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Battledome Opponents
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» Automatic Challengers «

Flaming Meerca 40HP
Harry the Mutant Moehog 35HP
Robo Grarrl 150HP
Inflatable Balthazar 1HP
Highland Chia 58HP
Chia Clown 10HP
Punchbag Bob 0HP
Mootix Warrior 375HP
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» Easy Challengers «

» Ghost Lupe 32HP: Visit 131 Soup Alley
 Description: A once brave Lupe knight this ghost is restless, and desperately seeking revenge. He is easily angered so be very careful...

» Magnus the Torch 85HP: Visit the Volcano on Tyrannia
 Description: Living in the volcanic northern part of Tyrannia, Magnus has possibly the most powerful and fiery breath of all Scorchios. Watch out for that breath if you ever enter the Battledome with him.

» Tiki Tack Man 63HP: Visit his shop on Mystery Island
 Description: Tired of selling tacky merchandise on Mystery Island, this tribal shopkeeper sometimes ventures to the Battle Dome to try his luck!

» Spider Grundo 175HP: View his Gallery of Evil description
 Description: A freak mutation created in Dr. Sloths Laboratory, the Spider Grundo hangs around in his cave, looking for tasty morsels to eat...

» Jelly Chia 96HP: View his Gallery of Evil description
 Description: The Jelly Chia likes to bounce around, but be careful, if he bounces in your direction he is liable to flatten you.

» Ryshu the Nimmo 250HP: View the Training School on Mystery Island
 Description: A student of the Mystery Island training school, this Nimmo is sleek, graceful, and a dedicated warrior. Beware!

» Tekkitu the Witch Doctor 120HP: Take a Tour of Mystery Island
 Description: This is one techo you may not want to take your pet to when it is sick!!! Be very afraid of this powerful Mystery Island Witch Doctor!

» Mummy 42HP: Go here
 Description: The mummy is tired of prowling around the Haunted Forest and wants to test his skills against your pets!

» Grarrg 100HP: Go to the Tyrannian Town Hall
 Description: The Tyrannian Battle Master, Grarrg is truly a fearsome opponent!

» Kauvara 70HP: View her Neopedia Article
 Description: This shy little Kau runs the Neopian Magic shop that she inherited from her family. She is very stubborn and will not give up easily!

» Evil Sloth Clone 85HP: View the Moon of Kreludor
 Description: The Evil Sloth Clone is one of Dr. Sloths many creations. This minion sometimes thinks he is Dr. Sloth!

» Giant Ghostkerchief 250HP: View the October 31,2003 News
 Description: BOO!

» Plumbeard 260HP: View Academy Room 110
 Description: ARRRRRRRRR!

» Kastraliss 400HP: Visit the search page of Kastraliss
 Description: Appearing to be just a harmless ornament at first, this is one deadly challenger.

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» Random Event Challengers «

» Chiazilla 500HP: Random while refreshing the Ruines of Maraqua
 Description: Up from the depths, twenty stories high... CHIAZILLA. 300 metric tons of fear, and hes not happy...

» Koi Warrior 32HP: Random while refreshing the Ruines of Maraqua
 Description: This valiant Koi is one of the few remaining who still remember the glory that was Maraqua. He is willing to fight anybody in the hope of finding a valiant opponent worthy of his skill.

» Cave Chia 58HP: Random while refreshing the page 2 of the Cave Paintings
 Description: This prehistoric Chia is annoyed as a sabre toothed usul just stole his lunch. He is going to beat you up with his big club!

» Balthazar 230HP: Random while refreshing the Haunted Fairgrounds
 Description: Balthazar roams Neopia in search of faeries. Beware of this mystical faerie hunter though, once he finds prey they rarely escape!

» Giant Hungry Malevolent Chomby 350HP: Random while refreshing the Giant Omelette in Tyrannia
 Description: He's hungry. Very hungry. Does he eat Neopets? We aren't sure. Just don't get too close!

» Adviser Broo 130HP: Random while playing Dice-A-Roo
 Description: We all know who holds the true reins of power in Roo Island, and it isn't that simple-minded dice-throwing King.

» Boochi 15HP: Random Event, Boochi needs to fire his gun at you and MISS
 Description: AHHHH!!! Not Boochi!

