<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> The Jaded Knights - A Star Wars Galaxies Player Association
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- The Production Faction -

The Production Faction is involved in the acquisition, refinement and production of raw materials into items, products, ships weapons and armor.
The prodcution of these items form the backbone of The Jaded Knights economy.
The Production Faction involves monitoring the mining, and production professions.
It is lead by Dragoon and Co-Founder

Production News

The PF is currently searching for individuals who have suitable professions to join up. They also seek indivduals and PA's who are interested in developing a close trade communication where raw minerals and finshed products may be sold and bartered.












The Jaded Knights 2003

(Best Viewed at 1024x768)

All the custom images and comments made by The Jaded Knights are owned by its creator.
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