Universal Peace / Ultimate Reconciliation

Christ is All & All is In Christ

Dean Johnson Ministries proclaims a Christ centered Inclusive Universalist faith revealing the Ultimate Reconciliation and Oneness with God of All people.

There are discussions about The Mystery of Christ, Universal Salvation, The Comings of The Lord, and The Restoration of All Things. You will also find poetry, audio, and articles in several languages.

Quakin Friends suggests a Christ centered, Independent, Unprogrammed, Non-creedal, Inclusive Fellowship, revealing that "Christ is in All & All is in Christ". Meetings are Open and Participatory. Other meetings will start up anywhere two or three can meet with Christ in their midst. Spread the Word

House Church is people meeting in homes, keeping it simple. No name, no titles, no property, no corporation, no salaries etc. - just believers gathering simply, in His Name

URfriendly_Reflections is a New Personal Blog considering cherished values and practices. Walking in harmony and spiritual reality, we are able to pursue love and peace, value community, advocate equality for all, promote simplicity, and encourage cooperation and mutual respect.

The Mystery of Christ is an examination of the biblical basis for the belief that all creation will be united within Christ. The paper then concludes with a discussion of the implications of the tension that exists between this belief that God makes "all things new" and the doctrine of  eternal punishment.

Will All Mankind Be Saved questions the doctrine of Eternal Torment, and clearly explains why I eventually embraced the Ultimate Reconciliation of all mankind. Knowing that the journey to truth can be difficult, but worthwhile, I humbly present this paper to the reader. May our search be an honest one and full of truth.

Universal Salvation Audio Readings uses the Readplease text to audio reader to enable us to hear many of the articles from this site

The Comings Of The Christ considers the ongoing arrival of Christ in our midst. Our philosophical outlook of the future is optimistic. We are a spiritually minded people, now looking for a revelation of Christ within the Body, and a manifestation of the sons of God.

Theologies Of Universal Salvation:A combination of theories used to arrive at a comprehensive Inclusive and Universalist theology supporting the oneness of all.

Statements Of Faith: My Comments My faith statement is not about what I believe, but whom I believe, and about my encounter with the Divine. This page is subject to change as God guides into clearer truth.

Universal Salvation Vs. Eternal Torment looks at the lack of linguistic support for the doctrine of eternal punishment

Greg Considers Universal Salvation: An unbelieving friend responds to the some Universalist ideas. This is a candid response many Christians would find interesting.

Some Universal Salvation Links: Links about ultimate reconciliation and universalism

Chinese Translations Of These Pages

Japanese Translations Of These Pages

Well Known Universalist Texts

Universal Salvation Scripture

Quakin Friends: The All In Christ Network

Quakin Friends: Who Are We?

Christ Centered Friends

A Non-creedal Experience

Inclusive Fellowship

Unprogrammed & Participatory Meetings

A Faith in Universal Salvation

Who Is Christ: A Spiritual Reality

Starting A Meeting

Looking for Fellowship?
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Ultimate Reconciliation And Universal Peace

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Email Dean Johnson   Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada   allfulness at hotmail.com
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