» Commander Garoo 120HP: Random while refreshing at the Space Station
 Description: This Blumaroos mean temper, foul attitude, and utter contempt for other Neopets is just one of the reasons he is a major opponent in the Battledome!

» Count Von Roo 80HP: Random Event
 Description: This is not just any Count, it is Count Von Roo, and he is out to get some blood!

» Down For Maintenance Pteri 75HP: Random Event
 Description: MUHAHAHAHA

» Lab Ray Scientist 185HP: Random while at the choose a pet page of the Lab ray after you have collected all 9 pieces.
 Description: Did you try the Lab Ray?!?!?

» Lava Ghoul 61HP: Random Event
 Description: Erupting from the boiling lava seas off the coast of Mystery Island, the Lava Ghoul springs to attack! Beware his fiery breath!

» Meerca Henchmen 150HP: Random Event while refreshing at the Trap door
 Description: Malkus Vile's henchmen... beware of this duo!

» Pant Devil 21HP: Random Event when he steals one of your items in your inventory
 Description: Give him your pants and MOVE OUT!!!!

» Sabre-X 79HP: Random Event when in the Tyrannian Plateau
 Description: Sabre-X works in the war division of the Tyrannian Army. He uses his tusks to help him in combat

» Shadow Usul 175HP: Random Event when it steals an item from you
 Description: The Shadow Usul plans to use every tool at his disposal to defeat you. Yes, he can be very evil and cunning so watch out!

» Snow Beast 300HP: Random Event while refreshing at the Advent Calender
 Description: NO!!!!! Not the SNOW BEAST!

» Tax Beast 85HP: Random Event when the tax beast taxes your nps
 Description: The famous Tax beast.

» Black Pteri 89HP: Random Event
 Description: He sits and watches the world, and knows that THEY are coming soon...

» Turmaculus 255HP: You get him as a challenger IF he eats your petpet Here
 Description: Hide your petpet!!!!

» Vira 80HP: Random Event
 Description: What a horrible creature!!!

» Zafara Rogue 39HP: Random Event while refreshing at the Art Center
 Description: A crafty swordmistress who will relieve your purse of a few Neopoints without you feeling a thing!

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» Other Challengers «

» Edna the Witch 60HP: Complete one of Edna's Quests
 Description: Edna the Witch is going to use her magic spells to turn your pet into a toad (unless it is one already!)

» Kasuki Lu 38HP: Have the collectible card Kasuki Lu in your inventory and view it
 Description: Kasuki towered above other Chias when he was just two years old. Believing it was his destiny to be a Battledome champion, he spends all his time training.

» Meuka 60HP: Once your pet has the Sneezles or NeoFlu go to your Quick Reference page
 Description: Meuka slithers out of your Neopets nose and challenges you to a battle in the BATTLEDOME!!!!!!

» Sidney 84HP: Win a level 3 prize or higher at Sidney's Scratchcard Kiosk
 Description: Sidney spies a victim!

» Slug Monster 500HP: You must have slug flakes in your inventory and then refresh at the Slug Monster
 Description: UGH! What a slimy mess!

» Snow Faerie 105HP: Complete a Snow Faerie Quest
 Description: Living in her icy home on the top of Terror Mountain, the Snow Faerie rarely ventures out.. but rumour has it she has been working on some pretty exciting spells in the mean time!

» Space Faerie 450HP: Redeem a rare item code that you get from real life neopets merchandise Here
 Description: The Space Faerie has been honing her skills ever since the defeat of Dr. Sloth, and she hopes to win and carry home the grand prize!

» The Brain Tree 91HP: Complete one of the Brain Tree Quests
 Description: With its massive intellect, and rather sharp branches, the Brain Tree can defeat you merely by thinking about it. Be scared!

» The Esophagor 49HP: Complete one of the Esophagor Quests while not on a brain tree quest
 Description: Rising out of his home in the ground, the Esophagor uses his mighty bulk to flatten his opponents.

» The Snowager 650HP: Get Blasted by the Snowager
 Description: The Snowager is an ancient ice worm from the Neopian Ice Caves. It breathes frost, and is incredibly greedy, sleeping all day on its pile of treasure.

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