: different medications, and how doctors don't quite understand all the mechanisms of medications,  cognitive therapy (identifying and changing negative thoughts and distortions), studies using  PET scans that measure brain activity, and what the doctors do know about medications.

     I am a Christian male that has grown up in a suburb of Dallas, Texas.  I have constantly struggled with my sexuality, yet I have not given up on Christ. I hope that sharing my struggles with the world might in some way bring more souls to Christ.  

    I haven't really reached many conclusions, that is what is so unique about this site.  At the present time I am attracted to guys exclusively, and I don't see that fact changing any time soon.  Well if I don't get a handle on this depression, it is going to change.  I won't be attracted to anyone.  It is something I feel I don't have control over and I think it is something that I and others around me need to accept.   

    However, I tend to straddle the fence.  This site can point you to interesting web sites about  how many different  people view homosexuality and how it relates to the Bible and how it has affected the lives of Christians like myself.  It also contains a journal of what I have been going through for the past year and one I am trying to keep up to date.